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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Welcome Paige! I hope you enjoy the forum as much as we do :D
  2. Jarred up Busman's fish to take home and she dropped a bellyful of eggs! Grrr...

  3. Yay! the new neapolitan trio!
  4. She does look as full as a Red Rocket. I was more worried that she would turn out like your Orchid "Popcorn Bettas" If it is the water, it must be something recently added, as Busman and I are on a different water supply. Must be Busmans super water conditioner with added steroids... Never happened before I started using it *lol*
  5. She must have released more and eaten them, or absorbed them, as she is looking much slimmer and more active this morning.
  6. Nice Are his gills as purple as they look in the photos?
  7. Going to have to stop showing the recently jarred females their male neighbours. All the jarred girls are full of eggs. I was doing the late night/before bed feeds and noticed one of the juvie girls looking listless almost floating near the top of the barracks. She saw me and was startled and swam to the back of the barracks. the sudden movement made her release some eggs. It must have felt a relief, as she is acting a little more normally now...
  8. Some of the marbled females. No glamour shots in this lot. Fish were scooped out into a plastic container and were not happy. Stress stripes and fins not fully extended, but you get the idea... Round container distorting the shape... Looking at the ventrals on the fish in the 1st photo, looks like it could be a male.... hmm.....
  9. Whatever it says about you mate, it says the same about me. She is all I saw when I looked too. Had a closer look after Paul's comment and can now see the fish :)
  10. Very cute family! (in a slimy underwater lizard kinda way ). So does this mean Feliz is in with the big kids now? How exciting. I love his spots :)
  11. You kept pretty quiet about getting these . They look good. What are your plans for when you get a couple pair off?
  12. Thanks Paul. Yes, you are right the two main types are dark bodies metallics/coppers and cellos. I do have splotchy marble types in the growout tub they seem to start out as the dark bodied types. To add more to the mystery, the only ones that appear to be marbling are the females. Could this be a hormonal thing? Will the males start marbling later on? I am stumped, but enjoying sitting back and watching the show! :D
  13. Thanks Ness, no old flouncy drag queens in this lot, but plenty of sequinned "showgirls" Thanks Sarah, I'm really loving the orange too! Every day I see more coming through. Got a couple of yellows too Speaking of yellows, I might swap the partners of the yellow HMPKs and orange HMPKs over to see what I get If I can get some yellow marbles with metallic blue irids, that would be stunning :D
  14. Thanks Jennie, they're still a few weeks off and I have promised someone first pick. If he is still available after that, he is all yours :)
  15. Just for MT Syndrome.... The "pink" boy's true colours... This was #2 in last nights line up... A nice multicoloured cambodian My neighbour calls this colour "Golden Pearl" With or without flash, this metallic boy looks the same...
  16. OK, now I have daylight as ambient light to fill out what the light above the barracks doesn't reach, here is the true colour of the dark boy above without the flash... MT - He isn't pink. That is orange in his fins. I will try and get a more accurate daylight photo without flash...
  17. Thanks guys. Busman, you'll be happy to learn that the dark boy doesn't have one drop of red on him..... It is orange. I cannot capture the true colour in a photo. You'll get to see him next week. :)
  18. Hi Jennie, looks great Brenden did a great job!
  19. Thanks Sara - didn't notice the question...
  20. I can definitely see finnage growth in all of these :)
  21. He's definitely displaying himself better and his caudal extensions have grown, so his caudal spread is better I think it is just the way the light caught the metallics of his scales. Does he look lighter to the eye as well? I'm in love with your spawn. Such amazing blues and coppers You can also see that his masking has intensified...
  22. Great pair. I loves the look of them when I saw the video on someone's channel. Best of luck with them in the spawn tank :D
  23. Great setup you have there. You have some beautiful bettas. What is the plant you have floating on top of the females tub?
  24. Learnt at TAFE when I did my Diploma of Multimedia. There are also plenty of online tutorials...
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