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Status Replies posted by shadoh

  1. Need to save up money, so am not buying any more fish and also giving away a 10 dollar livefish voucher if anyone wants it

  2. Anyone know if the Newest shipment of Betta's has come in from thailand yet with all the flooding going on over there?

    1. shadoh


      Yes, someone mentioned that quarantined fish will be released tomorrow. If you are worried, just give her a call, or send an email :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. Got an infected thumb from something (coral mucus most likely) in my marine tank. not cool.

    1. shadoh


      Ouch! Sounds painful :(

      Too many dangerous things in a marine tank for me to want to try one. I too am happy to look but not touch :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Betta, the only fish that has always been with me. :)

  5. A friend came to visit with his new girlfriend last night. He called the visit to an end after seeing the look on my face after his new girlfriend commented that only bogans kept fighter fish....

    1. shadoh


      Told him a few home truths this morning. Didn't go down well. It will run it's course. I'll put money on the fact he won't be with her this time next week LOL...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. A friend came to visit with his new girlfriend last night. He called the visit to an end after seeing the look on my face after his new girlfriend commented that only bogans kept fighter fish....

    1. shadoh


      The visit was already on a downhill slide when she got out of the car, looked around the street and commented that it all looked so...."suburban"

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Naughty tanks....they jumped into my car when I went shopping and followed me home.....

  8. Fourth spawn for the month... YAY

  9. The giants are coming... :)

    1. shadoh


      Giant short fins. I have Dumbos already - wont breed 4 me :( I got my giant pair from jha. Check out his ad in the classifieds. He ships too :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Waits patiently at the front door for her new girls to arrive!!! =)

  11. Waits patiently at the front door for her new girls to arrive!!! =)

  12. The giants are coming... :)

    1. shadoh


      Pacing back and forth waiting for the giants... I can't contain myself :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Intoverted extraverted doesn't matter.

    1. shadoh


      Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Matt, now I know you have no taste :P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Thinking about giving the big ears pair another round in the spawn tank...

  15. experimented with two girls in the spawn tank with one boy. I came home yesterday to eggs, but not entirely sure who from...

    1. shadoh


      So what's happening to these fry? How are they looking?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Is there such a thing as a double tail crown tail? Never seen one...

    1. shadoh


      Sure is. Busman had some turn up in one of his red ct spawns. Pretty sure there are photos in his spawn log. Red Rocket spawn...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Need... more... buckets..

  18. It's times like these I miss my betta barracks

  19. Is it bad when you are reading about Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences that you automatically merge 'simple and complex' into Simplex??

  20. Yay! Got work done, passed my annual review and had my contract renewed for another 12 mths. On top of that, I survived a 1 on 1 2hr meeting with my boss and another 1 hr meeting with my boss and co-worker. So happy, I'm taking the afternoon off to rest, drink G&T's and pass out...lol

  21. Just won a aqua one AR620 & a Jebo R362 for less than $250!! Woo bargain =) the betta girls will be delighted lol

  22. Just got 12 new betta's in today!! I can see the house filling up with fish pretty soon LOL

  23. Harvey forgot to be a dog today and climbed a tree to have a look inside a friends possum box. Only catch was that he didn't have a plan to get back down, so howled until we found a ladder to rescue him...

    1. shadoh


      He was trying to be a drop dog. Gotta watch the mini foxies, they are good jumpers and, as I found out - climbers...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. They died *sobs* so sad :'(

    1. shadoh


      Um..Ok, whateva. Forget I asked. Don't know why I even took the bait...lol

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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