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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Hey, no probs. I'm trying not to spook the male today be keeping away from the tank. I'll post another video once the eggs hatch and his attention is on keeping the fry in the nest... Speaking of the nest, it is much smaller today (about the size of a 20c piece) - big enough for the eggs. The plant is hornwort it is a floating plant and VERY easy to look after. No special lighting. I have a small fluro light fitting I bought from bunnings sitting over the tank. It is about 1ft long.
  2. Do you really need the spray paint? I would have thought that the No Rust enamel would have been fine as a top coat... Looking great mate Can't wait to see it all set up in the fishroom with the tanks :D
  3. *lol* Thanks mate. The female STILL looks full of eggs, so I know I can respawn her soonish if need be. I'll wait and make sure the male doesn't snack on eggs/fry before setting her up with another male I can't wait to see how they turn out. They will be my show fish for the September betta show :D
  4. Don't forget that your entry form and fees for the Caboolture Show Betta Australis Betta Competition have to be in by NEXT TUESDAY. WE NEED ENTRIES GUYS!!! PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR CLUB!!!! Ps: You don't need to be a member of Betta Australis to enter.....
  5. How can you say the male isn't photogenic? I'm yet to see a bad photo of him I'm sure they'll do fine. Fingers crossed for a nest full of eggs Do you feed the pair while they are in the spawn tank
  6. Thanks. I tried taking video with my mobile, but the female got shy and swam away, so I set the video camera up on the tripod and walked away for an hour. Thankfully it worked :D
  7. Hahaha Sarah! Ness, I wasn't exaggerating when I said it was raining eggs, she was a full as one of Busman's Red Rockets. I was worried if she didn't start releasing, she'd explode Thanks afr3178
  8. I thought this deserved a thread of it's own. Good for those who have never seen bettas spawning before This pair have been courting since Saturday. They have been very gentle, so have been leaving female out of chimney all day, putting her back in late afternoon and giving them a late evening feed of blackworms. Released female today at approx 11am. Female was clamping her fins and displaying submissive behavior (head down), she had displayed breeding bars from the time she saw the male on Friday. They started wrapping around 12-12:30pm. Male had difficulty at first trying to wrap her, as she was so full of eggs. No eggs were being released at first. I noticed eggs were being produced when I checked on them at 1:30pm. They are still wrapping. Spawn log once I have tails. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43dtyrUmJN8
  9. Good luck Sarah... I'm sure they'll do their thing for you :D
  10. I have found male giants to be mostly docile (the females on the other hand.... ) As for PK and HMPKs, it depends on the individual fish and you'd have to keep an eye on them regularly. Zui, you've got a great looking tank mate. I'm of the opinion "if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it." You obviously have the right balance in there. I've been screamed at on other forums for having a sorority. I was called a nOOb and was told that my fish would be dead within a month - even though I had stated that some had been together in the tank for 18 months. All I can say is keep doing what you're doing, because whatever it is, it works for you Well done!
  11. Jennie, I have it in my 3ft tank at the moment. From experience, I know it eventually goes away, so I'm just waiting it out :D
  12. Good progress Can really see the hard work is paying off!
  13. Hey Josh, good to see you on here I'll keep me ears to the ground and let you know if I hear anything!
  14. Come on Phil, get a move on... Great to see you are making sure you do the job right first time around. I would have been so tempted to cut corners with the prep work and would gave been left with dealing with the consequences later... I'm too impatient!
  15. Things seem to be progressing well already. Male is busy building a huge nest. Female looks like she swallowed a marble I'll let her out for a run tomorrow afternoon. Don't expect things to progress that quickly, but stranger things have happened :D
  16. There were a few nice ones that weren't on YouTube.
  17. I am so happy with them. Thanks for pointing them out saw the other CTPK pair. These are 100times nicer!
  18. Hope you're feeling better soon.
  19. Thanks guys. They are in the spawn tank now. In the time I had them floating till I had the tank ready, I swear the female had produced more eggs. I think the race will be on to see if she drops her bundle before he gets to try and wrap her... *lol*
  20. Won't be long until I get this pair into the spawn tank http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFAaw-WAHwo
  21. Just saw Jodis comp fish... They're growing well... Sure thing Harry.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpHZlkLiLag&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  23. So how long until you pull out your spawn tank and try spawning them again??? *lol*
  24. The secret now is to keep him full at all times. With a full belly he is less likely to snack on anything left If he's being attentive to the nest, odds are that there are a few eggs in there. Either that, or he's preparing for the next all you can eat egg buffet *lol*
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