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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Welcome to the forum! Plenty to read up on here - it has been a great resource to me for years
  2. Hey Les, remember when I asked for photos of these guys 18 months ago?........lolol Glad they are doing well for you!
  3. I second corys as an addition. I used to have 8 and a couple of bristlenose in my sorority, and had no problem. I know someone who had Rummynose in a sorority tank with no problems.
  4. It was confirmed today that the IBC has sanctioned the first Betta Australis International show of 2014! Fire up your spawn tanks and get ready! The Betta Show will be held alongside the QFAS Caboolture Markets Show on Sunday April 6th, an aquarium show open to all types of aquarium fish in what promises to be a huge show with something for everyone The Betta show is still in the planning stages, so further details won't be available for a couple of months. Watch this space for details!
  5. Very nice mate! Love that second last girly
  6. Some of those fancy plakats are amazing - I do prefer my marbles to have a dragon layer, something about that thick dragon scaling that really sets off the other colours
  7. Yes! Success!!! Who cares how you did it - you can now dazzle us with your photographic goodness
  8. I'll try and get some photos tomorrow after I finish water changes. My setups are very similar to Ashleys...
  9. I am looking at creating a line of HMPKs this colour. Your photos are an inspiration
  10. See? I liked your post AND posted a comment...lol
  11. I actually like the "like" button. I have used it and I am also posting. Personally, I will not let a button dictate whether or not I will post a comment. Sometimes I felt that I was posting to myself in my spawn logs and a few "likes" here and there would have let me know people were following my posts and just not commenting...
  12. Ash, surprised you haven't asked for a Persephone. Black body, blue fins - stunning
  13. Hey, you're awake and with it!!! Well done!!! *lol*
  14. Between work and the upcoming show, this is the only "me" time I get during the day...
  15. Ah....so the entrant was Pat Wongpan? He got RBOS with a fish bred by Taebetta at last years International show. They are a good team :D
  16. Once again - going from the photo, it is hard to say. I wouldn't personally say marble or butterfly going from that photo. I had a few yellows in my HMPK spawn that had darker yellow in the base of the caudal getting lighter progressively through to what I called "yellow lace" - cello with a tinge of yellow to it. It is a trait common with yellows. Butterfly is more of a definite line between the colours, not a gradual fading to clear.
  17. Hard to tell in the photo (sorry - cant remember him from the show - too many beauties to remember). His scaling dies look "heavier" than normal.
  18. Pineapple refers to the black outlining of the scales on the body. There are some stunning pineapple bettas out there, but personally, I prefer a nice clean body.
  19. Judges: Hermanus Haryanto (Head Judge), Todd Knight Stewards: someone Lea Matheson (Head Steward), Jarrod Nielsen, Peter Kann Show Chair: someone Lea Matheson Entry Fees Entry fees for the show will be $3 for Betta Australis club members $5 for non-members (Pairs count as one entry) Entry deadline All entries and accompanying show fees must be submitted by no later than Thursday October 10, 2013 contact enquiries@bettaaustralis.com with any questions. Australian Entries All Australian entries that cannot bench in their fish in person, may send their fish to the show via mail, courier or QANTAS freight. Entries must arrive between Thursday 17th October and Friday 18th October only. If shipping/dropping fish off, please ensure fish arrive on those days only. Must be before 1pm on the Friday. If you require your fish to be returned after the show, fill in the appropriate section on the entry form. If you wish to sell your entries after the show, fill in the appropriate section on the entry form. Please note there is a 20% commission on all fish sold. For further details, contact enquiries@bettaaustralis.com International Entries Arrangements can be made for International entries. Please contact the show chair for further details someone@gmail.com Please note – International entries cannot be returned, but can be sold. There is a 20% commission on all fish sold. Eligibility You must be a member of the IBC (International Betta Congress) to show in Group A: Regular Classes (with the exception of Divisions “F” and “G”) Non IBC members may show in Division F: Wild Type Pairs, Division G: Arts and Crafts (Optional) and Group B: New Breeder Classes. Prizes Prizes for the show will be - GROUP A: Regular Classes Division A: Halfmoon Singletail A1. Dark Solid Colour STM A2. Iridescent Dark Solid Colour STM A3. Light Solid Colour STM A4. Bicolour and Patterned STM A5. Metallic Solid Colour STM (dark and light) A6. Solid Colour STF A7. Bicolour and Patterned STF Division B: Halfmoon Doubletail B1. Solid Colour DTM B2. Bicolour and Patterned DTM B3. Doubletail Female (all colours/patterns) Division C: Crowntail C1. Solid Colour CTM C2. Bicolour and Patterned CTM C3. Crowntail Female (all colours/patterns) Division D: Shortfin D1. Dark Solid Colour Show Plakat STM D2. Iridescent Dark Solid Colour Show Plakat STM D3. Light Solid Colour Show Plakat STM D4. Bicolour and Patterned Show Plakat STM D5. Metallic Solid Show Plakat STM D6. Giant Show Plakat STM (TRIAL CLASS) D7. Solid Colour Show Plakat STF D8. Bicolour and Patterned Show Plakat STF D9. Giant Show Plakat STF (TRIAL CLASS) Division Awards: Best of Variety Male – Trophy & Certificate + Sponsor gift Best of Variety Female – Trophy & Certificate + Sponsor gift Class Awards : First – Certificate Second – Certificate Third – Certificate Division A-D Winners compete for BOS & RBOS BOS Male - $100 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate RBOS Male - $50 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate BOS Female - $100 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate RBOS Male - $50 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate Division E: Breeders Division E1. Colour and Form Variations E2. Form and Finnage E3. Pairs Division F: Wild Type Betta Pairs F1. Bubblenesters – small F2. Bubblenesters – medium/large F3. Mouthbrooders – small F4. Mouthbrooders – medium/large Division G: Arts and Crafts (Optional) G1. Photography G2. Illustration G3. Crafts Division H: Temporary Classes H1. Traditional Plakat Male H2. Halfmoon Shortfin Male H3. Doubletail Plakat Male H4. Female (H1-H3) Division Awards: Winners from Division E & H compete against Division A – D (according to tail type) for Best of Variety Male and Best of Variety Female Best of Division (Divisions F & G only) – Trophy & Certificate + Sponsor Gift (Division F & G do not accrue IBC show points) Class Awards : First – Certificate Second – Certificate Third – Certificate Divisions “F” and “G” are not eligible to compete for BOV, BOS or RBOS GROUP B: New Breeder Classes NB1. Singletail Male NB2. Doubletail Male NB3. Crowntail Male NB4. Shortfin Male NB5. Singletail Female NB6. Doubletail Female Class Awards : First – Certificate Second – Certificate Third – Certificate Group B Winners compete for Group B: New Breeder Classes BOS & RBOS BOS Male - $50 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate BOS Female - $50 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate RBOS Male - $25 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate RBOS Female - $25 Prizemoney, Trophy (Platter), Certificate Not eligible to compete for BOS and RBOS (Group A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule (Times may vary closer to show date, go to www.bettaaustralis.com for up to date details) Friday 18th October (times to be confirmed) – Benching in Saturday 19th October (Morning - times to be confirmed) – Benching in Saturday 19th October (Late morning – afternoon – times to be confirmed) – Judging Saturday 19th October (5pm approx.) – Trophy Presentation Saturday 19th October (6pm approx) – Club BBQ Saturday 19th October (7pm approx) – Hermanus Haryanto talk: Wild Bettas Sunday 20th October (6am – 12pm) – Betta Show “Public Day” & Caboolture Markets Sunday 20th October (12pm – 4pm approx) – Bench out Sales (Details may vary closer to show date. Go to www.bettaaustralis.com for up to date details) For this show, the IBC has granted Betta Australis permission to sell fish that entrants nominate for sale, rather than the usual end of show auction. During the show, stewards will have a book available to record expressions of interest for fish available for sale. Please note, there will be a 20% commission on all fish sold. Sale times After 12pm Sunday 20th October. Pickups between 12 – 2pm Sunday 20th October, or by arrangement. **The Betta Australis Livebearer Interest Group will be holding a Fancy Guppy show alongside the IBC International Betta Show. Judge and prizes to be announced** More details as they come to hand. Hope to see you at the Show!! Jarrod Nielsen Secretary, Betta Australis
  20. My girls are well trained. They see me at the side of the tank and come swimming over to see if I have food...LOL. Occasionally it takes a little longer, but never had a problem pulling a girl out.
  21. B - the tank was very low maintenence and once the algae issue sorted itself out it required very little maintenance. The main reason the plants died was because the timers that my lights were on stopped working. Every day I promised myself that I'd find the time to sort it out - see what was going on and either fix or replace the timers. At the time I was running back and forth to the hospital to visit my Dad in my free time. Between that, his eventual passing and a few further weeks of disinterest, by the time I remembered to do anything about the tank, it was too late. All the lush growth was dead apart from some val, which I moved to another tank (and was promptly eaten by my empire gudgeons...) Once I have completed my fishroom makeover, get some work done on the car and a couple of other pressing matters, I will re-do my tank. It was amazing to watch the female bettas interact and explore. Better than TV most nights. The only thing I would do differently would be: Use standard Blood and Bone (not Blood and Bone Plus) Not have as much substrate at the front glass (over time went green and was a little unattractive.) Forget the hairgrass and so straight to dwarf chain sword! Looks like you are doing everything right! Good luck and I can't wait to see what happens. Matt doesn't really post on here anymore, he got out of fish and into creepy crawlies...lol (Spiders and Scorpions) If you have any questions, I can put you in touch with him - he is on facebook...
  22. Here mate: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12725 That's the progress of my tank. All the ups and downs...
  23. I just jumped on to update the spawn log for these guys and suddenly realised I had never done a spawn log for this spawn. They will be 3 months old on Sunday and will be jarred up in the next day or so... The parents were a Male Orange Dragon HMPK and a Female Orange HMPK (mother of my past 2 Orange HMPK spawns) I am getting some nice yellows out of the mix. In fact, the yellow seems to be more vivid than the yellows that were produced with the females sibling brother. Most are showing the start of dragon scaling. I'm not expecting full coverage as they are only half dragons. I have one male red HMPK in the spawn - he is showing the start of blue irids (the only one showing blue at this stage.)This spawn were neglected in the early weeks and therefore some are missing ventrals. As none of this spawn will be for sale, I am OK with this - it is not genetic and the main point of the spawn was to produce breeding stock to play with. I have achieved that goal.
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