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Status Updates posted by shadoh

  1. <3 Great to hear. I can't wait till Saturday...... Aaaahhhhh!

  2. Did you pick up the new fish? :D

  3. Wishing "I'm too cold" was a good enough excuse not to work today...

  4. Sometimes bettas can be dumber than a box of rocks. Bubble wrap does not equal a ready made bubble nest for lazy bettas!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah



      Guess you don't really want these fishus passing on their dumb genes anyway... which pair is this?

    3. shadoh


      My Apache CT pair (the yellow boy and the lavender/yellow girl) They are too pretty not to try. I've ripped out the bubble wrap (eggs have been eaten) and put in a half cup. He's made a half harted attempt and blown about a dozen bubbles under there...)

    4. Sarah


      Oi yes, hopefully they'll get some sense!

      Sounds like it might be OK though. GOOD LUCK! :)

  5. Hmm... Dreading my winter power bill. Have jumped from 3 heated tanks to 8...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shadoh


      Not really. Fish are spread between 3 rooms in 2 seperate buildings. The fry are in the main house in a spare room, so can shut that off. I plan to try and insulate all tanks on 3 sides and top with polystyrene...

    3. Abby


      I know what you mean Jarrod, i have four tanks with lighting and heaters and my partners reef tanks got a huge massive light thats on 10 hrs a day plus a constant heater and all the other goodies in the sump running plus the normal house power urgh

    4. Hood


      Hahahaha.... I run 45 heated tanks.... I am definitely not liking all these power increases mate! I feel your pain my friend! ;)

  6. In the space of a week I have become one of those people who are crazy enough to have multiple spawns on the go :D I am in the middle of setting up the next spawn - yellow CTs. Have black dragons (3 weeks old) and "accidental" spawn of Yellow Marble PK's (approx 2 days old)

    1. kermadum


      Welcome to the crazy club good sir. You'll love it!!

    2. shadoh


      I don't really see it as extra work, until I have to jar and keep jarred juvies warm over the winter months...

    3. Pyrefly


      Thats the part I'm not looking forward to.. XD

      Ct spawn sounds exciting, that pair is stunning!

  7. My cat, Sylvester died tonight. RIP little man...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shadoh


      Thanks guys. He was getting on - 16. He was with me through 3 moves, several breakups and always managed to put a smile on my face. He will be sadly missed

    3. Hood


      I'm glad to here you got a solid 16 years out of your friend mate...However I know I would be absolutely devastated if my cat died!! My condolences mate!

    4. Abby


      aww sorry to hear it Jarrod.

  8. 12 hours to go!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shadoh


      This is so much better than the original...

    3. Sarah


      This makes me wonder what Jarrod does in his non-fish time..

    4. shadoh


      What? do people have non-fish time? Who are they and what do they do?

  9. FInished making dividers to house 4 of the 8 new arrivals on Saturday!!! ...can you tell I'm excited???? lol

    1. Matt_95


      I need to get my barracks fixed before mine arrive eek! I figured out how I need to do it, just need the weld on :)

    2. shadoh


      I was going to fix the dividers onto the aquarium glass, but find that they are snug enough of a fit to stay in place. The gravel holds the bottom in place too. got an internal filter with a spraybar in there. Water movement isn't affecting the dividers either :)

    3. Pyrefly


      What are you using for dividers Jarrod?

      A little jealous! Don't think mine will be coming until next shipment, now :(

  10. 2 days to go.... :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Bwhaha.. was absent mindly doing the badger dance the other day, this person (who doesn't know it)... was like what are you DOING!?!?! I'm like badgerrrrr. I was err, supposed to be doing ninja stuff. Ninjas need to have their disguises and stuff, right?

    3. Matt_95


      So exiting!!!! Yep, tahnks for letting everyone know to wear ear muffs, could cause damage :P

      I was doing it on the train, very strange. Benn talking about the bettas at school to, everyone is sick of them :P

    4. shadoh


      ...betta, betta, betta, betta, betta, betta, betta, betta, betta, betta, betta, betta... HALFMOON, HALFMOON!

      Snail! it's a snail!....

  11. Just found out I'm not getting 2 pairs of bettas I have ordered until NEXT shipment due to floods and landslides in the breeders hometown.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hood


      That sucks mate. How long till next shipment? How goes all your fish anyway mate? I hope all is well. ;)

    3. shadoh


      All is well here mate. New fry in the spawn tank, new imports on the way. They ones that were held up will probably get here in just over a month...

    4. Hood


      Good to here you fry in the tank mate!

      So once you finally get your new imports, how long will it have actually been waiting now? I 'spose the wait will make it all the more worthwhile, 'eh?

  12. Just when I'm trying hard to be good, someone posts some new videos!!! Note to self: Must not but lavender BF Giant HMPK

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Matt_95


      I didn't see teh apache's in store but I saw them on youtube, the blue one would be good to cross into your jewel box strain :P

    3. shadoh


      The blue marble dragon is on hold already!

    4. Matt_95


      Oh wow, that was quick! i was thinking of getting him if I didn't get teh apache boy. I have e-mailed someone to hold him for me and if I can buy the orange dragon girl :)

  13. OK - Lack of planning and counting - I won my own mini competition. Post 110 in the Dragon Spawn Log gets a free pair if fry live to see adulthood *lol*

    1. Matt_95


      I won this time :) I'm so exited :P

  14. 1st person to be the 100th reply on my spawn log gets a free pair of the fry when they are of age!...

    1. shadoh


      oops, not 1st, there can only be 1 *LOL*

    2. BettaObsessed


      Nobody will want to make the 99th reply! lol

  15. It's pretty sad when you are dreaming that you are at the computer looking at bettas on aquabid...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Bwhaha.. I had a dream the other week that I had an Oscar, it was with my female Bettas and they were picking on it so I had to remove him. Anyways, he was floating inside a Chinese container, and when I got up I went to put him into another tank so the girls would stop bulling him (yes, the Oscar). Then I realized I didn't own an Oscar.. :P

    3. Rhysmachine101


      Hey shadoh, completely unrelated- but have you read American Gods?

    4. shadoh


      No, I haven't. Is it a good read?

  16. Not having a good day. My 16y/o cat, Sylvester is in a bad way. He is displaying the same symptoms my other elderly cat did this time last year. She had a failed liver and had to be put down. Going to the vet at 11. Wish us luck...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. GoldenGirl13
    3. shadoh


      Thanks guys. He's eaten his first meal in 3 days and has managed to keep it down so far... Had a couple of BIG drinks of water today, so I don't have to syringe water down his throat to keep him hydrated any more. Early days, but looks like the antibiotics are working.

    4. Rhysmachine101


      Good news, then, Shadoh. Hope he is still going well.

  17. Put another pair in 2nd spawn tank. Hopefully this time tomorrow I will have 2 nests full of eggs!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. shadoh


      Maybe that's what happened to my fry - they dissolved in water...lol

    3. Sarah


      AHHH... DID A SARAH!?!

      :( The male ate them..

    4. shadoh


      Was that before or after they dissolved? ROFL... Sorry Sarah, this is serious. I hope he doesn't eat ur next lot

  18. Just when I thought I didn't have any fish left from my Jewel Box Spawn, out swims a short tailed male I have never seen before from the depths of the castle in the growout tank! He's a grizzled sky blue/purple. I am sure I can pair him up with just about any of his sisters and get some nice fry! I am so happy right now - off to clean out the spawn tank and start on F1. Will call this lot the Sky Jewels : )

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Matt_95


      His tail is alot longer now, not as long as a normal SD though. I just saw him, he looks really nice :)

    3. shadoh


      Photos? lol...

    4. Matt_95


      Yes I will get photos, I've been grounded for like 3 ish weeks and have been sneeking on my iPod. Do you know how hard it was to smuggle Sarah those photos? I'm home alone tomorrow though so I will go abit crazy taking them :P

  19. Hmm... Next shipment not till the end of the month. Don't think I can wait that long for my new babies... Getting bored and looking for a few more to add... :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Matt_95


      My breeder just got back to me, next shipment not for about 2 weeks!!!! Sooo long

    3. shadoh


      You have a breeder?

    4. Matt_95


      The breeder of my pair, should have phrased that better :)

  20. Sooo quiet on here today... I guess I had better get off the computer and get a life too :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hood


      wow.... did you get some cool pics?

    3. Sarah


      There are some photos of the Melbourne Betta Meet here Hood -


      Looked like fun. :)

    4. Hood


      cheers sarah!! ;-)

  21. Made my 1st aquabid purchase today... I think I have a new obsession!...eek!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shadoh


      Just went to buy the yellow marble plakat I posted the link to yesterday, but auction was over without a bid. Sent breeder an email anyway to see if he had matching female and if he would re-list/sell...

    3. shadoh


      Yay! Still available and has matching female... Just sorting out price :)

    4. Sarah


      Good luck, he was a stunning colour!

  22. Can't see a single fry in the tank... Going to try not to panic and see what tomorrow brings...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shadoh


      Still can't see a single fry. I know some could be hiding, but I know my setup and know I should be able to at least see a couple of fry swimming around.

      PS FlameDragon: Too late for the greys, I'm afraid... Shaved off my beard a few weeks ago to hide the fact it was turning grey... lol

    3. GoldenGirl13


      So maybe I should shave my head...hmmmm...NOPE. Don't stress maybe just shy

    4. GoldenGirl13


      Disregard last just read spawn log, sorry xx

  23. My Black Dragon Plakats are FINALLY spawning!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matt_95


      Congratulations! I will definatly be buying some if I can get the all clear to build my barracks.

    3. Hood


      oooo... awesome mate. I can't wait to see how your fry turn out mate. ;)

    4. shadoh


      Thanks mate. Either can I... They take soo long to grow...

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