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Status Updates posted by shadoh

  1. Don't apologise. Looks like my crazy taste of music has rubbed off...lol

  2. i have to ask - did you have any part in choosing the music for the show entrant vids being uploaded to someone's channel?

    Ummm... no... *Heads over to Jodis Channel....

  3. Finally got my betta breeding mojo back!!!!!!!!

    1. DenningA.Rajit


      Congrats! Can't wait for update and photos of new spawns.

  4. Yes! My Copper Marble HMPKs have wrapped today! Can't wait to see what they produce ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shadoh


      Oranges (HMPKs) have spawned. Got about 20 3 week old fry. Thinking about putting the male over an orange dragon HM female...

    3. les


      That sound like a realy nice combination and it could be used with the orange HMPK spawn at a later date. Looking forward to the spawn talk on this one

    4. shadoh


      Damn. Failed spawn. Male ate fry... Will set up and try again...

  5. AHHH! Columnaris has reared it's ugly head x-x

    1. forever_and_a_day
    2. les


      Shizza! I hope its not in the spawn tanks



    3. shadoh


      It was my new Orange HMPK female after I pulled her out of the spawn tank (and the male ate 90%of the eggs) she seems to be responding to treatment and male showing no signs of disease :)

  6. 2012 is literally ending with a bang in my fishroom. Orange HMPK pair are currently wrapping. Copper Marble HMPK pair are circling under their nest and I'm about to set up my Copper Red DTPK male with a Red DTHM female. 2013 looks to be a busy, rewarding year on the Betta front for me... Happy New Year everyone! Jarrod

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. plakathunter123


      sounds great jarrod let me know when u have any of the DTPK for sale:}

    3. Sarah
    4. shadoh
  7. Why can't I be strong enough not to buy whenever I go to Fishchicks?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. shadoh


      Let me know what you are after and I can keep my eye out on the day I work ;)

    3. Lilly


      How many fish do you have now Shadoh? I've been curious... Heheh. I'm glad that marble dragon pair had red rather than yellow, that's all that saved me from leaping on them.

    4. shadoh


      About 6 breeding pairs and 3 spawns of different sizes and ages growing out :)

  8. Happy Birthday Cassi. We miss seeing you around the forum :)

  9. Happy Birthday Sara!

  10. Jarred up Busman's fish to take home and she dropped a bellyful of eggs! Grrr...

  11. Happy Birthday! Have a great day :)

  12. Happy Birthday!!!

  13. Haha! Thanks Sarah :D

  14. A friend came to visit with his new girlfriend last night. He called the visit to an end after seeing the look on my face after his new girlfriend commented that only bogans kept fighter fish....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. little_troppo


      I agree and disagree bro before ho's but not the good ho's

      What did you tell him

    3. Hazell


      Thats, just plain rude, If I were her, seeing you- I'd run.. Very fast.

    4. Guest


      grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr how dare she say that u should take her to jims and se what he says:)

  15. Happy Birthday someone! Have a great day...

  16. The giants are coming... :)

  17. Lemon Meringues in the spawn tank :)

  18. Thinking about giving the big ears pair another round in the spawn tank...

    1. DenningA.Rajit


      Hey shadoh, I'm thinking of giving the big ears pair a go. First time with this pair. I was just wondering if I paired the male big ears PK with a female Halfmoon, will it produce long fin half moon or will it produce more PK HM. Just curious cos I am having problems spawning my other breeding pairs I have here.

    2. shadoh


      Hey drajit82, you'll get all long fin because long fin is dominant. They'll all carry PK so if you breed the offspring you'll get 25% HMPK, 25% pure HM and 50% HM carrying HMPK. good luck...

  19. Happy Birthday!!

    Have a great day :)

  20. Yay! Got work done, passed my annual review and had my contract renewed for another 12 mths. On top of that, I survived a 1 on 1 2hr meeting with my boss and another 1 hr meeting with my boss and co-worker. So happy, I'm taking the afternoon off to rest, drink G&T's and pass out...lol

    1. little_troppo


      What do you do for work?

    2. shadoh


      I'm a medical illustrator (I create cool animations and 3D illustrations for medical textbooks and drug companies)

  21. Harvey forgot to be a dog today and climbed a tree to have a look inside a friends possum box. Only catch was that he didn't have a plan to get back down, so howled until we found a ladder to rescue him...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah


      Here I am, no dogs do not and can not climb trees.

      This ninja stands corrected.

    3. shadoh


      He was trying to be a drop dog. Gotta watch the mini foxies, they are good jumpers and, as I found out - climbers...

    4. Sarah


      We have a Jack Russell terrier, who we suspect is crossed with a mini foxie (we are his 4th owners).

      For such a small thing, he can jump HIGH. Really have to watch when we are holding food that he doesn't jump up and nap it off us!!

  22. OK. Too boring on here today - nobody posting. Back to the wii.... (sorry Busman. LOL)

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. shadoh


      All salamanders are BF, but not all BF are salamanders. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/286993-what-makes-a-betta-a-salamander/

    3. Sarah


      Aaahh... interesting!

      Thanks Shadoh!!

    4. Matt_95


      No it didn't look like a salamander from memory, it was just a light yellow.

  23. Got my new imports :D got a nice surprise too...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shadoh


      So...talking about me to someone behind my back, huh? lol I posted all the photos yesterday arvo Les. They are here: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11949

    3. Sarah


      Gee, Shadoh... we ALL talk about you behind your back.

      Opps, I've said too much. :P

    4. Matt_95


      GEE Sarah, we wern't supposed to tell him :P

  24. Thinking about hopping into one of my tanks to keep warm. ...mmm a nice even 27 deg 24/7. My bettas have no idea how well they have it :D

    1. Sarah


      Haha, yeah they are spoilt those Bettas!

      If my axolotl tank was heated, I would jump in.. big enough (have nearly fallen in numerous times). Alas, it is only 12*C.

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