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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Mate, I'd be worried. I have read somewhere on the web that fleas can hold their breath long enough to develop gills and morph into water fleas. I don't know if there is such a thing, but I'd be looking for something like Frontline for fish. As for the tank, just re-plant and top up. Check the sand in the tank for cat poo, as he may have mistaken the sand for a litter box. Best of luck mate! :)
  2. It looks like they are settling in nicely! I LOVE that spotty girl Would love to see if the spots progress any further...
  3. Stunning Les!!! Can't wait to see it filled in :)
  4. I have a sponge filter turned on low for a little water movement in my wild NPT.
  5. Mate, the Margaret River Red somehow makes you easier to understand Not quite what I have planned for the comp. As for breeding back to the mum, I may not have to... Have a sale that fell through that has left me with 2 nice females there is always a silver lining to every dark cloud! Having said that, neither one of these boys are ones I am keeping for breeding...
  6. Thanks Sarah. Just a couple of shots almost used for the Xmas comp...
  7. WHat a huge improvement! Those crypts will come good :D
  8. Once morphed, do they still have the ability to re-grow limbs etc?
  9. DIY CO2 isn't that hard if you wanted to go down that track. I added it to my tank with the algae and it seems to be helping to slow the growth (as well as the H2O2 dosing) I may be imagining it, but I noticed a growth spurt in my tank this morning after 4 days with the extra CO2...
  10. At the moment they are in the settling in phase. Amazing to watch them swimming around together and not a nipped fin in sight. I am too used to the typical splendens carnage *lol*
  11. Thanks Les, the male is starting to feel a little more comfortable. I spotted him at the front of the glass a couple of times yesterday, but too shy to stay there if he spotted me... they both happily took bloodworms yesterday as their first meal. Let's see if they will take some pellets today. Shh, don't tell them I'll have some blood worms ready should they not like the pellets... The female had finally colored up last night and lost her stress stripes... At first I thought it was the male...
  12. Matt, do you want a triffid??? @Busman - I am really happy with this tank :D
  13. Yep, that's what I was referring to. Surprised you picked it up - I am sure I have collected an alien, man eating plant... In 2 days, it has gone from this: To this:
  14. LOL... Get some plants in that tank Matt!!!!! What are you thinking? *lol*
  15. Just to show how quickly my new triffid has grown... Full tank shot showing the new chain sword... Female Mahachai coming out to investigate... One more...
  16. @Fishbites - Wayne, sounds like the same plant. That's how it was growing in the creek I found it in. I'll see if I keep it under control, as I thought it might be a good plant for the male to build bubble nests under. Celebrity fish huh? Hope that means that they are used to paparazzi, as they will be in line for a photo shoot or two once they settle in @Matt, thanks again. As you say, they are a beautiful pair. I'd love for them to breed. I'll be keeping a close eye on them :D
  17. The new lily type plant has just about reached the surface of the tank in 36 hours. Scary. I might walk into the fishroom in the morning and find I need a machete to get through the door The tannins have kicked in and the tank is a nice amber colour. Planted some new chain sword into the bare patches in the sand. If I was a wild Betta, I would feel comfortable in there I introduced the Mahachai after the meeting tonight. The male coloured up straight away and the female is darkening up. I am sure she will be coloured up by morning. Both went straight into hiding once introduced. The female is more social of the two and is investigating the front of the tank while the male is busy finding spots to hide and retreat at the back I am very happy overall with these fish. Thanks Matt Hey Matt... Did someone say this pair of Mahachai was bred by Hermanus? I was out helping that guy push his car and walked in at the tail end of the conversation...
  18. Yeah, pretty much. That's what I used to re-silicone my tank. Next time though, I think I will go the way of a tube and gun. My fingers cramped up squeezing out the silicone to get a good flow *lol*
  19. It goes without saying that you will get a pair Matt I may be going crazy, but I am sure it has grown over the course of the day. It is reaching towards the surface.
  20. Sure thing Les I'm keeping my fingers crossed they breed for me :)
  21. I was just reading the bag. It contains 2.5% phosphorus and I have used 4 tablespoons. I've been doing a 10% waterchange each time I remove the algae from the plants/substrate while vacuuming it up...
  22. Les, you are right - I've got the plus. I was told it would work fine with the substrate and that the extras would be benificial, but now you mention it, it would be the Phosphate causing the problems. Grrrr!!!! Now what can I do???? I've set up another tank the same way and Paul has done the same on 2 tanks using plus as well :(
  23. Just spot dosed with H2O2. Big job considering 90% of the tank is covered. Algae is now bubbling away... :)
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