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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Yes, thank you Ness! And don't worry, I'll give you big drunken kisses since Razzi won't step up to the plate. :shifty:
  2. Congrats on surviving another year! lol
  3. Sitting back after reworking my marine tank and trimming the community tank... Couldn't be much happier with my community tank. :)

  4. Yanagi


    Ammonia smells. Get your hands on some Seachem Clarity, cleared up my tank like a charm!
  5. I'm sure I've seen almost adult sized ones still with a white band, and I've seen juvies without the white band so... I dunno?? Ok my bad, it's Starlight Bristlenose (L183) that don't lose the white stripe. /idiot
  6. 4 New additions yesterday. 2 Honey dwarf gouramis and umm a honey flame?? dwarf gourami. It's a hybrid of the flame and honey. Astounding colour! Also a small royal whiptail. No ammonia spike from it so I'm calling it good and will think about getting some more discus when I can afford it. Wanted; Red spotted turqoise Eruption anddd forgot the name of the other, haha! Oops! Will also eventually be getting; another female pearl gourami peppermint bristlenose.. specifically after the ones with the white bands (butterfly pattern?) Rasbora and Tetra to add to my current schools. I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to do with my angels. I love them and all but they're just UGH. Picking at each other constantly nowadays. I WILL be keeping my breeding pair because that's just the way I am, they were my first angels! <3 But I much prefer my smoky leopard and the stripey one pictured above, so much prettier. What can you do though?? I think I will be taking the koi and the platinum one back to work. Curly will stay because he'd just be culled, poor bugger. (anyone want to adopt Curly? Free to good home..) Maybe I'll just take the rest back and get another lot of babies.. recycling my angels, hahaha! I miss my black angel. Oh thoughts and dramaz and indecision... :blink:
  7. Yanagi


    Pair of dwarf gouramis to breed up top, pair of apistos to breed on the bottom and some dither fish... galaxy rasboras? lol Will be watching this thread with interest!
  8. Dwarf chain loaches have got a bad case of the zoomies. My very cool bristlenose. Never know what colour he will be. I accidentally jabbed this guy with the plant tweezers last night. I feel horrible about it! 'Where's da noms, food lady??' I think I'll have to take another video as I can't get a decent FTS and no one else will cooperatively pose for the camera. It's all WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE zoom away...
  9. Thanks MTS. So I've been quite busy and haven't kept on top of things like I should have. Ammonia alert has been reading a perfect 0 for a few days now. Losses; Tiny discus that had been moved to be treated for an unrelated illness. My father killed it by turning off the HOB. All 3 blue angels. Devo. My gorgeous black angel. ??? At a loss with this one... 1 Tiny bristlenose. 3? Imbellis Added an air stone and did 1 half water change, had no more losses since then. My father also asked for my nasty Angelfish to be put in his tank instead of going back to work, so that was done. Now my pair are back into breeding mode and looking for somewhere to lay. I put a twin T5 over the tank along with the twin T8 and the LED floodlight. Bought even more plants, and keep losing my Temple for some odd reason so I'm going to toss all that out and fill that corner back in with Ludwigia repens (not 100% sure on this). Now I'm off to test nitrite/nitrate, clean the glass and take some pics.
  10. You need a list to break everything down, Jarrod! I apparently had started reading this thread at some point so started about half way through and was completely lost by the end of it.. LOL Oops. Plants you want/will aim for? What about the fish? Do you have a biotope or 'theme' you will be sticking to? I like to draw out the floor plan of my tank on a sketch pad, draw in my hard scape then I'll go through my list of plants I want and see what will work where from there on.. Of course with my own tank I've ended up adding about a billion more plants than what was initially on my list. Also some of the plants I wanted and bought just aren't working out for reasons unknown.
  11. For that period of time I'd suggest an aquarium maintence person, Michael at Aquavision is an awesome guy, I know him personally. Blackworms are unlikely to survive that amount of time in a fish tank. Mine never last that long, I've had them start to rot within a day before. I'm most concerned about the Macrostoma pair. A monkey could look after the rest of the fish but I wouldn't risk the Macs!
  12. Wow Les, that's fantastic. I'm glad it was my tank that helped him make up his mind! If you guys need any help with anything, plants, fish, etc just let me know!
  13. Yeah that sounds right.. sorry my memory is a little fuzzy. Been one hell of a weekend, hahaha. :blush:
  14. Hey guys, sorry for the slow reply I haven't been home. I dose the Seachem range and use dino dung. Matt, I am not 100% sure.. I think tye dye isn't exactly black. It's just what the tank said and I went 'oohprettymusthave' LOL It's Lilaeopsis in the foreground. We only had 4 pots at work but I am hoping to get it all the way across the front of the tank eventually. Thank you Les :)
  15. Love the green lotus, I'm a bit worried about losing it as it stinks like rotten fart and it's dropping some of it's leaves. Hopefully it makes a come back. I'll get some tye dye lotus and red lotus in there eventually. Glad you approve Sideways Angel (he's the one i posted about a while back with SBD) I've just been calling circle fish. Curly is a much better name!
  16. Water testing reveals ph: <6 Ammonia: 1 Nitrite: 0.25 Nitrate: 0 kH: 0 / very low Cue dose of prime and some buffer, lol. Also need to invest in a pH pen or in-line pH monitor.
  17. I think he's a pigeon snakeskin. I have no idea what the correct name for his colour is.. He isn't one of 'our' fish from work, he was a customer trade in (we NEVER take discus off people but they were so nice we decided to) and put in quarantine out the back for I think it was about 2 months before I finally decided to ask the boss for a price.
  18. Going to kick youtube in the crotch if it doesn't get done soon...
  19. Thanks all for the kind words. I didn't even get half the plants I wanted but it is looking a lot better today. Photos were an epic failure last night so I took another video which is in the process of being audioswapped as I was yapping on while recording, lol. I'll see if I can salvage some of the photos from last night.. but here are 2 more photos from day 1
  20. The background is bought. I'm far too unskilled and lazy to DIY many things, haha, I haven't stuck completely true to the amazon but close enough as far as i'm concerned, lol! Tank is planted out with about half of what i actually wanted so I'll try some more pics again later.
  21. <_< Ok youtube apparently still hasn't done the audio swap... You'll just have to listen to the hum of the filter, or mute it. [/media Tank is completely clear this morning. I dosed stability and prime (as a safe guard). Will test levels tonight.
  22. Expect a video around lunch time today.. :D
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