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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Extended red cambos don't have the cream body. You can usually pick them by their patchy incomplete masks and lighter red body colour. Extended red cambo boys are even harder to spot. I had close to a dozen of Busman's extended red cambo CT boys and didn't even realize what they were - just thought they were normal red with patchy faces... Didn't even work it out when we were pondering why only the females in the spawn were cambo and no males...
  2. Sorry to hear that Matt. I know how much you liked that pair. If you don't want to keep the girl, I'll take her, but if you want to keep her for your sorority, that's cool too :)
  3. Awesome... Well done I'm going for mine next month... I guess that answers one of my questions in the pm I just sent.
  4. Still have plenty of IAL, but good to know where to go when I need more I think it was just the female Black Orchid. I have the female Red Rocket jarred up waiting for you - don't forget to grab her on the way home. Think I might have to take only enough cash that I am willing to spend and leave the credit card at home, otherwise I will end up trying to buy half of someone's current stock. Some real beauties there... Thinking about getting one of the VT monster marble boys to put with one of my jewel beauties to continue the jewel line. Would be good to have at least 1 decent VT line in our collection All depends on size - my girls are now so massive, they would need a big boy to wrap them...
  5. 3 days to go people!!! ...so is anybody coming apart from Paul, Matt and myself? Can't wait!
  6. Welcome Shazza you'll find everyone here a friendly bunch. As Ness said, there is a pretty active betta scene in Victoria, so you are in luck! Hope you love it here as much as I do. Don't be afraid to ask questions - I've always found someone on here has an answer. And don't forget photos. There is a certain bus driving member on here who will cry otherwise *lol*
  7. Hi Ness. I guess it always depends on the temperament of the female bettas involved. I have vt, ct, hm and pk females and find the pks a little more territorial and vicious than the rest. Funnily enough, away from the sorority and in the spawn tank they are the most well behaved. Of course there is the odd exception. Hopefully you have a gentle giant on your hands. I can only imagine the carnage a pk twice the size of normal with an aggressive temperament could cause while my back was turned.
  8. One does. But none of the fry have the brilliant yellow of the dad I still love them and have chosen 2 males to keep back...
  9. 4 months on and I am happy with the job I did. I did away with the individual polytube outlet pipes, as they keep getting blocked. I have the airline tubing poked under the gaps into the gravel in each individual barrack. The water seems to be circulating properly and the waste is being sucked down through the gravel, under the partition and into the sump. I lost my pair of red rocket crowntails to dropsy this week, so stripped everything back and sterilized the lot. I replaced the gravel. All other fish in the tank seem happy and healthy...
  10. A quick shot of my homemade "spray bar". Excuse the gravel spilling out - I was digging around and moved the mesh I use to hold it in place and out of the sump...
  11. Thanks Paul. I had totally forgotten about that thread. I did away with the poly tube outlets as they were constantly getting blocked. I might revisit the idea one day when I have some time. I just thread the airline under each divider to pump in fresh water...
  12. Did a water change yesterday, so you will have to wait a week to see it "dirty" I don't think it would take much to adapt the eheim to filter ur barracks...
  13. I do a 50% Waterchance once a week. I don't need to clean up in between. Waterchange includes gravel vacuum and siphon of wastes sitting in sump. If you want, I can take a few pics for you...
  14. Option 2 is ultimately what I went for with my 10 bay display tank. There is a .5cm gap at the bottom of the divider that blocks the back of each bay to the sump. I added gravel in each bay and find that most of the waste gets sucked through into the sump at the back. I made my own "spray bar" out of pvc pipe and have lengths of airline tube pushed under the gap and sticking out of the gravel. I'm very happy with the water quality and the ease of cleaning...
  15. Went and had a look at the fish on Saturday. All looked good. Nice giants! Look out for some friendly competition next year! (one of my breeding goals) :D
  16. Welcome back Some nice Juvies you had there. Can't wait to see what you have now... If you are up for a drive next Saturday, us Brissie members are meeting to discuss forming a club and a visit to Fishchicks. Details are here...
  17. Thinking about giving the big ears pair another round in the spawn tank...

    1. DenningA.Rajit


      Hey shadoh, I'm thinking of giving the big ears pair a go. First time with this pair. I was just wondering if I paired the male big ears PK with a female Halfmoon, will it produce long fin half moon or will it produce more PK HM. Just curious cos I am having problems spawning my other breeding pairs I have here.

    2. shadoh


      Hey drajit82, you'll get all long fin because long fin is dominant. They'll all carry PK so if you breed the offspring you'll get 25% HMPK, 25% pure HM and 50% HM carrying HMPK. good luck...

  18. The quickest fix would be to just put one of your removable barriers just before the overflow. That should take care of it :)
  19. I like the design Rhys You'll have to keep an eye on any betta you put near the overflow resevoir that he doesn't jump or get washed over into the resevoir and get sucked down the drainage tubes and into the sump...
  20. Not sure about the bark Neffy - I have heard of the bark being used as well, so perhaps this has to also fall off the tree?
  21. Well done Amanda! There are a few of us with newly hatched fry this week... Must be something in the air :)
  22. I must be a betta addict (not a word Busman...), I'm heading into the RNA show for the first time in 12 years just to check out fish *lol*
  23. Hey Amanda, welcome to the forum! Hope you find it as friendly and informative as I do It's hard to tell the type of betta from your photos without seeing them flaring, but I'll give it a go... The first one looks like a metallic royal blue (hard to tell with flash) veiltail girl that is ready to breed (vertical stripes) Second one is a cambodian butterfly crowntail boy Third one looks like it could be an extended red cambodian crowntail boy Hard to tell the fourth one from that angle, but possibly a marble veiltail boy The fifth one is a nice multicolour veiltail boy The sixth one looks to be a multicolour veiltail female The seventh is a multicolour cambodian female - can't tell if she has ray extensions in her fins or not from the photo, I'm guessing veiltail The last one is a stressed out (horizontal stripes) red veiltail girl... PS - the copper pair weren't bred by us, but another forum member on here (Kermadum) - check out his fish, they are amazing :)
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