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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. I have two tail biters so know the frustration ... I didn't even recognize him from the video. I remember watching it and being impressed by his form...
  2. Sprite is a very handsome boy and he knows it . He reminds me a little of one of my boys I still haven't been able to breed. I hope you have better luck. Did someone tell you who the breeder was?
  3. Hope the Jewel Box family reunion goes well. I find the dragons to be a little feistier, so keep an eye on that one Is that corkscrew val in the sorority? I love the look of it and think it might be one of the main BG plants I'll be using once I change to NPT. Hopefully by next meeting, I will have the tank up and running and have plenty of photos to share (I love my new iPhone camera )
  4. Spiro is a beautiful boy (and he knows it ) he is a good quality fish for a Walmart fish well done!
  5. Hey Sarah, did you guys end up going to the other aquarium shop? Hope the state of their bettas didn't traumatize you.
  6. Wow! Very nice. I love her new look :)
  7. Wow! You have been busy Sarah! All the tanks look great. I meant to ask you today but got sidetracked, what kind of soil have you used in your NPTs?
  8. :drool: WOW!!! Forget the tank of Black Veiltail Angels, I want a tank full of those!!! I have an OLD book on Angels from the 50's where the only thing you could get was the basic silver with the black stripe. There is a page in the back where the author talks about a new variety that is being developed..... solid black... It was early days, as the trait hadn't been fixed, but you could really sense the excitement of this discovery. They have certainly come a long way :D
  9. Nice fish! The pattern/colour on his dorsal is very discus like (to me anyway.) Perhaps you could selectively breed to increase the irids and create a new strain :D
  10. Oh, as for the Jewels, I would imagine I would get red (which would then disappear on most fish), but not see yellow till F1
  11. Yellow is non red and recessive, so you are right there If spawned to red, you will only get red. Yellow shows up in the second generation as both fish (if from same spawn) will be carrying the recessive non red gene. As the dragons carry a red gene, when combined with the yellow non red, I should only get red showing up in the marble pattern. The second generation will show yellow, as the siblings will both carry non red... OK, I just confused myself. I hope I made sense :D
  12. Beautiful tank Yan I love your angels. I dream of a tank full of black VT angels That's the direction I'll head if I ever give up on bettas...
  13. Thanks for the offer Matt, but I have a nice new yellow dragon girl to use if I want to go down that track. I'm not 100% convinced I'll lose the yellow with a black dragon. The black dragons throw red, so I'll probably get silver/red/white marbled dragons first generation with yellow popping up in the next generation. OR I might just get crazy and put him with a Jewel Box girl and see what crazy combos I'll get :D
  14. Thanks! So many amazing looking fish being unpacked today. We really timed it right :D
  15. Since we are all sharing the love... Thanks to Busman for the Black Orchid girl. She really coloured up while we were out... This is my new VT boy. He is a Silver/Yellow Marble Dragon. My first idea was to spawn him with one of my Jewel Box girls, but I am now leaning towards putting him with one of my Black Dragon Girls to try and keep the dragon scales. Either way, it will make for an interesting VT spawn... And finally my Lemon Meringues... A pair of Yellow Butterfly HMPK Dragons... And to continue sharing the love... Thanks Sarah for the grindals! PS - Matt, check your PM's... I found you a pair at someone's :)
  16. A big thankyou to everyone who attended today's meet. It was great to catch up! A huge thankyou also to someone for taking time off from fishie duties on a busy Saturday and for your valuable advice. (and supporting my Betta addiction...) Watch this space for details of the next meeting.
  17. Don't worry Matt, we'll be thinking of ya! Busman, sure did. The dragons and yellows are in there too. Took a little longer than our earlier estimates.
  18. Today's the day! Merry Xmas people... *looks around in surprise that Busman hasn't already made a similar post*. Hope to see fellow Brisbane members there!
  19. That sounds like Matt If you have some grindals, I wouldn't say no... How much do you want for them? Your bank balance is only groaning? Mine is screaming!!!
  20. No Matt, it's the one and only.......... ...only kidding. If the interest is there I thought one meeting a month...(?)
  21. Get well soon Matt... One more day! Can't wait! I feel like a kid on christmas eve! Lol...
  22. Wipe those fake tears away, I posted an answer for you... *lol*
  23. There is a thread on this here... Back on topic, I think she is a beautiful girl and a real asset to any fishroom :D
  24. So sorry to hear that Sarah, I know how excited you were when you got him little shapeshifter...
  25. Looks very nice Sarah! Axies look so much nicer without the worms protruding from their gills. I'm afraid it will take me some time to get that image out of my head and get the warm fuzzies for them again... Salamander! Salamander! Salamanda! lalalala! Although his lifespan would be shortened, it would be a fascinating transformation to witness firsthand!
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