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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Hmmm... Thinking about shrimp and a trio of endlers and letting them breed for a couple of months while I do some research on apistos and decide on what I want...
  2. Would love some apistos! For some reason, I thought the tank was too small!!! Matt, wouldn't the apistos pick off all the shrimp?
  3. I probably didn't explain that very well... I don't want any Bettas in the tank. I just want something different and colorful to look at and want to be able to keep more than 1 fish in the tank :D
  4. Anyone gave any suggestions to stock my new 38lt tank? It is an Aqua One Aquastyle 380 with the filter and light built into the hood. I was thinking perhaps guppies or something small. I want more than 1 Betta in there.
  5. :( RIP Panda... Sorry to hear Sarah
  6. Sounds like the perfect day Happy Birthday Les!!!
  7. I forgot to check my DIY CO2 and it ran out. What do you know... Another algae outbreak... Obviously the substrate doesn't generate enough CO2 and the tank requires the extra I was providing. It's not as if I don't have enough plants in there to soak up nutrients...
  8. Thanks for the tips guys! I'll keep you up to date on their progress.
  9. Yep, going to do it... got plenty of air pumps and air stones here Thanks Wayne for the info!
  10. It's all good. I needed more, and I have an outlet for any extras... So, If I move the eggs, can I just float them in a container until they hatch?
  11. Just found these eggs above the waterline of my fry tank. Are they eggs from my apple snails? They have a hard shell. I always thought snail eggs were deposited below the waterline and were gell-like....
  12. Amazing job Wayne. Thanks for the photos along the way. You may have inspired me to continue tinkering with my fishroom setup in 2012!
  13. Yep, same driftwood and mostly same plants.
  14. Matt hasn't deleted anything in this thread. I said it in jest, as there have been a couple of times we have been mucking around in the statuses and I've replied to a comment then realized it has been deleted. . Not having a go or anything... I LOVE my retro Mahachai tank:D
  15. No changes apart from the blood and bone I am pretty happy with the substrate. It is a smallish tank and I didn't have as huge as an algae problem starting up last time as I did with the 4 footer. I made sure the tank was heavily planted and had heaps of floating plants. Oh, the other change will be to make sure I don't grab any terrestrial plants being sold as aquatic. I still kick myself over the mondo grass. I remember breaking it apart and thinking "This is so similar to mondo grass" *lol*
  16. Now you're doing a Matt and going back deleting posts Wish I had of taken a small corner scrap with me to Bunnings. The flat pieces are slightly thicker than the corners. Not to worry, I love the overall look :D
  17. Good idea, but can't do it that way, as our substrate needs that layer of blood and bone in the middle layer...
  18. In situation... As you can see... I am bored and am ready to do a new tank aquascape *lol*
  19. Thanks Not bad for a beaten up 20y/o ex stock tank from a pet shop... Wish I had of hung onto the other 4 I had like this.
  20. Sitting out the back looking at the tank and wishing the 7 days curing time for the silicone was up, I was thinking to myself that it looks pretty good for an old tank. Shame about the chips out of the edges on the top edges. That is where inspiration hit me... A quick trip to Bunnings and $6 later, my Mahachai are going to be rockin' it old school
  21. *lol* Happy New Year everyone!!!!
  22. Already on the lookout for old louver glass to turn into summer holiday growout digs for fry during the breeding season. If laid longways, it would give them a bit of a run. Much better than a jar Hmm... A glass betta breeding maze... Put male in one end and the female in the other.
  23. After yesterday's adventure and learning that stripping back and adding a new silicone seal wasn't as traumatic as I was thinking it would be, I've decided to tackle a bigger project - the 2.5 ft tank I recently scored to use as a growout tank. Wish me luck :)
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