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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Sorry Sarah, I missed half of the replies to this thread last night while I was typing replies. I just noticed you comment on the pineapple and was trying to work out if it was code for something 5 mins later, I worked it out. It is an antique lamp I have on a table behind the tank (not where it will stay) As for your other question, it will by my non betta growout :)
  2. Hey Harry, like your set-ups. Very nicely done. The rack of shelves looks great!
  3. Have an amazing day with your family!
  4. I'm not putting paper cutouts of ghostknives in my tank... They'd get soggy A ghostknife might be nice though...
  5. You know, I've been prejudiced against barbs since my early days of fishkeeping and I had some tiger barbs that were aggressive little fin nipping #*@^s. After that experience, I've lumped all barbs into the same boat and never gone near them again. Looks like I have a lot of research to do. A nice shoal of cherry barbs might look good against some gold angels... And Yan, feel free to ramble, I am learning heaps...
  6. All good Yan! You've answered what I want to know. If I want to spawn the gouramis, I can scoop a pair out of the 3ft tank on top and stick them in the 2ft tank on the bottom. The same with the angels, I can either put a pair in the bottom tank to breed, or if I catch them laying eggs, move the leaf to the bottom tank the bottom tank can also be used to raise any cory or bristlenose fry if those fish end up breeding in the above tank. What's a nice schooling fish that would look good in there? I know smaller tetras are a little "fin nippy" and a large angel would make a meal out of neons...
  7. Congrats, they are a beautiful pair!
  8. Already replied... Yeah, the google spiders are usually crawling through this forum, adding your every word to their web of creepiness. I bet if you were to google "ghost fish" now, you would get a link back to this thread *lol*
  9. Hopefully it's not a sign that my angels would die The "gecko" is just an unusual feature of the wood. Yan, dwarf gouramis are also on the list of possibilities. How would they go together with angels? I did think about discus but a- thought the tank might be a bit too small - especially if I wanted to breed them. And b- they are a little too expensive for me, especially with my lack of non Betta fishkeeping skills.
  10. I'm leaning towards angels... Doing a bit of research on breeding them.
  11. Paul, funny you should say that, the previous owner had a breeding colony of electric blues in there... You keep seeing strange things in my photos, have you been working long hours again?
  12. Thanks guys - Bettarazzi, it will be fully planted. I plan on making it a low light natural planted tank. I'll stuff it full of swords, crypts, java fern and val! The driftwood is actually two pieces I found bushwalking last year and forgot I had kept them. They are dried gum tree branches. I'll start soaking them tomorrow. Hi hazel, yes I saw your post. Will comment soon...
  13. The 3 foot tank on top holds just 6lt less than my 4 foot The 2 foot on the bottom is a little too scratched to use as a display tank, but would make a perfect growout tank for a non Betta species that may spawn in the tank above it
  14. Plenty of that in there too. I spent close to 4 hours this morning removing algae, scrubbing the driftwood, hacking back plants that were so thick with the stuff that it was easier to do that than try and remove it leaf by leaf. The poor little flower was one of the first casualties of my scissorhands trying to thin out the jungle and remove all but the reminder of the dreaded algae...
  15. Amazing driftwood you have there! I can't wait to see what you do with the tank :)
  16. Very tempting to set my 3 ft tank up for goldies...
  17. If someone is dodgy enough to cheat, then they are only cheating themselves. It is not fair to treat everyone as a cheat from the outset and police the competition from day one. From that kind of reasoning, how can you prove that the winners of the aquascaping comp last year were the actual owners of the tanks they submitted without knocking on their doors and demanding to see the tanks in person? At the end of the day, it is all a bit of fun designed to create a sense of community and friendly competition within the club. Take the fun out of it and nobody will want to participate.
  18. And a big thank you for the idea. We'll have to get you down here more often *lol*
  19. I know, right? The joys of having a tank without lids :D
  20. I noticed this sticking out the top of my tank and thought I'd share
  21. Once the bank account is opened, yes you can. We are waiting on the Department of Fair Trading to process our paperwork first. If you want to join to be part of the comp - sorry mate, I wouldn't feel comfortable shipping fry so young. This will be local pick-up only. There will be plenty more competitions, activities open to our regional and interstate members... Keep an eye out next month :)
  22. Fish will be available in 4 weeks. Date will be announced... Planning on having a club BBQ at my place. Have something to eat, get to know your fellow members, poke around my fishroom and take your competition fish home. Anyone who can't make it on the day, but wish to participate in the competition can contact me and arrange a day and time for pickup Any males that have declared themselves by that stage will be divided equally and fairly. After the competition, the fish are yours to either keep, sell or give away. All I ask is if you do sell them, you make a donation to the club per sale, as per our meeting trade policy Harry, the competition is only open to club members, but I am sure there will be some for sale afterwards :D
  23. Inspired by a similar competition Sydney Splendens had back in 2009, I present to you: The Betta Australis Fish Grooming Competition Open to all local Betta Australis members The Rules: Each participant will be given a set number of 7 week old Red premium VT fry to raise. We will meet again when the fry are 4 months old and the fish will be judged. Certificates/Ribbons will be awarded for: Most Developed Best Male Best Female Most Unusual (there is always an oddball or 2 in every spwan ) Grand Prizes will be given to the fish with the best overall form/colour, be it male or female. 1st Prize - Breeders Pack: Certificate, Spawn Tank, Heater, Sponge Filter, MW culture and a small container of Brine Shrimp Eggs 2nd Prize - Fry Food Pack: Certificate, MW culture, Small Container of Brine Shrimp Eggs and a bag of Micro Pellets 3rd Prize - Betta Basics Pack :Certificate, Bag of Micro Pellets, Betta Scoop If you have never bred bettas before, this is a good introduction on looking after fry. Any questions and/or help will be given if needed. All members present on the night of judging will participate in the judging of the fish. Should there be a tie, someone (someone) has the deciding vote. Fish will be handed out at the April 17th meeting. Please make sure you register on either this thread, or email betta.australis@gmail.com I will only be bringing enough fish for to cover registered entrants. Post your photos of your babies here in this thread and show your competition what they are up against Ask questions, or voice concerns. Most of all..... HAVE FUN!
  24. Hey mate welcome to the forum It's BrisbaneBettas from QLDAF here... Can't wait to see what you have planned for your betta breeding room!
  25. Some nice fish. I love the colour of the one in the last picture. Do you plan on breeding them? It would be great to see a few more people selectivly breeding them to improve on finnage and form :)
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