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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Unfortunately, #2 jumped to his death. I will find and jar up a replacement... edit: oops...it was #2, not #1...
  2. They are very cute Sarah Lindo in my new favorite!
  3. Welcome to the forum! This place is a wealth of information I am constantly learning something new and the people around here are friendly Plenty of people breeding splendens here in Brisbane (not sure about imbellis, though I plan to get a breeding pair one day), and with the best betta specialty store in Australia (LFS) located here, you can't go wrong when wanting to buy good quality bettas...
  4. Thanks Sarah! Now that you have said that, all I can think of when I look at my babies is these: Hmmm... I wonder if they have a gooey caramel center too.... <_<
  5. To document the changes further, I have just jarred up another 3 fry - all roughly the same size. I have taken photos and will update again on Friday (2 days) All fish are just starting to get their next level of caudal branching, so expecting fin form to improve over the next week. I am interested in seeing how their base colour and overall appearance changes. Test subject #1... My big hope for FINALLY getting an orange fish from this spawn! Test subject #2... Love the yellow in the fins Interested in seeing how the irids spread and develop... Test Subject #3 Very similar to #2, but darker body and heavier irid layer. Will be interesting if #2 catches up with irid coverage...
  6. He'd be about 4CM now. He was about 3.5 when I jarred him.
  7. Not a lot of noticeable difference 3 days later... He has grown in size, however.
  8. Yep, mainly colour, though I can notice a slight difference in fin length and form. I'll have to take an updated photo of him for comparison :)
  9. Hey Sarah, take the camera off those fancy pants Bettas and show us your growing baby lotls! *lol*
  10. Nice tank They all seem very happy! Don't knock the generic youtube soundtracks, some are really good to put to our fishie videos :)
  11. Thanks for sharing Wayne. It looks as if it is compatible with my level of DIY skills I might give it a try
  12. Don't be jealous :alright: There's plenty to go around :)
  13. Yeah, his base colour deepened from brown to black. He is the new star of the fishroom :D
  14. Thought these photos would show the difference a couple of days of being jarred and carded makes for a juvie male betta. He was jarred mainly for size, but I did notice he was starting to get a little "nippy" with his siblings around feeding time. These photos were taken 2 days apart. The first on the day he was jarred, the next, today after a flaring session. His colours have deepened, his caudal spread has improved and I am sure I can see a little fin growth... 1. Taken 06/11/11 on the day he was jarred... 2. Today, 2 days later (please excuse the dirty glass)
  15. The boys are lazy gentle giants, but this female in particular is just vicious. Hope she settles down come breeding time. I think they are well worth it if only for the novelty value...
  16. She turned out to be a good match for the copper boy. Thanks for some great fish Jim!
  17. I've had these fish for over a month now, so thought it was time to show them off Bubba Diantha (She was a cellophane when she arrived ) Very hard to get a decent photo of her, as she is always on the move... How she looked when I got her... This is the boy who recently died. I had hoped to get a spawn out of him... Before people start calling the SFCA because my giants are in jars, they were only in there for 15 mins while I cleaned out their tank and took photos. They are messier than goldfish... *lol*
  18. Hey Matt, I thought I had posted on this, but must have been in my head. Not sure about Les, but I make my banana leaf tea for the bettas out of Lady Finger banana leaves.
  19. That would have felt good Have you shown Ray?
  20. I've got 1 more video of this amazing tank if anyone is interested. I can post this afternoon...
  21. Simple solution... Spa becomes a growout tank *lol*
  22. Got a few more videos if anyone is interested... Internet keeps dropping out tonight so don't know when I'll finish getting them up...
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