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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. No need to mention, it is a given...
  2. Hang on... The fish went into the tank this morning at 10:30. What is this 24 hour thing? Some pretty shells you have there Wayne. They really pop against the black background...
  3. ...OK, I'll bite... Mate, I'll give you that one... Let's call it your Birthday present Come to think of it, at least I have a visible moving fish to look at in my video Going to be a lot of exploding heads tonight! Bazinga!
  4. :rant: :rant: That's all you're getting. Take it or leave it buddy. It doesn't get any better than this at the moment!
  5. Well, here you go... Not much to see. Not coloured up yet. Took a good 2 - 3 days last time before they settled in, showed a bit of colour and explored the whole tank. Enjoy. This is the male. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us_qLpNRXeM
  6. :rofl: I only do it 'cause you can handle it... Besides, you give as good as you get :P
  7. Oh, I see how it is... You two now are a tag team of photo harrassment Put the pair in this morning. I've been outside mowing (halfway done...YAY!!!) and in that time the male has coloured up. As per typical mahachai, this pair have picked out a hidy hole and are being secretive and covert, poking their heads out to look to see if I am finally out of site. I'll try feeding them some juicy blood worms at the front of the tank this afternoon when I am finished the mowing. Hopefully I will be able to snap a photo or two. If this fails, I will set up the video camera in front of the tank and dissapear for an hour. Hopefully, they will swim into view with me not being around. Not all of us have friendly photoshopped looking hornbags... J - Out!!! *lol*
  8. Fish are in the tub still. I will add them tomorrow. This is the first time I've done one of these setups and the water has been a little cloudy. Guess I didn't wash the sand as thoughly as I did last time. Also used new Val runners from main tank and accidentally introduced the hair algae... Grr... Think I got it all out... Don't want that taking hold before the tank establishes itself.
  9. Just finished setting up the tank. I've left the right side bare, as I am getting a lotus off Matt at the next Betta Australis meet that will look amazing there if I keep it trimmed. Love the blue background. It makes the tank look much brighter and should make viewing the mahachai much easier. Last time, they got lost against the black background. Some photos (to keep Busman off my back...)
  10. This will have to tide you over mate... 3 coats of paint. Very happy with the colour. Only downside is the paint got under the horizontal aluminum strips. Oh well... To impatient to be picky you'll hardly notice once it is planted up. (that's what I am telling myself anyway )
  11. Scraped off all the old paint. Rubbed the tank down with metho 3 times to be on the safe side. Have sprayed 2 coats of blue matt paint and looks better than 4 coats of gloss ever did. Nice even coverage. I'll give it one more coat to be on the safe side, then will start scaling late this afternoon Scaping, not scaling... Damn autocorrect *lol*
  12. Lol... You and me both Les! Want to do my lawns for me tomorrow so I can work on my tanks? *lol*
  13. I'm using the cheap stuff. Think I'll try matt paint next time. I was using gloss. I gave it a wipe down with windex before I started, but must have missed a bit. Could have been a little residue from the turps from when I cleaned up the silicone originally.
  14. Ok... Paint job is a failure. Just tried as above and the holes have tripled in size. Made the layer too thick... Time to scrape it back, get new paint and start again...
  15. Ahh... Glad someone out there has some common sense, as it seems to have left me ATM Thanks Wayne!!!
  16. Another vote for the angels and the vertical look. If it looks too severe, you could always attach some ferns, anubius or mosses to the branches to soften it up a little... You could mix up the type of woods and get a light and dark striped effect to match the angels stripes (what? Too much? NEVER!!! )
  17. Nice shelves Sarah Never underestimate the power of that glazed over look pick another time and strike as soon as you see it :)
  18. Yes, doing the ends as well. Getting pretty frustrated with it. Every coat I apply, I end up with pinprick size holes in the paint. Hoping coat #4 will fill them in. Paint is touch dry between coats (thin coats) approx 30 min between coats.
  19. Finally the silicone curing time is up. I filled the tank up to the brim last night and it passed the leak test I'm happy that my silicone technique is improving... I am currently spraying the back and sides of the tank. I can't wait to play in it tomorrow afternoon and get busy scaping it First coat...
  20. I'd like nothing more than a pair of macs. Just a little out of my price range though... Only got this new tank because it was a freebie... I did say a while ago, no more tanks I guess a tiny pair of mouthbrooders would be happy enough in there I guess a tiny pair of mouthbrooders would be happy enough in there :)
  21. Thought you told me i'd need a 2ft tank for any wild pairs (or did I get the wrong end of the stick?). Was talking to Paul earlier and mentioned I'd like a pair of wilds in it, but it would be too small. Any rubra on the AI list at the moment ???? :D
  22. I'll wait and see what someone has at next Betta Australis meet not 100% sold on endlers ATM. Just don't have that wow factor...
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