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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Don't know why it didn't work for you mate. Here is the video anyway ;)
  2. I can't see why you can't use coarse foam. You may have to reduce the flow coming out of the taps, as they will drain a little slower. I clip a piece of plastic embroidery canvas over the outlet holes of mine if I think a fry is small enough to swim through...
  3. Now that is stunning. You may have just converted me :)
  4. Some real nice fish you have there Jim :)
  5. I sure do.... This girl... Just 1 problem. As luck would have it, she has been sitting on the bottom of the tank not moving much the past couple of days. I worried something is wrong. If the worst happens, I'll be on the lookout for a nice turq CT girl...
  6. Sounds like you need more light, Ness. As Matt said earlier in the thread, the lotus will probably melt, but will re-shoot. Did you end up potting it in some soil? It needs it. My advice is more light and either give your plants more substrate, or pot up the lotus and swords. That should help short term.
  7. @jha, Jim, I couldn't be happier with him. I am amazed by his finnage. Thanks LMF and Shrine. I can't wait to spawn this boy. I hope he passes on his billowing finnage :D
  8. Happy Birthday!!!

  9. I got him from jha. He has some amazing CTs :)
  10. I've had this boy for a few weeks now. He took a long time to settle in and has only just started to flare and show off his full finage Enjoy http://i1047.photobucket.com/albums/b471/ShadohBettas/6455ffa2.mp4
  11. Every time I open this thread I end up drooling So many amazing CTs - that aqua one is beautiful. So is the yellow, and the black/white, and... *lol*
  12. You better get a 3ft light to fit over the next tank...lol Any plans on breeding you fish in the future?
  13. Very nice setup Jennie. Love the dividers That's a very nice steel blue boy you have there. Is that your new Black Orchid girl in the section next to him?
  14. What a gorgeous pair! Nice form on the male. Good luck with breeding them - I wish mine would breed for me @Busman - that isn't the pair I was after - I wanted the blue pair. Shrine had already bought her pair before the meeting...
  15. With any luck Les we might have a nice line of CTPKs by then Those banana girls are just vicious - what did you do to them??? I'm sure my giants would love them. Will keep it in mind.
  16. If you don't have anything worth showing, I am sure there will be plenty worth buying Love your shrimp tank. When I get a free tank I might give it a go
  17. Beautiful new boy you have there! Love the cat looking at the tank with intent. I had a cat who would curl up in front of my old tank and would dip her paw in every now and again to get my poor Betta all riled up :D
  18. Haha! Thanks Sarah :D

  19. I have a loooooong memory mate...... Try and remember that one...*lol*
  20. Hey busman!!! That's bandwidth theft...hahahahaha
  21. Happy Birthday Neffy. Hope you have a wonderful day!
  22. Les, I think the theme comes from Axolotls being natives of Mexico... :)
  23. So cute! Good luck with them Sarah! :D
  24. *lol* Les. I was going to comment on your last comment, but couldn't keep it clean. Oh well...
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