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Status Updates posted by shadoh

  1. Sooo bloody hot in the fishroom/bar, I have cooler blocks in and the fan blowing over the water to try and get the temp down below 35 deg. Just discovered a dead fish and most are looking distressed. Grrrr!

    1. Sarah


      Sorry about the dead fish Shadoh. :(

      Hope you get get it down. Sometimes sinking the ice bricks (preferably over an air-stone) can help it get down a few degrees.

  2. Set up a blogger account to sell my fish from. Now just have to find the time to photograph the fish I want to sell...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Hey, you should make a button of your logo. It will display the HTML code underneath it, and people can easily link to your site.

      It is super easy - I do it in like, 10mins. :)

    3. shadoh


      I'm kina new to the world of blogging, how do you do it?

    4. Sarah


      This is the link I used first - http://freedomtobark.blogspot.com/2009/07/adding-text-area-box-to-display-html.html

  3. Just spent 2 hours trying to find which females have been shredding their fellow sisters fins. Discovered 2 males, just starting to sprout hiding in the turrets of the castle. Some of these are taking forever to mature. I thought I only had girls left in the juvie tank...

    1. Sarah


      What a shame.

      I really thought it was that pastel boy. Hope you caught them all now.

    2. shadoh


      Just caught a 3rd. THe only thing that makes them stand out is their long ventrals, which they kept hidden by keeping them tucked up. :) I know their game now...

  4. Happy birthday mate! Hope you have a good one!

  5. Ahhh!!! 4th juvie this week to blow out his tail!!!

    1. Hood


      Having a bad run mate?

  6. Setting up spawn tank for next spawn. Got sick of waiting for current lot to grow big enough for F2. By the time spawn tank is empty, current fry should be big enough for F2

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      That sounds nice. Interesting pairing, maybe you'll get another spawn of mixed-colours. :)

    3. shadoh


      I will for sure, as he is a marble. They both carry DT too!!! :)

    4. Sarah


      Wow.. I'm impressed already!

  7. Almost lost yet another of my juvies. Mr Lavender jumper the barrier into Jeckle's barrack and shredded him severely. I've lowered water levels to prevent it hapenning again and hoping that Jeckle will pull through and heal.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shadoh


      He seems to be more like himself today. Just have to wait for him to heal... Mr Lavender is sold, but I am "babysitting" him until Cathy comes back from holidays up north. I get to enjoy him for an extra 3 weeks!

    3. Sarah


      That's good to hear - both about Jeckle, and fishsitting. :))

    4. Hood


      Hope he comes good for you mate. No-one likes losing fish.

  8. This is not shaping up to be a good week. I've just gone to do today's waterchange of the barracks and Migaloo is dead :( He somehow wormed himself in between the glass divider and the opaque plastic I use to card them. Grrrrr!

    1. kermadum


      Oh no!! That's terrible.

    2. Sarah


      Oh I'm sorry Shadoh!

      That is such horrible news. :((

    3. delyall


      Oh no! Sorry Shadoh :(

  9. I left the lids off my adult bettas jars after feeding them yesterday. I went out then came home to find Pam had jumped into my PK boy's jar and he had killed her :( Note to self: ALWAYS double check you have put lids back on...

  10. U2 concert tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yanagi


      Looking for the like button, cannot find. Sadness.

    2. shadoh


      What a great night. Glad I went!

  11. All fish removed from barracks to bare bottom jars. Just found my yellow dragon female dead. Same as the others - no symptoms, water parameters perfect. Although they are in barracks, the water is not filtered via a sump, so they don't share water

    1. Sarah


      Oh Shadoh! That is such.. so horrible. Was the sand in with her?? If so.. you should take it OUT. Good they don't share water. I wonder what it is.

    2. shadoh


      All the fish have been in with the sand for the past couple of months, so I had assumed it was safe. Last couple of weeks I have had a brown algae appear in the barracks and have been scrubbing that off every couple of days. All my fish are now safely in jars until I can empty, clean and sterilize the barracks. Going to keep the floor bare from now on. Easier to keep clean anyway.

    3. Sarah


      Yeah, bare bottom is easier to clean. I would blame that brown algae. Good luck, I hope it won't strike again.

  12. Eric, the father of my current spawn died sometime today. Same as my crowntail earlier this week. No symptoms, water parameters fine. I'm getting worried. I've never used sand as a substrate before and i'm starting to worry it has something to do with it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shadoh


      Not that it should make a difference in this warmer weather, but I discovered I had left the heater off after yesterdays water change...

    3. Bettarazzi


      Go with your gut. If you suspect the sand, remove it.

    4. somchai2500


      I go with bettarazzi on this..The quality of sand being River or Ocean., has a lot of undesirable elements that can not be tested for. Including some forms of algae that are toxic. Case in point is the Brown Algae bloom that remains dormant in a dry state and has devastated NZ rivers.

  13. Ahhh! My black lace crowntail male died today... :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sarah


      That's good. Can you get a male without another female, or are you going to buy a new pair, and have a backup female?

    3. Hood


      That is lucky... do you have a replacement partner for the female?

    4. shadoh


      No, not yet. Keeping an eye out though.

  14. Just finished a hectic week at work. Time to play with the fish! I am currently building an overhanging barracks for the jarred fry out of plastic mesh...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fishbites


      Sounds like an interesting design there... don't forget to share pics when you're finished :)

    3. shadoh


      Hmmm, didn't work... Back to the drawing board...

    4. Sarah


      Oh sorry to hear that. The next idea will be even better.

  15. Heckle and Jeckle have changed overnight from peaceful synchronized swimmers to a tag team killing squad. I just found a dead fry with obvious battle wounds and caught the little buggars attacking another. Poor thing now only has 1 ray of dorsal left. The killer twins have been jarred!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sarah


      Maybe you could put them in their own tank (if you have one to spare) and watch them carefully. Though I would be worried that sooner or later they would be "big Bettas" and not like each other at all.

      I had two females like H&J, they got really depressed when they were apart. I thought it kinda creepy, so slowly weened them apart, and I'm glad I did as one was killed by a male. At least H&J can see each other, that ought to count as something.

    3. shadoh


      LOL... I didn't want to go to the tank one day and discover they had turned on one another. Besides, this means they will grow with pristine finnage... Sorry Sarah, tank space is pretty tight at the moment, so coke bottle torture chambers it is until they get bigger...

    4. Sarah


      Too bad. They'll just have to suffer. :P

  16. Migaloo had blowen a huge nest in his jar. I am so proud of my boy. I should start a photo album. "baby's first flare", "Baby's first bubble nest"... LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fishish


      lol oh do! :D ehehe

    3. shadoh


      :D I love this forum... makes me feel more normal by the day... LOL

    4. fishish


      lol as Oscar Wilde said "the only normal people are the ones you don't know very well" ;)

  17. Moving the fry into the 4ft tank was the best thing I could have done! In just 3 days, colours have intensified and by comparing pics taken Friday, visable fin growth on my 2 hopefuls!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. shadoh


      When I woke up this morning, I was confused as to why I wasn't in the fish room. This is really getting out of hand!

    3. Sarah


      Aww.. I've had dreams in the past with huge nests, lots of fry.. waking up - WHERE ARE THEY?!?!

      Though my tanks are actually in my room, so I didn't need to go far. :)

    4. fishish
  18. OK, so who bought the new pair of Pink Carnations from someone? You have to be quick around here! :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. shadoh


      Somehow I knew you wouldn't stop at 1 pair! Congrats :)

    3. fishish


      lol I had to restrain from more than two ;)

    4. shadoh


      Yeah, I remember the only thing that was stopping me buying more last visit to JL was the contents (or lack there of) of my bank balance...

  19. Ahh! Why have all my beautiful clean pastel fry been cursed with red wash? Did I offend the Betta Gods? Did I count my bettas before they hatched?

    1. Sarah


      Don't worry, they lost the red-wash before, they can lose it again. All part of the marbles I guess. :)

  20. Big day ahead tomorrow. Jarring up the biggest fry, moving all remaining babies to my 4ft tank to grow out, then setting up my next pair to spawn!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      That's no fair.. can we have a clue? Pretty pleaseee??? With a cherry on top. :P

    3. shadoh


      A clue...hmmm... let's see... They are bettas :P

      OK it is my black lace crowntail and my black dragon female (Tara).

    4. Sarah


      Sounds great! Thanks for sharing.. see when you add a cherry you always get a really good clue. ;P

  21. Happy Birthday! :)

  22. Happy Birthday! :)

  23. So annoyed right now. One of my boys (Eric, father of my current spawn) jumped his barrier into the barrack of my yellow HM dragon girl. Must have happened during last nights water change. Now my girls fins are shredded and I was planning on setting her up with my multi HM boy this weekend... GRR!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. shadoh


      I've decided to hold off and wait until the yellow dragon female has healed. I'm going to put Tara with my black orchard CT male instead...

    3. paul


      Noice - what colour combo on the black orchid?

    4. shadoh
  24. Yes! I have a yellow fry!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. shadoh


      I haven't heard that before Sarah. I would say it would be more a case of NR being harder to produce. I guess we'll find out soon enough if I have a yellow boy :)

    3. Sarah


      Cool. Hopefully you will have a nice yellow male & female. :)

      I think I read that somewhere on Betta Talk.. but I'm not quite sure. Something about how any breeder will be super impressed if you bred yellows. I'll look into it. :)

    4. Sarah


      Sorry, I've been looking heaps, but cannot find it. :(

  25. Sick of waiting for my fry to grow up. Don't they come with a fast forward button or something?

    1. fishish


      A watched fish never grows ;)

    2. shadoh


      Nor does one boil! ;p

    3. fishish


      Well thats good! Keep watching them then! lol

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