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About louu

  • Birthday 08/16/1992

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  1. Sarah

    Happy Birthday Louu!

    Hope you have a fantabulous day. :))

  2. Welcome to AAQ though you probably already know a few people around here!
  3. I love that web! Surely will keep the kiddies happy!
  4. Hehe I don't mind the fish questions! I was thinking gold ocellatus but there is a pretty hefty pricetag I did a little research and am very satisfied with the local prices as I saw them going for almost a hundred bucks each online! Are the ones spawning the heqcui? I remember a post..
  5. Ok will do! I got onto a local aquarium club thingy and was offered a number of different species but have settled for a proven pair of occies which will hopefully get the ball rolling! I like how my question is ok but the important part are the fish!
  6. They are lovely! But what do you expect from someone's?
  7. Ah that's great news! I just wasn't sure if/how you would fix it! Thank you for the quick response!
  8. This is so nice! I am jumping on the bandwagon of wanting one! Maybe next year... Congrats on your tank really is beautiful and I never realized marine fish had such character!
  9. I bought a (almost) two ft cube a year or two ago and had it stored on the veranda unfortunately I didn't really think about it and it was in a spot where people walked past it. I filled it up today because I am soon to be the owner of some shellies and wanted to get it ready. But I have found some quite substantial chips on the outside corners of the tank which I think may compromise the integrity of it. One corner has had thin slices shaves off the piece of glass mostly where two pieces are glued together the glass in that spot is probably only 75-80% in thickness at its worst But the bit I am really worried about is the corner beside it where it has cracked (again where the two pieces support each other) and left a slice about two mm thick missing. I am guessing this is a write off but I am hopeful that there is something I can do to fix it or reinforce it? Thank you!
  10. Wow! It's gorgeous! And I think the betta's really add to it, perfect colours. Well done!
  11. Welcome to the forum! I LOVE albino tiger oscars and albino reds! Wanted one for a while now but can't accommodate the tank <_<
  12. Thanks fishbites! You have really helped me a lot I am not a hundred percent on building a tank my dad is really annoyingly handy (constantly fixing things that should be dead, I want a new laptop!!!) I did actually find an extremely useful website on building tanks. I found it when someone mentioned bracing. So I could make a tank but I think I would feel safer spending a bit of time looking at second hand tanks and try to snag a gooden relatively cheaply that have been proffessionally made. Anyway Christmas isn't the best time to be spending money on yet MORE tanks! Priscilla is getting old and I think very soon I will find myself with out my fishy friend so I would like to set something small up in my bedroom to keep me company when I read at night :)
  13. Thanks Busman, sound advice I just need to work out a few things, I am still very interested in african cichlids but for the moment will focus on smaller tanks that need filling. Thank you all for everything, really.
  14. Oh don't worry I am not rushing it! Well now that I have all this information I am going to sit on it, plus there are my sister's gold fish in my 4ft which was pretty dodgey anyway (second hand) so I think she can keep that one. I think I will work on filling the tanks I already have which will certainly mean more bettas but might mean some tiger barbs or shellies. My problem is that I get caught up with all my ideas that get bigger and more grand as time passes. So I will work with what I have got and leave my big setup until I have enough money to buy one of the most important parts, the tank!
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