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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Feliz is so cute (sorry Banana), Not only do you have neapolitan, you have a little lotl made out of cookies and cream ice cream *lol*
  2. In that case Matt, I have one of those in my office desk. The swivel thing should pull out, you put your cord through then pop the swivel cap back on :D
  3. OK, the damaged boy is metallic royal blue like the rest. He should look nice once his fins repair... Teal boy...
  4. Cool I've been missing the piece since I bought the tank. My flatmates at the time, thought they'd surprise me and bring the tank home while I was at work instead of it being delivered on my day off. One of the lid pieces broke while they were transporting it. I am toying around with the idea of ditching my hood and hanging the light.
  5. Just jarred up 2 new males. One has a little damage to his anal fin. It will heal. The exciting part is that they seem to have teal irids over a black base, black fins with a gold/yellow wash through them I'll wait a couple of days to let them settle in, learn to flare and destress and show their true colour...
  6. OK - decided on the light. I have chosen this one... Now to head to aquagreen and research some plants So excited! Anyone know where I can get some replacement glass for one of the lid pieces of my tank?
  7. Hey Busman. Hurry up and choose, my $$$ has been deposited to my account so I'll be placing my order this week sometime *lol*
  8. I've heard aquasoil is good and I'd be willing to pay the extra if I didn't have to fork out every few years to replace it... Perhaps soil substrate capped with gravel is the way to go... What soil do you use Matt? Was leaning towards black for the depth it would create...
  9. That's cool Matt. I'll keep an eye out for specials. I forgot to trawl through ebay as well. Who knows what I'll find... Trying to decide whether to paint the back of the tank (black or blue) or to get a plain coloured background. My previous background was forever falling off (even tried the oil trick) Maybe I should just leave it clear. Decisions, decisions...
  10. Mate, I haven't forgotten and will definitely be doing it. I'll let you know once the $$$ is burning a hole in my pocket and we'll put our order in Aquascape people, if I decided not to go with a natural planted tank, what sort of substrate should I be looking at? Maybe I need another trip to Fishchicks to pick Wolfgang's brain.... ( yeah, I know... Any excuse for a visit to someone's shop )
  11. Thanks Matt. Bamboo is a perfect alternative My budget won't allow me to go 6 or 8, but can go up to 4 tubes. Hmmm... Dwarf Cichlids, never thought... Saw some nice ones at someone's the other day :D
  12. My tax cheque is due very soon and I have finally decided to stop talking about upgrading my 4 ft tank and actually do it! First up, I need some help with stocking suggestions. Primarily, it will be a betta sorority, but I would like a few other types of fish. I was thinking between 5-7 corys, a school of glass catfish and a school of rasboras (or something else) Any other suggestions/advise? The numbers of female bettas will fluctuate as I sell/breed, but I will be keeping an eye on numbers and will keep any extras in another tank. As for the tank, I am moving from bare bottomed to substrate and getting rid of my castles and going for a nice piece of driftwood and planting it up and perhaps stack a few terracotta pots up as caves for fish to hide in. I have been thinking about going along the lines of a natural planted tank (low maintenance is ideal for what I want), but once again, not 100% sure as I find it a little limited in the types of plants. Plant-wise, I know it will all depend on my lighting. I am planning on updating my old T8's to T5's. I was thinking about buying this one: http://www.guppysaquariumproducts.com.au/florescent-light-fittings-and-accessories/t5-florescent-light-fittings-supreme-aqua/4ft-double-t5-54w-high-output-aquarium-light/prod_14.html What should I be able to grow with that. I love the broad leaf and corkscrew vals, so they are a must. I'd love a colourful looking feature plant as well. I've got plenty of java fern, so will be using that too. If I don't go the natural planted route, I want to do something low maintenance. Happy to go as far as DIY CO2 and minimal dosing. Filtration will be my Fluval 204 external canister filter. Thinking about a DIY spraybar that will go the length of the tank. If I go NPT, it will be used on the lowest setting for water movement and I'll have a sponge over the intake for extra biological filtration. Anything I've forgotten? Thoughts? Worries?
  13. Perhaps it is a good thing. From what I have been reading while researching for my tank upgrade, angels and bettas don't usually get on anyway...
  14. Who said HMPKs couldn't be flouncy? Love the orange "train" on the end of this guys anal fin
  15. Matt, there was a huge solid black veiltail angel in the back fishroom on the bottom shelf facing the door. He had 1 black and 1 white ventral Paul, I forgot to ask earlier when we were talking, how is the new CO2 diffuser working?
  16. It is looking so lush. Well done! You have any bettas left in there?
  17. Thanks Neffy. I usually use the flash on my photos, so it really destroys the true colours of the fish. Don't have to use the flash now I have tried without the mirror, but they won't flare or display without it. tried with the mirror at the side, and find that all my fish only want to flare side on to the mirror, so cannot get them flaring in the right direction. Same with 2 fish side by side. I'll be refining it as I go, but for now, you'll have to put up with blurry shots of my hairy hobbit like hands in the background of the photos *lol*
  18. Thanks Jim. I'll be putting it to the test later on today on some of the harder fish to photograph...
  19. Phone away... What's the worst he can do? Sack me? I'm heading to Byron tomorrow, it will just give me more reasons not to come back home *lol*
  20. Oh wow! He has grown some nice fins Love your crowntails!!
  21. Just thought I'd share the quick, slapped together photobox I made today. I needed a better environment to take the photos in. In the past, I have either taken photos of my juvies direct in the barracks or moved their container outside. While it has been fine, it has been hard to capture the true colour of the fish. I thought about a purposly built photo tank, but then you need to give the fish some time to adjust and settle into new water/tank and when taking photos of multiple fish, it can take forever... I have taped 4 pieces of foam together, lined them with black file dividers, added a mirrored back. The barrack cube sits inside, I can sit the barracks light across the top and drape a towel over the whole lot to avoid light reflections on the front of the glass. I gave it a test run and I'm very happy with the results! Now to do water changes and work out which juvies to list in the classifieds later on today...
  22. It looks amazing Yan! The fish seem to have settled in quite well. Well done :applaud:
  23. Sarah, forget farmer wants a wife... You need Farmer Wants a Fish Farm *lol*
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