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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Shadoh's Tiki Oasis - The perfect tropical chill out zone. Sit back, relax and watch the plants gently pearl away while listening to the sounds of the islands and drinking a soothing rum based drink... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPHp8lyoyAI
  2. Looks great mate! Those are the before pics? Wow!
  3. Cool. Happy hunting. I think I remember you telling me that about cherries last time I saw you. I have my heart set on some chameleons though, so will go with those...
  4. What was the name of the blues someone had. I was trying to remember... Black Panther? Get a pearlscale albino. They look like zombies :D
  5. Get the some blues... Like this: Or this: Or both and cross them and I will buy all the babies *lol*
  6. Congrats Matt! Hope they grow well for you I'm not far off from setting up my shrimp tank. Going to go with some native shrimp though. That way I don't have to worry about a cooler.
  7. Fingers crossed it comes right... As I said, now i know what to do, I'm going to give it a go when it throws the next lot of flowers out. I've read that in ideal conditions they throw out flowers once a month...
  8. Matt I was just reading that my Apon (white flowered) needs to cross pollenate with another plant and that only the violet flowered ones self pollenate.... It should throw out another flower stalk in a few weeks time , so I'll try and see if it will self pollenate anyway. Worth an experiment, don't you think so?
  9. Hey Matt, great minds think alike. I was googling earlier on tethering multiple DIY co2 bottles together. I might try it when the current bottle needs refreshing.
  10. Thanks Matt, I know you'll always come in with some great advise I will give the ludwigia a chop as it is the only plant without sideshoots. I actually trimmed the HM back by a third I'll hang off from trimming that for now, as I want to use some trimmings for the wild tank next week when it is re-siliconed and ready to rescape. As for the apon, how do I propagate it? Please don't tell me by seed....
  11. Careful Les, he's a little snippy about photo requests today. You'll get a reply asking where your latest photos are and a vague promise to post some in a "few" days... :rofl:
  12. Thanks Les. For the headaches early on, the pay-off is worth it The only things I would change are - NOT using blood and bone plus and using the "original". Not making the substrate as thick (took my measurements late at night - in the morning it was obvious it was 2cm thicker than it should have been.) Adding more floating plants from the start until plants establish themselves and probably add DIY CO2 from the start. It isn't enough to sustain a tank this size, but it helped to combat the algae problem and a nice added boost to the plants...
  13. You aren't looking hard enough... Photos are up... Are you still going with the Val barracks idea to house your males? :rofl:
  14. Ok. Algae problems finally under control. Melting Val fixed itself. Crypts starting to take off. All in all, I am VERY happy with this tank I spent the day trimming back the wild forest and cleaning down the few algae spots and marks on the glass. Vacuumed up the dead plant matter from the floor of the tank (sorry Matt, I know I am supposed to let it and the mulm decompose to feed the plants, but I don't think it will make a lot of difference if I do it once a month.) Added some fresh water and it is now looking the way I wanted it to for the photo comp, but couldn't find the time. The flower on my Aponogeton ulvaceus finally opened just in time for christmas. Nobody found it as exciting as me. Oh well... The flower stalk before I cut it off. It was well over a metre long! Some random tank shots... Plenty more if anyone is interested...
  15. Highly recommend some corys for any tank with bettas, wild or otherwise. They make great tank companions, and as Wayne said - they are very entertaining.
  16. Someone has to say it..... Where are the photos? Great to hear it is all going great guns, even though the val is taking over All you people with angels and bettas... You know I have wanted angels since forever, but was too chicken to go against the rulebook and put them in the same tank. Well, I am almost ready to throw caution to the wind and get some. I'm feeling reckless and ready for some extreme fishkeeping :rofl:
  17. Hope you get it cleared up mate! Matt, you are a real asset to the forum with your plant/algae/bacteria knowledge :D
  18. Well done Ness. These things aren't easy to organize and get people interested. You've done a great job!
  19. Just found this in my tank. Should I be worried????
  20. Had a search for you mate. Couldn't find anyone selling it locally, but found some Frontline for Fish on a site in China. Has anyone seen something for sale locally like this? If not, they do ship. I might even get a pack to be on the safe side and we could share shipping. The label says that it is waterproof, so I think this should work. I wonder if you have to catch each fish and put a drop on the back of their neck like you do with the cat and dog stuff?
  21. Thanks Matt Paul, could you try and net out some of the water fleas for my fry? Ta!
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