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Everything posted by shadoh

  1. Show schedule : Thursday 6th September - Friday 7th September 11am - 7pm: someone accepting shipped interstate entries/local entries at shop. Friday 7th September (5pm - 10pm) : Benching in Saturday 8th September (8am - 11am) : Benching in Saturday 8th September (12pm - 2pm) : Judging Saturday 8th September (2pm) : Judges afternoon tea break Saturday 8th September (3pm - 6pm) : Judging Saturday 8th September (6pm - ?) : Club BBQ at showgrounds and awards presentation Sunday 9th September (6am - 1pm) : Show open to public Sunday 9th September (1pm - 4pm): Benchout/Pack up
  2. Betta Australis is Proud to Announce the 2012 Betta Show... Classes Division A: Halfmoon Single Tail A1. Red STM (Dark and Light Body) A2. Black STM A3. Dark Iridescent STM A4. Light Solid Color STM A5. Patterned STM A6. Metallic Dark STM A7. Metallic Light STM Division B: Halfmoon Doubletail B1. Dark Solid Color DTM B2. Light Solid Color DTM B3. Patterned DTM B4. Metallic Dark/Light DTM Division C: Crowntail Single Tail C1. Red/Black CTM C2. Dark Iridescent CTM C3. Light Solid CTM C4. Patterned CTM C5. Black Orchid CTM C6. Metallic Dark CTM C7. Metallic Light CTM Division D: Shortfin Single Tail D1. Red STM Show Plakat D2. Black STM Show Plakat D3. Blue STM Show Plakat D4. Steel STM Show Plakat D5. Green/Turquoise STM Show Plakat D6. Light Solid Color Show Plakat D7. Bicolor/Butterfly STM Show Plakat D8. Marble/Grizzled/Multicolor STM Show Plakat D9. Metallic Dark STM Show Plakat D10. Metallic Light STM Show Plakat D11. Halfmoon Shortfin Best in Class - Certificate + Small Prize from Sponsor Division Awards:First - $25 Prizemoney, Certificate & Ribbon Second - $15 Prizemoney, Certificate & Ribbon Third - $10 Prizemoney, Certificate and Ribbon Division A-D Winners compete for BOS & RBOS BOS - $100 Prizemoney, Trophy, Certificate and Sash RBOS - $50 Prizemoney, Trophy, Certificate and Sash Division E: Breeders Division E1. Color or Form Variations - (eg DT Plakat, DT CT, Crown plakat, Dumbo etc) E2. Form and Finnage - (exceptional form fish which does not comply to any colour class eg purple, dalamatian, half black etc. What is generally known as AOC Emphasis is strongly on the FORM, not COLOUR E3. Pairs - (Match spawn siblings) Division F: Wild Type Betta Pairs F1. Bubble-nesters (small ) F2. Bubble-nesters (medium/large) F3. Mouth-brooders ( small) F4. Mouth-brooders (large) Division G: Optional Classes G1. Photography G2. Illustration G3. Crafts Division H: Female Classes H1. Solid Color HM/Plakat Female H2. Patterned HM/Plakat Female H3. Solid Color CT Female H4. Patterned CT Female Division I: Temporary Classes I1. Traditional Plakat I2. Giant Plakat I3. Veiltail Division Awards:First - $25 Prizemoney, Certificate & Ribbon Second - $15 Prizemoney, Certificate & Ribbon Third - $10 Prizemoney, Certificate and Ribbon Not eligible to compete for BOS Any class with less than 3 entries will be combined a/ Entries to be either filled out online, posted to "The Secretary" Betta Australis Inc. 55 Capella Streel Coorparoo 4151, emailed to enquiries@bettaaustralis.com or phoned to Jarrod Nielsen on 0419 828 084 b/ Entry Fee is $5.00 per nominated entry. c/ Entries close 5pm Wednesday 5th September 2012, late entries may not be accepted due to space. d/ Entry Fee must accompany the Entry Form. Cheques to be made payable to Betta Australis Inc. Direct deposit details can be supplied upon request. e/ Entries may be installed from Friday 7th September 2012 between 5.00pm and 10.00pm, Saturday 8th September 2012 between 8.00am and 11.00am in the WD Williamson Pavilion. f/ Hands out of entries at 11.00am Saturday 8th September 2012 and judging will be Saturday 8th September 2012 at 12.00pm. g/ Equipment supplied includes - beanie boxes, stands, lights, Heating cords, power supply and air supply. h/ All bettas excluding the Veiltail class will be judged in accordance with IBC judging criteria. Veiltail class will be judged using the Bettas4All Veiltail Show Standard i/ Entries to be removed between 1.00pm and 4.00pm Sunday 9th September 2012. j/ All care is taken with entries, but Betta Australis accept no responsibility for any loss or damages incured. k/ Stewards collective decision is final. l/ A copy of the rules and standards will be available upon request at all times. m/ All entries must be displayed in supplied container, NO free standing entries admitted. n/ LFS will be accepting local and shipped entries on Thursday 6th September and Friday 7th September only. If shipping/dropping fish off, please ensure fish arrive on those days only. Entry Forms will be available from Wednesday 25th July
  3. She buys them off a breeder over there to enter them under her name...
  4. BTW, the video is a flash player, so those with non flash compatible devices (ie: iPhone, iPad) won't be able to view it...
  5. someone has about 20 entries in this one. She was supposed to judge, but was stuck here due to a HUGE shipment coming in around the time she was meant to fly out...
  6. I thought I might share this to all who are interested in seeing how betta competitions are run overseas. Pichet of Interfish is hosting a competition in the north of Thailand this week. The event will be streamed live over the net. TIME & PROGRAM (Bangkok time) 24july 2012 # 1pm-7pm (bench in date) 25july 2012 # 9am- 9pm (judging date) 26july 2012 # 9am- 12am (betta talk and workshop) 29july 2012 # 9am - 12am (prize presentation) I've tried to embed it on this page, but can't get it to work. The link to view is: http://ppmedia.info/VDO/index.htm PS: The eastern states are 3 hours ahead of Bangkok...
  7. Final details, Flyers and Entry Forms will be made available to everyone during the week :)
  8. Hey Jess, you have some mighty fine boys there, I especially like the Red Dragon To answer the question posed by Ness, No, he wouldn't be classed as Symmetrical - as beautiful and high as his dorsal is, it isn't broad enough or have enough rays to be classed as Symmetrical. With the 4 way branching in the caudal, I'd be inclined to refer him as a show plakat, but hard to say exactly, as the caudal edges aren't visible.
  9. Adam, someone hasn't bred Bettas in MANY years She's just too busy. I bred a pair of red VTs and donated them to the club at 7 weeks of age for club members to raise for the grooming competition. If you go to the first page of this topic, you'll see all the info and details.
  10. I've had this happen before and discovered I could make it work by going to my profile page and entering it there. Also using Chrome... (Windows) I should add, I never try to view or add statices from my iPhone (which I use more and more when viewing the forum
  11. They look very similar. All I know is that they were caught locally here in Brisbane. I'll ask the guy about them when he's in the store next. Hmmm... Just noticed that the ones you posted eat snails... Might be the answer to my problems :D
  12. Don't ask me what type, they would be destined for the barbie if I had them I had to move them to another tank today at work and they were sooo agro! God they were fast. Like fast scuttling creepy giant water spiders. I think I have a whole new phobia Anyway, I thought some of you shrimp people might like a photo or 2... Of the shrimp, not me screaming like a girl and throwing the net to the other side if the room....
  13. Thanks to all who participated Results were: Best Male - someone Lea Matheson Best Female - someone Lea Matheson Most Developed - someone Lea Matheson Most Unusual - Paul Duffey 1st Place - someone Lea Matheson 2nd Place - someone Lea Matheson 3rd Place - someone Lea Matheson Fish were Judged by "Peoples Choice" 1, 2 and 3rd place were the fish that had the most votes in the other categories. Considering the fish were all the same size at the time of handout, it was surprising to see the difference in size and development at the final judging tonight. someone's fish were massive when compared to all the others. Just shows what a never-ending buffet of live blackworms will do. That's it... It's blackworms for all my future spawns from now on once they are big enough I tried to take photos, but all but one were ruined by reflections...
  14. So, the bubbles are in a section of still water where Bettas hang out? Stupid question, but is it the remnants of a bubblenest???
  15. What critters do you have in this tank?
  16. Lol... So much I could say to that, but too inappropriate to post. :rofl:
  17. Thanks Les, I do have a soft spot for that little guy. I am tempted to continue the line @Jennie - too cute. One of mine has just started blowing bubbles :D
  18. Hey Les, why don't you grab a cheap kettle and keep it in the garage?
  19. Don't forget guys, next week will be the judging of the grooming comp. Bring some or all of your grooming comp fish along. Here's one of the worst of my batch... No Ventrals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U40nFoFy4_g&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  20. Congrats They are a great pair. I love the bright orange!
  21. Something I have always wondered about. Glad someone stepped up and asked Now you can ignore all my pretty fishies with miniskirts Ness *lol*
  22. Gold will give you reds. If you breed the offpring together or son back to gold mother you'll get golds back..
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