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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Argh. The way the light reflects off my pearl gourami it looks like she's covered in bacterial lesions.. I get up and check and she's NEVER got a mark. Stupid light.

  2. LOL.. You'll be waiting until at least wednesday. I get a new camera around then. ;P
  3. There's a ninja tea party going on in there and she doesn't even know it. How do I know? Well... :ph34r:
  4. :rofl: This thread is highly entertaining. Imagine if we were all reading it after drying spray paint in our houses...
  5. I need to downsize my 2ft tank again, want to pop over to sydney for a bit? I'll give you as much tea and timtams as you want... :D
  6. WOAH... Just saw my clownfish tail-smack my lionfish in the face... And get away with it!

    1. Sarah


      Tough Nemo!

      ...sorry had to say it... Lucky clownfish.

    2. Yanagi


      Lucky Pew is a lazy bugger. I think he's learning to recognize me. He raises his spine whenever I come near the tank (he doesn't do this to other people....). Not sure whether to take that as a good sign or a sign he's plotting my death. Hmmmm.

    3. Masquerade


      I doubt a he would be plotting your death. If he killed you no one would provide him with room service.

  7. After a 3ft tank with a black cabinet and hood, let me know if you see any for sale. Preferably with an overflow.

  8. Here's another one that was left on the camera, shhhh...
  9. Here's a picture of him for you, I believe I took it just before he was bagged up. I know how the horses thing goes, lol. Haven't the time nor money to even trail ride any more. :(
  10. Got to set up a proper tank for our tadpoles very soon, some are starting to morph. Getting sick of looking down at them in a bucket!

    1. paul


      At work or home?

      Stumbled across a puddle in Penrith today (after all the rain) that had some taddies in it. Managed to catch a tiny one and brought it home. Hope it becomes a bright green frog!!

    2. Yanagi


      Home :D No frogs allowed in NSW shops

  11. Hi Jess, Welcome to the forum. Maybe look into some gouramis (pearl is my personal favourite - but they come in blues, yellows, whites, etc), rainbowfish (praecox, boesemani, pygmy are all nice and should be readily avaliable) and a school of tetra (rosy tetra, neon tetra, ember tetra, plenty of options with those guys). Probably better off making a specific thread for advice though. :)
  12. I don't recall mine going amber at all? Yet I ended up with little wrigglers on the leaf (they didn't last long after that).
  13. I had some older leaves that didn't lose colour but they weren't that old. Perhaps it's how you've kept them? Were they air tight in a dark, cool place? <- Everyone who hasn't had an issue, can you answer this too? Might give us more insight.
  14. When mine were breeding 1 would guard directly over the eggs and fan them and the other would patrol the area close by. They had little scuffles when one didn't want to give up the fanning job for patrolling but they never did any harm to each other. From that one picture, they look a bit small to be sexed accurately but from what you're describing (appearance not behaviour) it sounds like a male/female pair. As for the behaviour... they're young and inexperienced is all I can guess.
  15. I don't think you'll grow anything too complicated under an 8w LED, but the floodlights are great. I use 2 (30w each) and a twin T5 over my 4 x 18 x 2 and there isn't much I can't grow. I'd be going for 50w+ if you want a carpet or proper foreground plant though.
  16. Hi Meredith, I'm the one you spoke to. Yan or Krystal, I respond to either, lol. Mr Fishy looks great. So jealous you work in a racing stable, horses are my first and foremost passion!
  17. I recall having the same issue, I think I ended up changing the file type and that worked.
  18. Those are cory eggs alright. Looks like some have been snacked on already. You'll want to razor them off the glass and put them in some sort of breeding trap if you want to raise them. Otherwise the cories will likely come back over the eggs in a while and eat them.
  19. Sorry, closest thing I've got to a FTS is this; lol... The two fattest of the Apistos went into the display yesterday. Doesn't show the red through him very well. As you can see, still a bit of a sucked up gut but he should fatten up quick smart in here. Behind him is lettuce banded onto a little medicine measuring thingy. No one was interested in that.. Pfft. Here's Ernie the Eruption Discus, no name the red spotted turquoise and Pidgy the Pigeon blood. Also Big D down in the bottom right hand corner. The original pair (no names) and Ghosty a week or two ago. Ernie and Pidgy in quarantine. I love love love the intricate pattern on Ernie's head. Pidgy is an ugly (IMO), aggressive bugger.. He can be sold if anyone wants it... Yesterday I added the 1000 l/ph internal filter I used during start up as I have had a LOT of sediment on everything and floating around the tank, and today the water is clearer than it has been in a very long time. I do think the tetra granules food is to blame for this as sometimes our discus tanks at work go the same, very sedimenty... Regardless, I'll continue feeding it to them. They can't get enough of it (literally, my bank account is crying lately). I've had to order another 2 bulk packs of bloodworm to keep the bloody fish happy. Not to mention the weekly feeds of blackworm. Here I thought buying them was the most expensive part.. Nope. It's feeding them. I could pour food into them all day. When I've got a bit of free cash I intend on buying an eheim auto feeder to keep them on granules all the time (this one can do up to 4 feeds a day which is perfect IMO). Already I'm getting the urge to change up the tank. I'd love to get two big branchy pieces of driftwood like these (Manzanita driftwood pref) pic 1 pic 2 And do something similar to the angel tank pictured above, but more focused on the corners and still heavily planted (even more so than now, right now the driftwood I have in there is quite restricting and I've simply run out of planting space... Aside from the area where my zosterfolia grew out of control and then died off because it blocked out it's own light.
  20. I share a lot of horrid quality pictures on FB and then forget to share them on here too.. So I figured I'd share them here while I put off getting ready to go see the doctor (shudder). Twas feeding time at the zoo and all the big fishies were very happy and gathered 'round to eat.... Here we have the Reflection D Discus, Big D and no name from the original pair. No name again with the male pearl gourami getting right into things... literally. He swam all the way in, turned around and sat there eating until one of the Discus shoved him out. Big D felt the need to get IN the net, though I missed him fully inside it. Red spot Eruption, Ernie behind him. No name from the original pair's fin in the TLH corner. Then this idiot thought she was too big to get in the net. The Discus were laughing behind their backs. And now I need to rush around like a maniac and get ready so I'll be back to spam you with more horrible quality pictures later. :D
  21. I haven't personally used them but we had a rep bring some into the shop and we tried them on a few tanks, fantastically bright, even when compared to a less than a month old T8. They do produce the ripple effect and if you're not used to this, it can give you headaches apparently - I never got that but a few staff said it was uncomfortable to look at. You do get used to it. I would use them as an alternative to T8 if I had the need.
  22. Just gave my Discus tank it's first big clean.. Everyone looks happy.. We'll see if that continues when I dump in 5 new Discus...

  23. Serious as the stroke I had when she asked me that. Oh, society.... :no:
  24. Wait until they ask what salt water is. True story.
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