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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Great to see some winter spawns happening this year :D
  2. No, this will be a district show open to interstate and international entries. Fish will be judged according to IBC rules. There will be a Veiltail class that will be judged using the Bettas4All standard (with kind permission from Joep Van Esch) Next September will be the IBC sanctioned show with international guest judges. It was decided a few months ago that as we are a young club with virtually no experience (someone being the exception) of showing Bettas, it would be wise to keep everything a localised as possible this year to give everyone an opportunity to not only learn what is involved in putting on a show (lead up, behind the scenes, fundraising etc...), but also learn how to train and groom a fish to be ready to "perform" at their best for judging and shows (some members learnt from the recent show that although you may have a top shelf fish, if it doesn't display for the judges on the night, it cannot be judged properly) We extend our hands to all clubs around the country to participate and/or come over to experience the show for yourselves. We will make it worth your while ;D
  3. He missed a couple Looks like the female spotted them while stunned - she was heading straight to them when the video cut out :D
  4. Keeping my fingers crossed for you mate. If successful and if you get your usual rate of growth, I am sure you'll have some nice show ponies for the big show!
  5. At last nights Betta Australis meet, we agreed on a date and venue for the September Betta show. September 8 - 9th at the Caboolture Showgrounds All interstate entries are to be sent to someone on Wednesday 5th September to arrive Thursday 6th and Friday 7th September. We will only accept shipping on those two days. Fish will be benched in on the Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday morning. We will have space for up to 120 fish. Judging will take place on Saturday afternoon followed by a club BBQ for members and guests. A great way for everyone to sit back, relax catch up and enjoy the hard work. Also a chance to view the entries before the show is open to the public on Sunday morning. Entry Forms, rules and further info will be uploaded ASAP. For those interested in other types of fish, there will also be displays by QAH (Queensland Aquarium Hobbyists) and possibly some other local clubs.
  6. Guppies have such a "healthy" appetite. There is nothing they won't try eating :D
  7. Hey there weasel, great to meet you. I'm sure you'll find all the info and more that you need on here. We're quite a friendly bunch, so don't be afraid of asking questions By the way, Annerley Junction is on Ipswich Rd, Annerley on the side that has the big antique shop.
  8. We gotta do something every now and again to include you interstate guys. Now I gotta go back and check out the ones you like....lol
  9. Les, have a look at the video I posted here: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=13854&pid=158121&st=0&#entry158121 for a quick preview of what's up for grabs...
  10. I know there used to be, but I think this is only an option available to the mods now...
  11. Hey Les, can't wait for the next show either... Keep an eye on the forum next Wednesday, I'll be making an announcement that may help you interstate members of Betta Australis get your hands on some decent breeding stock or entrants for the next show! (hey, if you have a spawn tank ready it may not be too late to breed a show winner or two...) Can't say much more than that right now ;)
  12. 33 secs in... It's the only other male CT that we had. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frTawc_EX3A&feature=youtube_gdata_player Need to set up a photo box, or extra lighting for next show. The top step of tanks get sufficient light to photograph, but the bottom step is too dark, as well as glare off the beanies. Will have to fashion a card to shield reflection. Oh well, live and learn. Can't do it all :D
  13. Busman, just remembered, your lavender butterfly and my salamander girl are Aussie bred too... Bristoon, all the placewinners are above. If you are talking about my blue, red and white marble 2nd place boy I can try for a better photo when he is not flared out... First place CT was like a black orchid in coloring with green instead of blue. 3rd place was a green marble. The only other CT that comes close is a red Cambodian male (red fins light body) with a bit of steel blue at the base of his fins. He is in one of the group videos, I'll see if I can find it...
  14. Thanks guys. Glad to see someone made it through this mega post I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure that my metallic PK boy was the only fish in the comp bred by the entrant... Hoping to see a lot more self bred, or at least locally bred fish in Septembers comp :D
  15. 2nd Place Other Type - 2nd Place Other Type - White DT HM PK - someone Matheson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqtBxNuv9wM 3rd Place Other Type - Red DT HM - someone Matheson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqwPrOz7aC8 Thankyou and goodnight....
  16. 3rd Place Female - White CT - Paul Duffey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cST95hkE-c 1st Place Other Type - Blue CT PK - Jarrod Nielsen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eJ50QcSGao
  17. 1st Place Female - Red Doubletail HM - someone Matheson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xks5ZO5KN_4 2nd Place Female - Opaque White HM - Jarrod Nielsen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdJgsd4iZ0o
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewNxBsFvo18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0toqdcw8Yc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRnF_2utJy8
  19. 3rd Place Veiltail - Bicolour Dragon - someone Matheson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tofDjMYZxzo Highly Commended Veiltail - Blue Cambodian - Peta Ryan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm-vq8dwMPM
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frTawc_EX3A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwi9T0gXA2s
  21. 2nd Place Crowntail - Marble CT - Jarrod Nielsen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVQaxhaLx-4 3rd Place Crowntail - Marble CT - Peta Ryan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JUlvsUgiWo
  22. Highly Commended Halfmoon - Multicolour - Matt Thomas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45AHIBoCZrg 1st Place Crowntail - Black Green Multicolour - Peta Ryan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMFfePHhzNg
  23. 2nd Place Halfmoon - Blue Mustard HM - someone Matheson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P9Fx8kNo74 3rd Place Halfmoon - Copper Red Multicolour - Jade Gallagher http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HApmwpf7tc4
  24. 3rd Place Plakat - Metallic Blue PK - Jarrod Nielsen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2D8GjeL0-o 1st Place Halfmoon - "Peach" HM - Jay Cottrell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AxMQX5i2nA
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