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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. How is your Barracks progressing Phil?
  2. Here they are together for the last time at the "Betta Cave" 7 weeks old and 2 days away from going to their new homes for the grooming competition... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SICtbd5FXq0
  3. Mate, Davo offered to help you out earlier in this thread, you've been given a couple of leads, but still no luck? Did you notice the launch of Oz Fishy Bids? There is a topic or two on it in the classifieds section. Just a quick look and I see plenty on there for sale... http://www.ozfishybids.com/browse.php?id=207 Best of luck Oops...OK, just noticed they were all closed. I'll go back to my corner now Did you contact KillieOrCory? He usually has something available...
  4. Bwahaha! I though you were only joking...
  5. Thanks Lisa, the "exploding" CT's sound ....interesting, might have to press someone for more info at the meet on Tuesday I can't wait to compare the fish at the end of this It might just become a regular club event! Just a quick note to anyone interested in competing - you must be a member of the club, so make sure you either fill out a membership form online or fill one out on Tuesday night. Membership fees can either be paid in person or via direct bank deposit (PM me for details) Thanks Jarrod
  6. Hi Tom. Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll have success breeding Bettas this time around with the info and supportive members on here. I know it helped me... I mainly breed HMPKs so always excited to see someone else breeding them. I am just about to get into the world of angelfish breeding, so expect to see a heap of questions coming from this direction!
  7. I don't think it is a problem to breed true, as everything I have been reading suggests that it is a dominant trait. The thing is that here in Oz, you mostly have VTs showing this trait. You can cross the VT into a HM, CT, HMPK line, but will take several generations to get the desired tail type back. That is where a lot of the problem lies - correct me if I am wrong here, but not many people are developing and working on their own lines. On the forum with the exception of Ness and Bettarazzi's fish, there aren't too many people taking their lines any further than the 1st or 2nd generation. Whatever the reason, I think that's where the problem lies. I, myself would love to develop a line or two but struggle to get an F1 spawn off the ground...
  8. I don't mind them so much, but when stuck with an entire spawn of them and nobody wants them, it can be VERY frustrating not being able to move them on and start on the next spawn... I'm only just discovering the beauty of the dalmatian betta. Yes, for some reason you don't see them on many of the fancy tail types, but imagine what it would look like Hmmm... spotty CTPKs anyone???
  9. 1) Jennie 2) Paul 3) Matt 4) Sarah 5) Jarrod 6) someone Lea 7) Graeme 8) Josh Anyone else?
  10. Here's one I prepared earlier
  11. OK, my second project for 2012 (1st being my elusive CTPK spawn) will be to start work on prodicing a bright orange dalmatian dragon HMPK I mean BRIGHT - like this girl... https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/545836_244107269021025_100002652604462_473665_1618401432_n.jpg
  12. A couple of Thai breeders have recommended that I cross to a red dragon. Apparently line breeding yellows and oranges fades the colour out over time. A trick some breeders over there use is to cross to a red. Unless said red carries NR, all offspring will be red. A sibling spawn will then produce more vibrant oranges and/or yellows. As the Dalmatian trait is dominant, I shouldn't lose the spotting once I get NR back. I have an platinum yellow I was going to cross him with, but the same breeders told me that I'll only get pale coloured solids and cellophane marbles. Just reading the cached Betty Splendens article about the Dalmatians. The part about the Yellow Spotted Melanos is interesting. I wonder if Orange Spotted Melanos might be possible considering it is still a NR colour. An experiment might be in order...
  13. It's googles cache Ness, not yours. Try this link - just worked for me http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:83DhZTVgWT0J:bettysplendens.com/articles/page.imp%3Farticleid%3D1757+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au
  14. He is part of my breeding plans. I'd like to work on the dragon scaling to get full coverage. Perhaps a nice orange dragon girly :D
  15. Betty Splendens is having a lot of probs at the moment for some reason. A few years back she has a podcast show (unfortunately, these shows are no longer online) One had Gene Lucas on as a guest. I remember him saying there were distinctly 2 types of non-red : NR1, which covers the yellow and NR2, which is the oranges. Both are a mutation of the red gene. In my experience (and have nothing here to back this up), they are cambodian fish with a NR version of extended red over the top, therefore covering the fleshy coloured body. Red loss is something that shows up in marble spawns which is where this guy is from.) It causes any red wash to marble out (and the reason many breeders introduce marbled fish into a solid blue spawn.) I don't think red loss is what's here though, as most of this spawn have NR1 or NR2 wash (yellow and orange version of red wash - looks prettier, but works the same as red wash...) Although I stop short at calling this an orange Dalmatian, as with only a streak or two of the darker orange, he is a poor example, I think the same genetics are at play. Not a lot is known about Dalmatians - it is a trait a thai breeder noticed popping up in a lot of VTs at the local market and developed. It is assumed it is linked with the marble gene, but differs in some ways: 1. It is a dominant trait. Whereas in marble spawns you will get some solid colours (this spawn in particularly only had a small handful of marbles) with the Dalmatian trait, all offspring will have some degree of spotting 2. It only shows on NR fish. It is assumed that if bred to red, the red covers and hides the spotting, an F1 spawn will throw some NR with spots. It doesn't affect irids. Irids are also said to hide the spotting underneath. 3. It is more stable. Whereas normal marbled fish have patterns that are almost constantly changing, Dalmations are pretty much stable. OK, my head hurts now from squeezing all that info from it. Might go lie down... Thinking on what I just said, the more vibrant yellow and oranges would be the non cambodian NR's. Keeping in mind that NR is a mutation of the red layer and thus behaves the same way... k ta
  16. @sarah, no not this boy. Don't want to introduce her blue irid. Must find a nice dragon girly for him @ness, yes he is asymmetrical. He was a real ugly duckling. My least favorite of the spawn that has grown to be one of my favorites... @busman, it's a pretty close representation of his colour. You do realize this is the son, not the father, right? Thanks Jennie :)
  17. Looks great Sarah!!! I love it! Can't wait to see what it looks like once it is set up!!!
  18. Just realized I never started a 2012 thread along the lines of my "Class of 2011" thread. It is easier to keep all my photos together Thought I'k kick things off with my orange boy. Looks like the marble gene has kicked in again. His colour is deepening and his dragon scales are increasing in number as well as getting thicker...
  19. I'm actually looking forward to painting mine, staining new shelves etc. Still a little way off though... I'll be looking for those photos tomorrow *lol*
  20. No Photos = Not real! :hand:
  21. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! YESSS!! ...but why no photos? Hmm? *lol*
  22. CTPKs... that's a spawn I've been chasing foe a long time now without success. I'll be watching with great interest. Good luck Love your setup. I have something similar. How does the water get back into the back section in yours? I had to raise the back partition to allow a gap under each compartment.
  23. Great start to a great setup mate Great to see someone putting in the effort before even going out and grabbing a pair of fish... I keep saying that a barracks is a project I'll get around to building one day... Perhaps when I re-arrange my house and sort out a dedicated fishroom *lol*
  24. Ooh... Zombie snail!!!!! Is it trying to lay eggs?
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