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Status Replies posted by shadoh

  1. My albino bristlenose babies are leaving their cave!!! They're so cute and so many of them...

  2. Now the b**ch has killed one of my boys :`-( going to let her meet the polleni >:(

  3. == 4 spawns of betta fry are a pain to feed and water change

  4. If a pair is on hold on someone's channel, is it worth still requesting to buy in case they don't sell??

  5. If a pair is on hold on someone's channel, is it worth still requesting to buy in case they don't sell??

  6. Yes! I have a yellow fry!

  7. Yes! I have a yellow fry!

  8. The ball is now in motion :)

  9. The ball is now in motion :)

  10. Yes! I have a yellow fry!

  11. How do you attach Anubias to driftwood?? :/

  12. All my fry are dead but one.. and it is deformed. :((((

  13. All my fry are dead but one.. and it is deformed. :((((

  14. I have more BN eggs! woot

  15. I have more BN eggs! woot

  16. Horrible news. First spawn ever, I had over 250 fry, now only 5-10. :( Why? Because I turn the heater off when I clean the tank (I have burnt my hands a few times) and silly enough to forget to turn it back on. :( They are 2wk today, so I surived (if you can call it that) the worst. Hopefully the remainers will surrive, and I'll get a few males (I can breed back to the mum, dad died though.)

  17. I think may barbs ate ALL of the duckweed in their tank? because its gone....

  18. Sick of waiting for my fry to grow up. Don't they come with a fast forward button or something?

  19. I think i've destroyed my boys' hunting ability. Was trying to teach them to jump but now not only do they not jump very well but they'll only eat food out of my finger. If I don't stick it near them the food just floats away in the filter current while they stare at me :/

  20. Trying to decide my next spawn. Either red dragon VT pair or my Black CT male x Black/green HM female...

  21. I'd forgotten how frustrating Betta can be. I'm looking at a pair of mine making out, she's fat as a pig, and I'm like just get on with it will you LOL Time to put on the Barry White...

  22. I'd forgotten how frustrating Betta can be. I'm looking at a pair of mine making out, she's fat as a pig, and I'm like just get on with it will you LOL Time to put on the Barry White...

  23. uh oh, is it just be or is facebook down?

  24. Yay 10 new fish today! *dances around*

  25. Got my first two fish from someone. :D

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