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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Great to know Sarah - never kept shrimp before, so a little paranoid Don't worry, I'll settle down sooner or later...
  2. I can't stop running into the fishroom to watch them scurrying around the tank. In honor of the fact that I have managed to keep this batch alive for close to 24 hours, I did a quick photoshoot
  3. They look happy in there :D
  4. Cool. The shrimp aren't bothered by them and are happily swimming around. In fact I just spotted a couple of shrimplets swimming around I thought one of the females looked berried, but couldn't get a good look at her...
  5. Thanks for the shrimp Pyrefly! They are settling in nicely and are colouring up Since adding the shimp last night, something has happened to the water. At first, I thought the shrimp had disturbed the sand and there were sand particles floating through the water. I have had a closer look and the particles seem to be wiggling and moving. This is through the entire tank - they are about the size of vinegar eels and white in colour. I tried to take photos, but it doesn't show up. The shrimp are happy, so doesn't seem to have an effect on them. Any ideas? Bacterial bloom? Something else?
  6. What in the world do you do with that many scorpions?
  7. So over these fish. Just got home to find this girl had jumped out of the barracks while I was out and had dried to a crisp. I have too many pairs to count that won't breed. What's the use of them? If I hadn't sunk so much time, energy and $$$ into them, I think this would have been the final straw.
  8. Can't be a lighting issue, as I have better lighting than Busman and have the same thing!
  9. Come on Paul, now you are making it look symmetrical. I thought it was all about the art of asymmetrical understatement. I'm afraid you're overthinking the original brief. Either that or just showing off *lol*
  10. Thanks guys! @Busman, the wilds will go into the freshly cleaned and replanted wild tank... @Paul, love a good photoshop manipulation moved rock to front. Not quite the dimensions of your re-imagining, but I do like!
  11. I just finished revamping the tank I intend to use for shrimp. Added a couple of moss rocks and a new background (wallpaper sample) with any luck, this time around, I will have a tank some cherries will love and thrive in
  12. LOL.... We will all want a full report! *lol*
  13. I think he found a loophole in the rule! Jars and plastic containers aren't technically tanks... You'll be able to do a tank count in person very soon anyway Sarah!
  14. Looking good Ness. I promise, the paint high and the mess is worth the end result!
  15. Thanks guys PS: Sarah, that's one of your boys brothers :D
  16. There is a small pet store near my house that sells a few basic fish - nothing fancy. Most of the weekday staff don't know anything about fish. I drop in from time to time to check out their bettas. Usually veiltails and crowntails, but healthy and kept in small tanks rather than the cups the other stores close by keep theirs in. I went in a couple of weeks ago and saw some tiny silver metallic female bettas that looked to be a better grade than they normally get in. They were so tiny, I really didn't pay them much attention. I went back in today after getting some groceries and discovered that they were still there and growing. It looks like they were from a copper marble spawn. The girl I got has solid colouring, but her sisters were marbling. I had a close look at the branching in her caudal and she has 4 ray branching, and as the hasn't finished growing, could get more She definitely isn't the usual VT mutt they have in there (though was the same price - $5.95) I am thinking she might be from a HM or HMPK spawn. She still has a lot of growing to do, but she has made a valuable addition to my plans... I am thinking of pairing her with this guy: It will be interesting to see if I get any long finned versions of him Any spawn attempts won't be made for a month or two while I get some more growth on her. ATM, she is almost half the boys size. Just noticed that she has a 12+ ray dorsal, so she is carrying DT! Now if only my fish would get their mojo back and spawn!
  17. Tried following your link Matt, but only got this message: Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
  18. I think she must have had some of that driftwood tea to drink after all! *lol*
  19. *lol* Every time I post a pic of this tank you ask the same question I bought this off ebay in September 2010 for $60. It was a custom made barracks that I changed slightly (raised back panel between barracks and sump to allow water to be drawn through gravel and into sump, so substrate acts as one big biological filter) The entire tank saga (including photos) can be found here...
  20. Well, it was just after a clean and waterchange...
  21. Thanks Jennie. Don't have any black. You must mean the steel blues, they are the darkest I have...
  22. Thanks Sarah, the new marble CTs and the new steel CTs are in there :)
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