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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Sorry Harry, Busman claimed that one close to a month ago... I used 3D Studio Max to make the intro
  2. Hope you and Brenden weren't in Bunnings asking around for syringes Jennie *lol*
  3. Hahaha! You must have posted while I was typing out my responses. Oh, and Ness... It isn't the length of the fins, it's how they shake 'em!
  4. Ashlea, it really isn't all that bad...at least the weather is warming up, so heating the jars won't be such a big issue. Roy, thanks I don't usually jar for age, but size and/or aggression. This spawn was so slow growing, they are about 4/5 months old (sorry - feeling too lazy to check the spawn log ) As I mentioned in another thread, I had some space in the barracks, so threw in the biggest from the growout tank. More than half of these probably could have been kept in the growout tank a bit longer if space was tight. Ness, it's funny how different people pick up and are drawn to different things in fish. While I agree with you on #4's form, I find the caudal on #1 too rounded (at this stage anyway) He does have good deportment though... Thanks Sarah :)
  5. Thanks Jim. I can't wait until they have grown some more and show their true potential :D
  6. Hi all. I thought I'd start a thread to keep photos and videos of my recently jarred juvies all together in one spot. Saves people heading to several different threads to see them. Once my spawns are jarred, all further photos and videos will be posted here and the relevant spawn logs closed. First up, a video of the 21 fry I have jarred from the Orange Marble HMPK spawn. Quite a lot of coppers, metallics and part dragons popping up - all from the mother being a marble dragon...
  7. Cute little munchkins Sarah, thanks for sharing :D
  8. shadoh

    New Tank

    They are the tanks I use for spawning $20 is a good deal - mine cost me $29 each. So what are the pair you have arriving? Can't wait to see :D
  9. Don't forget the network of online dealers... Busman is forever posting on here thanking various members for the "weed".....
  10. I jar them using the water in the spawn tank. That way there is no initial shock. With the gradual trickle of water in the barracks, the fry get a slow water change. As for size, I don't sit there with a ruler and measure the fry. I just jar up the biggest. Next time I take a photo, I will put a ruler up against a jar so you can see an accurate representation of size...
  11. Felix, that's 3cm from head to tip of tail. I don't usually jar this early, but seeing I had quite a few spaces available in the barracks, I thought I'd fill them up As for posting your photos, it isn't hijacking, as you are sticking to the subject. Post away, I say! I'll happily ooh and ahh over any photo posted and I have been practicing! Seriously though, I'd love to see if someone has the same results...
  12. Some really nice girls you have there Jim. It makes me want to plant up my sorority even more now. What size tank do you have them in?
  13. Lol, how many are left? Won't the pet shop take them if they are short on females?
  14. Happy Birthday! Have a great day :)

  15. Sounds like a great idea Jennie. The one thing to watch is that the current isn't too strong when you get the canister hooked up. Females and Plakats seem a little more able to withstand stronger currents than the flouncy finned HM boys :)
  16. Had to duck into the spawn log for numbers (see the importance of keeping spawn logs up to date people?) I had 58 in this spawn. I have moved them twice at different stages of their growth. From their 25lt spawn tank, to a 40lt tank and currently a 65lt plastic tub. Don't know how accurate it is, but I put part of the blame of their slow growth on them having SBD early on in their development. They came good after a month, but during that time there was a complete standstill growthwise. There could have been other factors involved as you have mentioned above. This is purely speculation on my part. This seems to be backed up with my current much smaller opaque spawn with SBD. I do have to say though that given the extra space, the rungs of the spawn are catching up to the others in size. I feel your pain with the small female population of your current spawn Paul. I remember when reading your spawn log of your all female spawn wishing I could achieve the complete opposite - an all male spawn... They do say be careful what you wish for... My yellow marble HMPK spawn only had 6 females in total. Sold most early on, thinking there would be more in the growout tank only to discover one by one they declared their maleness and now have no females left. I think my new ideal spawn ratio would be 60/40 male/female... *runts not rungs...
  17. Jarred up another 6 today. I'm only jarring for size, not aggression at the moment. This has been a very slow growing spawn, but they do seem to have a dramatic spurt of growth once jarred. The biggest is still only half the size of a normal betta.
  18. As promised, here are the test subjects 2 days on... Male #1 Male #2 (technically only 1 day for this guy) Male #3 Their colours have significantly deepened. They haven't learned to flare properly yet, but that should only be a day or two away. These 3 are lovers not fighters...
  19. Is that a lonely little red Betta in the end barrack?
  20. I've had a Fluval 405 filtering my 4 foot tank for the past 7 years and it runs like clockwork...
  21. IAL is Indian Almond Leaves. A lot of betta keepers put them into their bettas water. They have antibacterial properties, soften the water and help make the bubble nest "sticky". They also release tannins into the water, which is what made me ask, as that would stain the gauze over time even if you couldn't see it in the water. Your water parameters are good, your betta is blowing a nest, so he is happy. Perhaps the new gravel had a small amount of dirt still in it which has been caught by the gauze and stained it. I'm grasping at straws here.... I wouldnt be too worried as long as the fish is happy and healthy... Lol @ Sarah, you got in before me... almost reads like a double post :D
  22. Hi Ray, do you have any IAL in the tank? If so, that is what is staining the gauze. Do you have a water test kit?
  23. #2 replacement is this red/copper boy...
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