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Status Updates posted by Yanagi

  1. Just found my 2nd ever Betta, first and only Crowntail dead. :( RIP Neptune

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. delyall


      Aww! Im sorry Yan :( Neptune was awesome :( RIP

    3. Yanagi


      Thanks guys. I'm sorry to hear that Sarah. :(

    4. Sarah
  2. Going to go see the Titantic Exhibition in August!! :D

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    2. Yanagi


      How would you rate it out of 5? I want to know how high to get my hopes up LOL

    3. littleangel


      I would give it about a 4.. that is if its still the same. It was around a year after the movie came out.

    4. Yanagi


      Surely it must have improved by then. xD I can't wait! Even if it sucks, it's a city I've never been to before and I'm staying for 2 nights! :P

  3. I separated my first betta baby late last night. This morning there was a teeny tiny bubblenest with teeny tiny bubbles! My life is complete!

  4. Could not help myself and came home with an Orange Black Dragon PK. The dragons, they speak to me! 'Buy mee, buy meeee!' they say!

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    2. littleangel


      I am so glad I'm not the only one who animals say that to.... my problem is its ALL animals!

    3. Sarah


      Yep, I get that a lot. ;P

      I am always wanting more and more Betta's. I just can't look after everyone I see, so I must hope they find good homes *sigh*

    4. Sarah


      I also am a sucker for other animals... mice (not allowed), dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc. EVERYTHING! I go to the zoo and see an elephant, and want to take the whole family home. :)

  5. Wash 25kg of gravel, smooth it out all lovely like in my tank.. Plan out my hardscape, aka driftwood. Arrange and plant my plants.. Fill up with water, CRAAACCCCCKKK. Drip. Drip. Drip.. Frantic dash for buckets and siphon ensues, along with frantic cursing.

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    2. Bec


      Ohh no ... do you know what caused the crack?

    3. Yanagi


      There was a very small crack in it to begin with, you couldn't feel it on either side, but it was 'repaired' with silicon and glass on the inside and outside of the tank. I even had the tank full of water for a week before taking it out and doing this. Guess it couldn't handle the weight of the substrate AND the water. :/

    4. gulp


      Damn, thats bad luck yan :(

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