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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. My little sproutling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1V88L5VJ_c&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  2. Yeah all the big boys that were left at the "Betta Cave" have sprouted. I kept a couple for myself and passed the other few to another contestant today :)
  3. Hi guys. I was wondering about the compatibility of Cochus Blue Tetras and Angels. Here's the story - I went down to the LFS this morning and noticed they had some cheap Rummynose Tetras. Unfortunately they only had 4 left (I'm planning on getting another 8-10). After floating them and letting them out, I counted 5 fish - 4 Rummynose and a solitary Cochus Blue Tetra. The two types were in the same tank together and he/she must have been scooped up with the Rummynose. He isn't very happy by himself. I have 2 options - I like the look of him, so would be happy to get some more to shoal with him, but only if they are compatible with angels, otherwise I'll take him back. What are your thoughts?
  4. No, you don't have to be a member of Betta Australis to enter Most of us have never done this before - we're all learning together. Everything is provided. All you have to do is make sure your entry form and fees are in by the due date, you bring your fish in during the designated days above and you pick it up during the times/day listed above :D
  5. After seeing Jims setups, I was almost sold on getting a couple of scorps... Then I remembered how much I dislike creepy crawlies! *lol*
  6. Come on everyone! Get your entries in by the 15th of May!!!
  7. Eek... All these people changing names. Perhaps I should reinvent myself too... *lol*
  8. Betta Australis, in conjunction with QAH are proud to announce the 2012 Caboolture Show Betta Competition 8th, 9th & 10th JUNE Classes 1. Halfmoon 2. Plakat 3. Crowntail 4. Veiltail 5. Female (all types) 6. Other Wild Bettas can be entered under the main show hosted by QAH in the anabantids category. Click here Prizes $50 + Trophy - Champion Fighter $15 + certificate - for 1st place winner in each class. 2nd and 3rd place in each class will receive a certificate Conditions a/ Entries to be either posted to "The Secretary" Betta Australis Inc. 55 Capella Streel Coorparoo 4151, emailed to enquiries@bettaaustralis.com or phoned to Jarrod Nielsen on 0419 828 084 b/ Entry Fee is $5.00 per nominated entry. c/ Entries close 5pm Tuesday 15th May 2012, late entries may not be accepted due to space. d/ Entry Fee must accompany the Entry Form. Cheques to be made payable to Betta Australis Inc. Direct deposit details can be supplied upon request. e/ Entries may be installed from Sunday 3rd June 2012 between 2.00pm and 10.00pm, Monday 4th June and Tuesday 5th June 2012 between 12.00pm and 10.00pm in the WD Williamson Pavilion. f/ Hands out of entries at 10.00pm Tuesday 5th Junes 2012 and judging will be Wednesday night 6th June 2012. g/ Equipment supplied includes - beanie boxes, stands, lights, Heating cords, power supply and air supply. h/ All bettas excluding the Veiltail class will be judged in accordance with IBC judging criteria. Veiltail class will be judged using the Bettas4All Veiltail Show Standard i/ Entries to be removed between 5.00pm and 9.00pm Sunday 10th June 2012. j/ All care is taken with entries, but Betta Australis and QAH accept no responsibility for any loss or damages incured. k/ Stewards collective decision is final. l/ A copy of the rules and standards will be available upon request at all times. m/ All entries must be displayed in supplied container, NO free standing entries admitted. n/ Wild bettas to be entered under the QAH main show anabantid category. Entry forms and fees for this category to be paid and submitted to QAH. More info on the QAH Website: www.qah.org.au ENTRY FORMS HERE!!!
  9. I think that's something you have to contact admin to do for you mate :D
  10. Just your typical Tuesday night Betta Australis Meeting *lol*
  11. That's a good price. I've never seen them that cheap - even for young ones. Where did you get them?
  12. All these people with discus.... Wish I could afford some I'm struggling just to put money aside to save for my angels! And I get accused of having a disposable income I've seen plenty of setups with both angels and discus together and all looked healthy. I have a friend with such a setup. I'll have to ask if he has ever had any problems. Sometimes theory and experience bring different results. A lot of us are keeping fish that theoretically shouldn't get along or have totally different water requirements, but there they are happily living side by side.
  13. ...so...um what are the prizes for the photo/video competition?
  14. Weird, we were both sold the same stuff as "mini chain sword"
  15. Love the effect of that mini chain sword too. Might be a good idea to get some for my tanks. Is that another cello female betta I spy in the tank? How did you go with aligning the outlet of the sponge filter in the breeding tank?
  16. Mine have a lot of red wash too... I hope it isn't a disqualifying fault!!!! *lol*
  17. Best of luck with your fish guys! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :D
  18. I'll be working out final numbers and packing enough to cover contestants soon. If you want to enter and haven't already got your name down on the list, do it NOW - I will check again at 6:45pm. If you aren't on the list by then, give me a PM and we can sort out a day and time for you to pick up your fry... 1) Jennie 2) Paul 3) Matt 4) Sarah 5) Jarrod 6) someone Lea 7) Graeme 8) Josh 9) Kiana
  19. A good rinse and a quick dip in PP to be sure should be fine. Frangipani rust shouldn't affect aquatic plants anyway. Your Mum hasn't sprayed or dusted the leaves with any chemicals that may have gotten in the buckets? If so, I wouldn't risk it and throw the lot...
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