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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. In the meantime, you can fill a couple of empty softdrink bottle with water, freeze them down and float them one at a time in the tank to bring the temp down. If you use 1 at a time, you always have 1 ready to go in the freezer if needed. It's what I did last year to try and bring the temp of my sorority tank down. Got up to 36 deg before I noticed... Worked a treat. I have a friend who has converted an old bath tub into a goldfish pond. She does this every year to stop her fish boiling in the summer heat...
  2. Testing water parameters tonight and if all good, will be adding more females to play with the little dragon girl who has been playing in the new jungle for a couple of days...
  3. Hi Les, nice sorority tank you have there mate... Love the idea of having the plants in pots. It gives the girls somewhere to hide and a small amount of territory to stake out.
  4. Thanks Les! I ca T wait to see how it evolves either... I have to admit, in the 15 years I've had the tank, it is the best it has ever looked :D
  5. Are you using the new camera??? The photos are great! Just in time for the Christmas comp :D
  6. Hello there Panda! He's very nice Sarah!
  7. For Les... @ Busman, I'll probably add fish in a day or two - I'm in no rush. The inhabitants are enjoying the outdoor pond ATM. Plan is to move them back along with any females still in the orange marble growout. A week later, get some corys and add them and at the next Betta Australis meet, grab some glass catfish and a school of something from someone...
  8. Now why would I go and do a thing like that Les? It's not like I enjoy playing head games with people.... In all honesty, I'm surprised anyone noticed a small detail like that...
  9. Thanks Matt Got the spraybar hooked up. It is exactly what I was after - a barely noticeable gentle water movement...
  10. I was told on AL that any extra would be used by and welcomed by the plants
  11. Thanks guys! Now all I have to do is test out the new spraybar And set up the DIY Co2...
  12. Finally..... DONE!!! Yay! Now I can go to bed... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNofOwQM21Y
  13. keeping them long... I think it looks better. Will only trim if they are blocking out too much light.
  14. OK... Seriously, this time I'm stopping for dinner...
  15. There is a nice little cave at the base of the driftwood that some catfish would love Just washed propagating sand. I used 2 different brands, thats why there are 3 stripes of colour...
  16. apart from big ones at the back and little ones up the front, no Actually, I want to have some clumps of HM growing around the base of the driftwood. A path of hairgrass leading to the base of the driftwood. Red tiger lotus in the space on the left hand side. Java fern on the driftwood. Have to crypts I plan to put to the right of the base of the driftwood. Everything else will be worked out as I go...
  17. Um... thanks. Off to have dinner. Progress pic...
  18. I'm trying to spread it out to make a carpet. By thinning out the strands, I can cover a larger area Hey Matt, should I trim the hairgrass before I plant it?
  19. Nope. No tweezers, just my scissorhands... Now to separate the strands of hairgrass....
  20. Well Sarah, it has taken the better part of an hour so far to fill and I am at the half way mark. Good thing is that the water is crystal clear :D
  21. Still filling up the tank and about to go have dinner.... Too big of a job to rush (and I'm kinda enjoying stringing it out and leaving you hanging... )
  22. Just gotta fill it up, then I can start the fun part... PLANTING!!!!!!
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