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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. LOL... No planning here Ness, just a good eye on how to arrange whatever I buy when I zone out in an aquarium store Thank the gods for us artistic types :D
  2. PH back to 7.4. Hair algae growing as fast as I can rip it out. Going to try the H2O2 - I'm ready to try anything... I'm spending more time playing with the tank than I did when it was bare bottomed. Just got to focus on the end result when everything stabilizes and it virtually looks after itself :)
  3. Thanks Sarah I promise to make a video once the algae problem in the 4ft tank is under control... In the meantime, I might make a video of the Mahachai once they have settled in later on in the week :)
  4. Found this growing in a local waterway and thought it might look nice in my tank. Can anyone ID it and let me know if is safe to use? Thanks
  5. Thats fine. I just don't want to put something in that is going to die How much do you want for it?
  6. Will it grow in low light? If yes, I'll get it!!!
  7. If it's low growing, I'll get some. Got more than enough background stems Thanks Matt!
  8. Thanks guys @ Busman: It took forever to paint the back and sides and for it to dry between coats. Once done, I figured I had come this far, I might as well keep going... @ Wildnut: already onto it. I was frantically tearing the fishroom apart looking for spare glass to use as a lid. Found a good piece that I can use along with some gladwrap @ Fishbites: Damn, as I was planting the stuff, I was thinking "this stuff looks and feels a lot like mondo grass..." lol. At least it isn't wasted and can be moved into the garden. Was intending to let plants trail over the top but in the meantime, have duckweed and frogbit floating on top :D
  9. 7. Plant out tank... 8. Wait for Tuesdays meeting and pick up Mahachai pair from Matt Will post some better photos once sun is up...
  10. So, I set up my wild tank tonight. Here is what I did step by step... 1. Remove SBD Opaques from 1.75ft tank and throw them into outdoor tub. It's sink or swim time babies!!! 2. Clean Tank 3. Paint back and sides of tank to make the shy wild fishies feel safe 4. Add substrate (using the same sand recipe I used in the 4ft tank) 5. Fill with water 6. Attach Java Fern to driftwood and plant the tank
  11. That was the mother before she marbled into a metallic navy blue all over :)
  12. Now that you mention it, he does have that comic book hero look about him The blood orange and blue really contrast well together. He's one of only a few males that marbled in this spawn. He reminds me of his mother when I first bought her...
  13. Thanks mate, I'll keep that in mind :)
  14. Thanks Ness. I LOVE this guy. Unfortunately I have very little females and the few I put aside to keep for breeders have all sprouted late and turned out to be males. I guess I could always breed them back to the mother...
  15. Another male found lurking with the female juvies...
  16. What if I just threw in a heap of hornwart?
  17. Just spent removing hair algae off every plant, driftwood, exposed sand. I am so annoyed with the tank right now... I've just tested the water parameters. Nitrate & Nitrite still 0. PH has risen to 8. Should I be worried? Would the marble chips in the substrate be the culprit here?
  18. Happy Birthday Hai! Here's hoping your Macs celebrate with a new mouthfull of eggs :)
  19. Mate, I've got cramps in my thighs from digging my feet into the floor to stop flying out of my seat like a number of the other passengers did. I think he took great delight in trying to make the schoolies standing in the aisles fly as far towards the front as possible.
  20. @ busman weekend tomorrow so try and clear it up then. 1 other employee part time. She lives in the Redlands. Boss is a doctor, so practice staff there too Worth trip down the coast. Fancy restaurant and Xmas bonus. Mind u gold coast bus drivers have a deathwish @ Matt. Thanks I'll try it as a last resort. I take it fish will need to be removed...
  21. Not good. Hair alge covering sand, plants, driftwood and if the fish were still long enough, theyd be covered. At staff breakup lunch , so no further updates until I get home.
  22. I still find it strange that you had a cloudy tank for a couple of days when you did the same as me and mine was clear from word go...
  23. Les, you need to right click and save it to your computer, then upload it to your photobucket account and post it online the usual way :)
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