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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. :rofl: I went back through the video looking for the hookah... *lol*
  2. I just assumed your username was to do with your kids... now I realize it is the number of fish and tanks *lol*
  3. A friend came to visit with his new girlfriend last night. He called the visit to an end after seeing the look on my face after his new girlfriend commented that only bogans kept fighter fish....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. little_troppo


      I agree and disagree bro before ho's but not the good ho's

      What did you tell him

    3. Hazell


      Thats, just plain rude, If I were her, seeing you- I'd run.. Very fast.

    4. Guest


      grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr how dare she say that u should take her to jims and se what he says:)

  4. Now that's a nice, neat setup! Well done!
  5. Can't wait to see how he turns out when fully grown...
  6. Not having kept any of those before, I can't tell you if it is a good plan or not. I can tell you that it will be a pretty colorful tank As for working out the volume of your tank, why go to the trouble of all that hard work when someone has already done it for you? (the manufacturer)
  7. No... He is pretty but is a useless lump in the spawn tank. I won't try him again until the weather warms up...
  8. He is a beautie! I've heard about zebra oscars, but never seen one before. Wish I had more room for one (or 2)
  9. Thanks Mandz He would be around 7 - 8 months old
  10. Just thought some of you would like an updated pic of my HM marble dragon boy now he is starting to change again. He's starting to get a lot more red in his fins now...
  11. Love them all, but I'll join the chorus and tell you how stunning that orange HM boy is I really love how vibrant his colour is. A lot of oranges you see around these days look a little washed out...
  12. Sarah, he must be very happy in that nice big tank It's funny how some days you can't get them away from the camera lens and others all they want to do is get away from you and carry on with their secret betta business *lol*
  13. My barracks sump has 2 sections for filter material. I have charcoal topped off with filter wool in one (50/50) and ceramic noodles in the other. It seems to do a good job. Sponge would also be a good thing to use :)
  14. Happy Birthday someone! Have a great day...

  15. The giants are coming... :)

  16. Lemon Meringues in the spawn tank :)

  17. I bought them both second hand. Actually, both were bought from different members here on the forum. They turn up from time to time on ebay. Watch the classifieds section on here too... They are called Aqua One Betta Barracks. Perfect for growing out young juvies, but not ideal for adult fish...
  18. Wow! You're going to get a good mix out of that pair With any luck you'll have fry by the next meeting...
  19. Sarah, you have done well. I was also admiring the orange boy on someone's channel. Very nice indeed :)
  20. Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed the video :)
  21. Looking good! That betta is eyeing them off with intent :)
  22. Haha... The one person I ask for photos and it is someone who has a pair of my fish... Hope they are doing well I guess that just makes me more eager to see photos *lol*
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