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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Had bad visions of a tacky classic Star Trek set and dropped the can of glitter paint quick smart *lol*
  2. Great link Ness!!! It will come in handy not only to me, but to many others :D
  3. Put a baby aside for me Matt That lotus looks amazing! One day my red tiger lotus will be that size and producing offspring!
  4. Hey Les, yes, it will be a NPT with the sand substrate. Get the aluminium, it is only $2.94 a metre. It is what I will be using from now on to build/repair any tanks :)
  5. Thanks Wayne. I like the aluminium too. Looks very 50's sci-fi Don't care that these young whippersnappers thing rimless is the way to go. I'm doing it old school The charcoal would look nice. I've seen some painted backgrounds that graduate from a dark blue at the bottom to a pale blue at the top. That really adds depth. I almost bought a black spraypaint with glitter in it, but decided it was too over the top...lol
  6. It doesn't scratch the glass because you are using it flat against it. You would only scratch it if you started slashing it in frustration, and in that case, you shouldn't be around razors in the first place I like the darker colours because they make the plants stand out. If the tank is heavily planted, you don't have to worry about reflections... Good point Matt!
  7. I used acrylic paint first time around. This time I got lazy and am using spray paint You just scrape it off with a razor blade if you want to get it off. It comes off fairly easy :D
  8. I thought about it, but from looking at the one corner that wasn't covered up, whoever cut the glass did a pretty rough job and none of the cuts were clean and smooth. Believe me when I say it looks 100% with the corners. The metal looks nice and shiny. I like shiny things Probably similar to what I had in there. Mini Chain sword, HM, Val, my log with attached Java Fern and a few stem cuttings from the big tank. Maybe even a lotus (if I keep it under control and trimmed) With a painted background, you don't have to worry about air bubbles, or the background falling off. Here is what it looked like with the black painted background...
  9. Finished result... Once the silicone has cured, I'll give the tank a good clean and rinse, then test for leaks. If OK, I will re-paint the back and sides (blue this time) and have fun re-scaping and setting up the Mahachai in their new home!!!
  10. Well, after just over a week, I have finally fixed the leaky wild tank and re-vamped it slightly... After hiding it outside during christmas, the weather had made the paint crack and peel... It had also been missing one of the plastic corners from the day I bought it second hand. While I was at Bunnings, I found these metal corner thingies which were a perfect size, so I set about cutting 4 corners to size... There, they will look better than the original brown plastic I then set about removing the old corners and silicone and scraping off the old paint... At this stage, I was thinking about totally pulling the tank apart, but the panels were still strongly bonded, so decided to leave it as is. This may come back to bite me later, I guess time will tell. I re-silliconed all panels and created a nice thick seal, then applied the new corner thingamajigs, which hid my first couple of mistakes with the caulking gun...
  11. *lol* Fish won't breed, plants won't grow... might have to come out of my cave and get a life during the off season. Either that or hibernate for the winter... yeah! HIBERNATE!!!!!
  12. I've am now in the habit of putting yellowing Java Moss in a jar on the kitchen window sill until it greens up. Takes 3-4 days.
  13. Might have to keep a tub in the backyard to throw my trimmings into... THanks for the inspiration mate Could be a nice little sideline for Brisbane Bettas in the off season
  14. Just swap them over mate. Nobody needs to know they didn't get that way in the tank. :D
  15. Yeah, he likes to talk to the fish I laugh every time!
  16. Always good when they aren't fussy eaters They have a little more colour since the last photoshoot!
  17. Ness - I had given up hope that this topic would get back on track THANKS!!! I found the dosage online somewhere, but can't remember where just now. I'll hunt dosage down later as it will be handy to have on hand for anyone brave enough to make it this far through the thread... What I did was work out the maximum dose for my tank and measured it out. That way there was no way I could overdose. Then I used a syringe to spot dose the algae directly. Any left over went back into the bottle. Make sure you turn your filter off for 15-20 mins. Simple :)
  18. Happy birthday Matt! Hope you have a great day! Have a look for those blue angels at Jodis :D
  19. So excited, you had to say it twice, huh milkcrate? Yeah, I know - iPod. I've done it heaps with my iPhone too... The double posting.... not H2O2...lol
  20. I just remembered that I had promised someone (can't remember who it was now...) a video of algae bubbling after spot dosing it with Hydrogen Peroxide. To be honest, this algae wasn't really bothering me, but since I have been videoing the tank, it jogged my memory... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNNwwwhHCnw
  21. Just got a couple of Opaque ladeez to add (fishing them out of outdoor pond tomorrow Here's another video... I'm so proud of my efforts I can't stop showing it off. Also can't believe I resisted substrate and REAL plants for so long http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E93BTPDpWPo 'scuse my finger covering the lens for the 1st half *lol*
  22. It's the only way to shoot individual plants, you can't make everything out with a full tank shot...
  23. No, they looked more like the pinoy ghost, but with less intense blue. I think they were around the $24 mark. If you turn right as soon as you walk through the doorway, they are right up the end in the middle of the shelves...
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