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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Sorry to hear Sarah, feed the boy and keep an eye on the nest over the next couple of days just in case he hasn't eaten all the eggs. That's what happened to my red copper HMPKs and I managed to end up with 6. A lot of first time spawners eat their eggs. Hopefully you will have a nest full next time around!!
  2. Last I looked, someone still had a few in store, she even donated one for the Betta Australis Lucky Member Draw.
  3. lol.... Left those days behind me a good 20yrs ago IMPOSTA IN DA HAUS!!!
  4. They aren't framed Matt. I've painted the base and sides a blue colour to make it look like the edges of a glass tank and the fish are swimming inside... go clean your iPad screen! *lol*
  5. Thanks Ness. No, a little more low-tech... Stencilled :D
  6. Thanks Matt. That's exactly what I'm planning on doing to my fishroom re-design. A painting or two on each wall. I'll be doing a larger version of the blue VT, a Black Orchid HM and an Orange or Yellow (possibly dragon) HMPK.
  7. Looking good mate Can't wait to see the end result!
  8. Not sure yet mate, it's something that needs to be discussed with the group...
  9. Just a quick preview of the prize the lucky winner of our raffle will win. Tickets will go on sale on 15th May and will be drawn at our June meeting. Stay tuned for more details... This is a test piece I stenciled onto canvas. I plan to do a series of these for my fishroom upgrade. They will be a limited addition run. One version for me and a copy (in another colour) to be donated to the club for fundraising. I plan on making a VT, CT, HM, HMPK...
  10. Thought I would share this video. It gives a behind the scenes look at a show. Spread the word people! We need the entries and support! :D
  11. What??? Your Albi male turned up??? Wow! Still got the Albi female?
  12. Woooo Hooooo!!!!!!!! Good luck!!!!!
  13. :D Great to hear.... So, come on guys - where are the photos? I'm getting separation anxiety!
  14. Never known anyone who "loses" fish only to rediscover them much later as much as you do Matt. She must have been starving.
  15. Great pair Sarah! Very well matched and should give you some nice babies! Best of luck!!
  16. Nope. They are bettas. The boy that sprouted is just bigger than the rest.
  17. Only one type of fish in that video Harry. They are all brothers and sisters. They are all what's left of the competition fish.
  18. I do have some flake food with freeze dried bloodworms mixed in with it. All my fish love it!
  19. Thanks guys. @Jennie, he's the only boy I have left from my yellow "koi" marble spawn. He's really perked up from a depressive little fish who never had a big appetite. He's really thrived in the big tank to the point where I am considering him as part of my breeding program. I might put him with my steel blue HM girl to contribute to my blue marble line. @Geraldton, I have an internal canister filter in there set at the lowest speed. As it still had a strong current, I inserted a piece of sponge into the start of the spraybar to slow it down. As for lighting, I am using low light plants with a twin t8 light over the tank. Check your plants light requirements, that may be your problem. Also, are your plants in plain gravel? If so, they more than likely will need some kind of fertilizer.
  20. King Betta, Leo, gets first pick of the juiciest bloodworms before the hungry swarm of tetras move in... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unAZAhx-Ico&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  21. Good score mate! Can't wait to see the new setup! Plenty of spawn/growout tanks now. You'll have a little betta farm up and running in no time :)
  22. Wow, clearer photos too Les! You are improving every time you post I LOVE that shade of yellow (can't see any of that blue irid you said they had last time you posted.) They must look good zipping around your tank!
  23. Yes, you do have to wonder why it is called that when it is so rare What gets me is the people who set up a new tank, then proceed to dump 20 odd new fish into an uncycled tank, then blame the store for supplying sick fish... I'm taking my time with my angel tank. Partly due to cost (but let's face it - if I decided I wanted to finish stocking it tomorrow, I would) and partly because I wanted it to cycle properly, become established and to do my research. I had a single male betta in the tank for 3 weeks. Now he has 4 rummynose tankmates who will be joined by another 10 rummynose on the weekend. In a week or two, I'll start looking for my angels. As Busman has said on many occasion - rummynose are the best indicator of water quality. If their red noses pale out, you know there is something wrong. My 4 rummynose are glowing. The red is much brighter than they were in the store - and that is even with the blue cochus tetra hassling them. I must be doing something right :D
  24. Yeah, did it frame by frame....lol (not!) all it needs is an 80's soundtrack! Got to disguise the competitors somehow *lol*
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