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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Technically they should be able to, but I would suggest waiting till they get bigger. If she keeps filling with eggs, reduce her exposure to males and skip a feed or two - she'll reabsorb them. Besides, you are spoiled for choice with other fish to spawn at the moment :P
  2. Got one.... Now, where can I find something similar on Bettas?
  3. Can't wait to have a tank of copper reds growing out. It will be a couple of months before they hit a spawn tank They are tiny...
  4. They've coloured up nicely Well done!
  5. Mate, they've coloured up well now they've settled in Jim chose well! They have great form. I want to get all mad scientisty and make short tailed versions :)
  6. No idea on the name. Koi are illegal here in QLD, so know absolutely nothing...
  7. LOVE the colour on the false perspective giant :D
  8. If you decide on red, I have plenty of Red VT girls I'll be looking to move on very soon :)
  9. Thanks MT, I am VERY proud... Good news (for me anyway!) ...I found a copper Red female in the growout I'll fish her out when I get home from work...
  10. Thanks Lachie it will be some time before I spawn them (although the female is full of eggs). They are tiny. About slightly more than half a full grown Betta.
  11. Love them Les! Keep up the good work. I'd love to hear more about your training techniques...
  12. Thanks Jennie - hopefully in the future I'll be able to establish a line of them. Let's hope he isn't an egg/fry eater like his dad
  13. Thanks mate The next two are the F1 from the original Orange Marble spawn. I had a couple of Copper Red males in that spawn, so I decided to spawn a male to a metallic sibling sister to try and get more. The boy turned out to be an egg AND fry eater, so after 2 or 3 spawns, I removed the eggs for a fatherless hatch. 6 survived. These two are the first to be jarred. I think this is the only copper red male... The female is starting to get thicker dragon like scales. Her grandmother was a marble dragon...
  14. Here's some I prepared earlier Phil, If you are reading this, this is the male I was thinking for you... I love these guys. Not a bad HM distraction from my PKs. I doubt I'll do any more HM spawns, as I want to concentrate on other things. Just an indication of the quality Jim's (JHA) fish can produce. Bump me, I have a couple more... PS: I have a couple of people lined up to breed these guys, so the line won't end with me. If I couldn't have found anyone wanting to breed them, I would have kept them going...
  15. Love that grizzle/marble girl :)
  16. The only way I see is to drill a hole where you want the water level to be. Only problem there is the shape and thickness of the glass. A lot of people use plastic beanie baby display boxes for their barracks. Have a search on the forum, there are a couple of examples floating around.
  17. Welcome to the forum Chris. There is plenty here to keep you busy for a while the people here are a friendly bunch. Especially when kept well fed with photos don't be afraid to ask questions. There is always someone around to help out.
  18. While you're at it Ness, make one for me too??? *lol*
  19. Looking good mate Good to see you're starting off with quality :D
  20. It wasn't until I was waterchanging today that I noticed just how good he is looking. :D
  21. I hate to jinx it, but this young guy is my latest show hope. He is the only male of the spawn to have his Fathers colouring. Formwise, although he has a lot more growing to do, he is a definite improvement. Next generations, I will be looking at cleaning up the fins by trying to minimize the bleeding of the copper colour into the fins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4wGrgaxG9U&feature=youtube_gdata_player This female and couple of matching sisters turned up in my Royal Blue/Black Lace spawn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyFOtoDSSGE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  22. Hey Ness, yeah I realize where they come from, just admiring. Great to see some quality moving south (into the stores - a few private breeders such as yourself breeding quality - problem is keeping up demand.) It would be nice to see where all the breeding pairs sold go and whether or not they are bred. Nothing wrong with having a quality pair for display, but surely this doesn't count as the majority of cases. I have often wondered what happens to some of my pairs I sell - had one guy in particular buy at least 10 breeding pairs from me and one or 2 from Paul in one order. Surely they weren't destined to be display fish. Did a quick search and found these guys. They say they sell quality, but always seem to be sold out lately.... Extremely popular, or tres dodgy? You be the judge ;)
  23. Sorry Busman. Too busy being an arty farty graphic designer who moonlights as water change monkey for a well known aquarium shop/publicity manager/secretary for some fish club...
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