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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. I briefly kept Mahachai and didn't have any aggression at all. A little flaring and such, but no nipping. As Yan mentioned above, they need plenty of hiding spots. My tank was planted quite heavily and had a piese of driftwood running down the middle so fish were rarely in each others line of site.
  2. Amazing mate! Looks very healthy... Seems you've struck the right balance.
  3. Spanger....wow, I thought you'd been abducted by aliens! Good to see you on here again...
  4. I have to keep trying to remind myself that I will be going overseas for a month next march and the less fish I have, the easier it will be to get somebody to feed them...
  5. Ok... Now I know it is full blown obsession. Zui, not even that made me stop and think. Damn my obsessive personality traits...
  6. Shame you're getting rid of them if I wasn't going for Koi, I would have considered them, but not inflated retail prices. I'd come up with a price you want as bare minimum, ask for offers over that and let everyone fight it out lol
  7. Looking good Sarah! Hope to see the tanks full of fish and fry next photoshoot :D
  8. Welcome to the forum Rainbowfish! Plenty of fish nerds on here to keep you busy talking all things fishy. Don't be afraid to ask any questions, there are alway people on here willing to answer/help. As Ness said, we all LOVE photos! Hope to see you around the forums!
  9. I've only kept pet store mutts before. Threw them in a tank and let them populate it. I know the fancy strains are more delicate, so will start off small and see how I go. Been told the short finned are slightly less finicky.
  10. Just had a look at these on the computer. They look even more tempting. Oops... The sound of the last of my self control crumbling. Oops... The sound I'm going to make when my phone gets cut off 'cause I spent my bill money on GUPPY SHOW PONIES AND TANKS... oops Is it a trick of the light, or is that a flash or two of magenta in that red round tail? I don't know much about guppies (yet) but know some guppy heads would give their right for a fish with magenta genes...
  11. It's the curse of the artistic, we're distracted by pretty colours and sparkly things. If only I was more cerebral, I would be able to talk myself out of this madness instead of getting giddy about the possibility of painting with a new genetic paintbox *lol*
  12. My only hopes of marriage is to find a nice lady who is a fish nut. Not to worry Matt, I'm not in any rush.
  13. Oh no! I've just spent the past hour on Guppy Designer and now I'm hooked!!!! Help! Is it too late for me? My bank balance will never recover from a new obsession Matt, got a link to that site? Ive googled "gold picses" and got nothing :)
  14. I have finally decided on the type of guppy I want to keep and start out breeding... Now to try and source a pair or trio Anyone seen these around?
  15. Strange, it's been working for me....
  16. Welcome to the forum Riff. I'm sure you'll find plenty of Betta info in the Betta specific section of the forum. Don't be afraid to ask questions. There us usually someone out there willing to answer. I agree that Riff Raff is probably a Crowntail (CT - get used to the abbreviations, they are used a fair bit on here) if he has had a bad case of rot to the point he lost his ray extensions, odds are they won't grow back. He looks healthy and happy now though. You can see the new growth in his tail. Eddie looks to be a halfmoon (HM), meaning that at full spread, his tail spread is 180 degrees or more. He is a nice looking copper dragon, as is Magenta :)
  17. It's a bit hard to give an opinion without seeing them flaring. If you are looking at breeding, then get the red one to match your female. He looks like he is possibly from a salamander spawn. The steel blue fish in the photo looks more copper than steel...
  18. The big Pectorals never seemed to hinder my HM Dumbo. He was one of my fastest fish when chasing the girls around the spawn tank. Only problem was that he never knew what to do once he caught up with them, so would attack after a moment of indecision...
  19. shadoh


    Wait until you get a bigger tank (you did tell us the 2ft was only temporary, right?) your 2 ft is overstocked already. Having said that, loaches and angels should be fine together...
  20. You can also add floating plants such as hornwart. Depending on the lighting, you could pot up just about any aquatic plant and stick it in. Anubias on driftwood or rocks is another popular choice.
  21. Can I just say how much I love the look of the MG HMPK you have there... Beautiful!
  22. Looks like the male has eaten the eggs/fry. I cannot see any eggs in the nest today and definitely can't see and fry hanging under the nest. He's still hovering around under the nest like there's something there though... I'll check back later this afternoon for another look just to be sure - 48 hrs, any eggs should have hatched by then and I should see tails if there is anything in there. So dissapointing :(
  23. All good Ness, this one really is a "practice run" so we have more than 1 person who knows how to set up for the BIG show in September. I'm trying to drum up a little more local support for this show so it will be more than a 2 horse race (1 of whom has a severe handicap) ... *lol*
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