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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Followed Wayne's instructions in the DIY section and made a spraybar to fit along the back to distribute current...
  2. Nice Here are some Tahitian names if you want to go down that path... http://www.tahiti1.com/language/language-firstname.htm
  3. Have you named them Sarah?
  4. shadoh


    WILDS! WILDS! WILDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah.... WILDS!!! Wayne, get in here and talk some sense into Busman - He has an empty re-scaped tank and he's not sure about whether to get wilds....
  5. Looks like he is pretty determined :D
  6. shadoh


    The rocks in the corners was only to hold the glad wrap down. The glad wrap was put on top to stop the sand from getting stirred up while the tank was filling. Rocks and gladwrap were removed once half filled as per the photos of the finished tank. The sand on the top layer is the Brunnings brand propagating sand (as shown in the 1st photo of substrate ingredients) bottom layer is unwashed layer of the same sand (has high clay content, so plants love it. Top layer is rinsed (to remove clay so tank water doesn't become cloudy...)
  7. shadoh


    Very nice mate I can see a pair of Imbellis living and breeding in there nicely :D
  8. Better put that boy under lock and key... Especially if he has a matching lady I can't guarantee that I won't try to kidnap them *lol*
  9. Any chance he jumped? My babies are good jumpers. I sold 2 on the weekend and put 2 new boys in the empty slots in the barracks. In the process, I forgot to replace the mesh I now sit over the top of the containers. The next morning, I got up to find that one had jumped in with the other and they had beaten each other up pretty bad...
  10. Looking good Sarah I was admiring the females red tipped dorsal, then noticed that the male has the same in orange Well matched!
  11. They sure are! How are they settling in?
  12. Looks like there might be a few nano shrimp scapes ready in time for the Christmas comp! :D
  13. If you are using the propagating sand to cap, make sure to rinse it thoroughly, as it contains a high amount of clay and will cloud your water. I'm going to be using this substrate recipe for my 4ft tank re-scape and thought I might set up a large shrimp bowl using the same substrate. Have a look at this article by Diana Walstad on setting up small bowls and tanks for shrimp. You may not want to set these up for shrimp yourself, but it may answer a few questions you have about setting up...
  14. Mate, I'll send you some photos later... :D
  15. Got over 100 stalks of belem for $15.50 I figure they will spread fairly quickly...
  16. Matt, if you could send it, that would be great. I'll take whatever you can spare, let me know how much, how to pay you etc, and I'll organise payment Thanks!
  17. OK... Kinda spaced out, found it all too hard and went on a random plant buying spree. I'm sure I can find a way to make it look good once here.... The lineup is... Eleocharis Belem Hemianthus micranthemoides Ludwigia Glandulosa Rotala wallichii Crypt wendtii "Tall" Nymphaea lotus "Red Tiger Lotus" Vallisneria sp. Hygrophila angustifolia Aponogeton ulvaceus Bacopa caroliniana Have plenty of Java fern from current "scape" I just need to get some mosses for the driftwood :D
  18. I step out for a day and Busman takes over If you could do the same with my other threads mate, I could almost have an AAQ holiday All valid questions that I would have ended up asking at one point or another, so not really hijacking.
  19. Wow... Good price. Unfortunately, I have already bought the sand from bunnings. I'll remember for next time though:) Got an order of waterlily seeds coming, so this will be a perfect mix for them. I even have plenty of pebbles here to use!
  20. Some cool suggestions guys. I'll be checking them all out later. All good concerning link. I belong to so many forums, it is hard to keep a track of which rules apply where. Got all ingredients for substrate, but will probably have to go back and get more. As I was walking in, some guy was walking out with 6 x 20 lt bags of coarse sand. I discovered once in there, he had taken the lot. I ended up getting 7 x 5 lt bags of propagating sand. Had no probs finding the marble chips (and, yes, I gave them the vinegar test when I got home) found a small bag of blood and bone as well. All up, it cost just over $45. Not bad... Was just thinking... Could I adapt this recipe to pot up water lilies for a pond?
  21. I'll have to look those plants up later Matt, but love the idea of moss rocks... Already have some nice shaped rocks in the tank begging to be covered I liked the substrate due to it's lack of mud... I can build sandcastles for my bettas to live in :)
  22. Thanks all I found a recipe for a sand based CO2 generating substrate on another forum. It is nice and cheap and seems to be returning good results. Don't think I am supposed to post links to other forums on here, so if you want more info, send me a PM and I'll send you the link. Matt, I have an electronic copy of that book, so won't need to borrow it. Thanks for offering As for the whip tails, I am still a couple of weeks away from stocking, but wanted corys. I'll check out someone's video, it might change my mind. As for plants, I already have a heap of Java fern I will be incorporating into the scape. As for anything else, I am clueless (first planted tank), so any advice is welcome. I know I want corkscrew val, a red tiger lotus for sure. Looking for a easy foreground plant or 2 as well. Don't want too many species, as I don't want it to look too busy, if you know what I mean...
  23. Looking good Jim. They must be a peaceful bunch, very few nipped fins...
  24. Picked up a beautiful piece if driftwood from someone today. I'm going to try to turn it into a tree using mosses and ferns. I'm getting my ingredients for the DIY substrate tomorrow and ordering/picking up all the plants next week. This finally seems "real" after 12 months of talk and no action
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