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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. OK Guys, the first meeting will be held on: Saturday the 20th August, 11AM at: Groove Cafe 478 Ipswich Rd Annerley 4103 It is the cafe next to the arcade you enter to go to someone's shop. This will just be an informal meet and greet to discuss the club and the direction everyone would like to take it. Then, of course, a trip downstairs to LFS All welcome, please spread the word! If you are coming, please add your name to the list, so we know approx how many are coming... So far: Jarrod (Shadoh) Paul (Busman) Matt (Matt_95) Sarah (Pyrefly) could you please confirm if you are still interested in coming... thanks
  2. You've got a good memory Sarah, yep jealous fur betta #1 is Harvey. Fur betta #2 is my cat Maddy I won't even start on about my feathered bettas *lol*
  3. Welcome to the forum I absolutely LOVE your angels! One day I'd love to breed some black veiltail angels. I love the veils longer fins...
  4. Hi Sarah, I haven't seen a furry axolotl before Doesn't seem as smiley as the other kind. Might just be because she was sulking due to not having your full attention. My furry bettas do the same *lol*
  5. Forget the cardboard cutouts Ness, just hop into a huge express post satchel and come up here yourself. The days have been beautiful and warm lately You stood on bottles for goodness sake! You can't weigh that much. Believe me - if I stood on empty whiskey bottles (a)I'd be drunk and (b)I'd have glass shards and squashed bettas embedded in the soles of my feet *lol*
  6. I'm city way Matt. Closest station to me is Coorparoo.
  7. Venue at this stage will be at Groove Cafe (2/478 Ipswich Road Annerley) It is the cafe right next to the arcade you go down to LFS. I'll be making an official announcement early next week after a few things have been sorted. Watch this space :)
  8. Looking good! You don't have to own a betta, just have an interest in them (oh, and you can look at someone's fancy guppy and endler strains ) So looks like the 20th it is... :D
  9. Looking good there Roc. I've always wanted to convert one of the old style TV's with the wooden cabinte into a tank, so this is right up my alley Great to see someone out there working on something a little more unusual - keep up the good work :thumbs:
  10. Happy Birthday!!

    Have a great day :)

  11. Righto, due to Matt and Busmans requests (no-one else has put forward their availability as yet), it looks like it will be a Saturday afternoon around 2PM. 13th August or 20th August So who else is coming? So far it is Jarrod (Shadoh) Paul (Busman) Matt (Matt_95) Come on people! Let's show some enthusiasm!!!! *lol*
  12. OK people, we are almost there... We need 2 more IBC members to get Betta Australis up and running again... :D
  13. @Busman - noted on all counts ...Sorry Matt @Fishbites - Would be happy to have you on board... And, yes is is based here, but open to anyone :)
  14. So that's 1 for a Sunday... To become an IBC member go heremembership is $20 USD for 12 months...
  15. I'm more than happy to lead, as I am the one to bring up the subject (if everyone is happy with that...) I am a member of the IBC, so that is one more towards keeping Betta Australis accredited. someone, what do we need to do to join up? As I said earlier, I am looking at an informal first meet with interested parties. We could meet at the coffee shop along the strip of shops someone's shop is located. We could meet over coffee and have a chat about our goals and expectations with the club, then go downstairs for a "look" (ie:big buy up... ) at Fishchicks. Let's aim for the second (or third) Weekend in August. Leave your details regarding your availability here, and we'll try and settle for a day that will suit the majority. If you belong to other forums, or know of any "Betta" people that aren't online, spread the word! someone, your support is most welcomed and appreciated. Thank-you so much :)
  16. That's a nice pair you have there With this pairing you'll get dark bodied fish with red fins with varying amounts of blue iridescence through their fins and body. You won't get full ray extensions, but should achieve nice full finnage with varying ray reduction coming close to HM. If you were to breed 2 of the offspring, you will get some of the cambodian (lighter body) type back looking somewhat like the photo in the link you sent as well as better ray extension/webbing reduction. Good luck :)
  17. Found this one on ebay... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NEW-PENN-PLAX-BLUE-SUIT-AQUARIUM-DIVER-HOSE-1999-/270784787569?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f0c07f471#ht_500wt_922
  18. Awesome. Got waterchanges to do this afternoon, so will take some trimmings :D
  19. Just float the leaves in water? cool!
  20. Hey Les, you mentioned shocking Java fern into producing plantlets. Would you mind sharing the technique? I wouldn't mind giving it a try... PS: Hope your Dad is OK.
  21. No, neither one of my dumbos do that. I'd happily trade circle swimming for my halfmoon tail munching dumbo male *lol*
  22. Nope, sorry. I did a google search and found a pic of that one. My Uncle had the identical one in his tank when I was a boy. He also had a dog with a diving helmet ornament that used to "swim" around the tank with the diver.
  23. Yay! Got work done, passed my annual review and had my contract renewed for another 12 mths. On top of that, I survived a 1 on 1 2hr meeting with my boss and another 1 hr meeting with my boss and co-worker. So happy, I'm taking the afternoon off to rest, drink G&T's and pass out...lol

    1. little_troppo


      What do you do for work?

    2. shadoh


      I'm a medical illustrator (I create cool animations and 3D illustrations for medical textbooks and drug companies)

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