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Status Updates posted by Yanagi

  1. Three cheers for LFS fish! Not a single Thai fish would blow a bubblenest. Put in a boy I got at my LFS and what does he do? Big bubble nest, bars on the female.. Female has been released!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Yanagi


      I'm not sad, just annoyed.. Don't think I'll waste money on importing males again, not when I can order nice fish from my LFS who seem to be much healthier. Females are another story though..

    3. Sarah


      Would be very annoying.

      Yeah, I'm sure the LFS will be able to help you get some nice Bettas. Good luck with the rest, I hope they heal well for you.

    4. Yanagi


      Female was being pretty violently chased so I put her back in the trap this morning. Come home from work to find a biiig nest and a very, very eager male. I think I'll let her back out again before lights out.

  2. Red dragon HMPK's bacterial infection is clearing up.. But now there's a big hole in his anal fin where it joins his body. :/

    1. Sarah


      Good to hear about the infection Yan. :)

      Too bad about the hole.. there seems to be something around.. but it isn't your fault, don't think that. It's just bad luck, and maybe the time of year.

  3. At no point in time were any of my 3 pairs from someone ever in together and yet all 3 males have come up with issues.. What the hell is wrong in my tanks?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yanagi


      About 3 weeks ago they came, doubt stress would cause them to pop up with tumors or bacterial infections.. Velvet and things like that I can see happening but not what's going on with the dragons.

    3. volvodriver


      I agree with the tumor not being stess for sure and so sorry to hear he didn't make it. How is the red dragon boy doing? Good to hear that the lavender boy is over it.

    4. Yanagi


      Must be confused?? All are still alive. Red dragon boy is sulking 'cause I've been taking him out and painting the wound with multicure.. No improvement yet, but not any worse either.

  4. Get home from a stressful, tiring weekend away after leaving the clear instructions of 'Do not feed my fish'.. What does he do?? ALGAE PELLETS IN EVERY TANK!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fishish


      Theres something about parents that seems to hard-wire them to not take instructions properly :P lol I can empathise! Hope its all ok now.

    3. Yanagi


      All seem to have come through it fine but doing the water changes seems to have made my already really sore back damn near unbearable. Missed work today. :(

    4. fishish


      Damn :( Take it easy, hope it gets better soon.

  5. Full moon on monday 22, maybe the pairs in my spawn tanks will finally do something aside from 1. beating each other up and 2. playing follow the leader

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fishish


      I know some species of... I think coral only breed under the full moon. Thats because of extra light I think. The moon does have a gravitational pull like all planets... so who knows how that could effect them???

    3. Sarah


      That's right, I did know about coral. Still don't know.. as long as they breed for us, I don't really mind if it makes a difference or not.

    4. paul


      What's the latest Yan? Moon was pretty full lastnight! Any luck? Which pairs have you got set up?

  6. Has my first longfin HM male in a while...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yanagi


      LFS. Silverish body, red fins. :)

    3. Sarah


      Sounds nice. :)

    4. Yanagi


      Will get a pic tonight hopefully, once he settles in.

  7. Not one of my fish will build a bubblenest.. Haters :(

    1. Sarah


      Awww... :((

      They will, don't worry. Mine is now buliding a nest and I was trying to get them too for over 6 months. They'll get round to it. Why not put one of the females in? Sometimes Bettas spawn without a nest.

    2. Yanagi


      Females were put in a floating trap, then one of them let themselves out with a nest, and then again without a nest (several times) still nothin.

    3. Sarah


      :( Just keep trying. That's all we can do. Isn't it annoying though?

  8. Red Dragons in the spawn tank, female keeps jumping out of her floating tank, regardless of whether or not there is a bubblenest, and gets a bit more beaten up each time. I think she's a bit dumb, but gorgeous!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sarah


      Maybe she should just stay in there. I had a Betta pair in together before a nest was even built, and I got about 300 fry - minimum damage to both parents. Then they were VT, not PK.

    3. Yanagi


      She's been out with him all day now, still no nest. Might have to have another boy become his neighbour for a little while! Doesn't look like much more damage. It's just a bunch of tears anyway, thankfully no fins ripped out.

    4. Sarah


      Hmmm... too bad. At least no ripped out fins!

  9. My 3 pairs come tomorrow!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Yay! Did she have any spare females?

    3. Yanagi
    4. Sarah


      Awww... maybe next time. :(

  10. Bought 3 pairs from someone, waiting to hear back about any 'single and avaliable' Plakat girls. So excited!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yanagi


      White golds, Red dragons and Lavender butterflies. xD

    3. Sarah


      Nice. Hopefully you'll get some females too. :)

    4. paul


      So what's the go Yan... How are the new fish? Are you gunna be a betta mum again soon? Pics?

  11. Anyone selling CRS or CBS? low grades are perfectly alright with me..

  12. someone's White Gold Dragons are miiine.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Love that pair.. had to go to someone's You-Tube Channel to watch that video AGAIN.. watched it like twice. ;P

    3. Yanagi


      lol haven't got 'em yet, just paid for them though. When they get here they will go straight in the spawn tank but with my luck all they'll do is flare and beat the snot out of each other.

    4. Sarah


      Well good luck then.. sounds as if you need it. ;P

  13. One of my Rutilans is showing aggressive behaviour to the other Rutilan. I wonder what's brought on this sudden change...

    1. fishbites


      maybe ready to spawn and the other isn't? wishful thinking :)

    2. Yanagi


      Wishful thinking indeed lol

  14. I have a problem. I want to plant and 'play' but I've run out of tanks and room for tanks. :( I also think I have a sinus infection.. yayme.

  15. Got a book on creating biotopes from all over the world. It's AMAZING. I really need some big tanks to play in, but no have no room. :(

    1. Yanagi


      Anyone want to pay me to aquascape your tank? LOL

  16. My male coral blue gourami is battling a baaaad bacterial infection. :(

  17. Just brought home my Rutilans.. They went from a very dull red to rich blood red within minutes and WOW at their eyes, they are so bright!

    1. Sarah


      Wow. Pictures? We all love pictures?

      What's their names?

    2. Yanagi


      They're too busy exploring/hiding (bit of both I think, heh) to come out for photos. I've been watching the tank for about half an hour and only seen them 4-5 times. xD

    3. Sarah


      Oh too bad. I know how that is...

  18. Camera shopping... Sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fishish


      what kinda camera are you looking for?

    3. Yanagi


      I was looking at the Nikon D3000 but after cost calculating on my betta barracks.. It'll have to wait. :(

    4. fishish


      Sounds annoying. Well its good to have something to look forward to :) baracks sound very exciting :D

  19. Found one of my Pakistani Loaches crispy and dusty on the floor behind the tank. Only a very small hole to jump through. Well, there goes my first 'serious' jumper lol

  20. Got my first two fish from someone. :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Yanagi


      Argh, something in the community tank has been eating the males fins. He's now confined to a guppy trap until I get my barracks built.

    3. Sarah


      OH NOOOOOO!!!! I hope he heals quickly, HM too right? Hope he gets his finnage back!!

      I'm so sorry, I really hope you find out what happened! :(((

    4. Yanagi


      Nope, I'd never put a HM in a community tank. He's HMPK. Doesn't matter what happened, but it didn't happen to my old HMPK who was in there. This guy is either a trouble maker or a wimp. Here's hoping the barracks are done quickly.

  21. Just learned about white timtams. I can die happy!

    1. Sarah
    2. fishish


      lol i ever have any you girls can have em all ;)

  22. Licorice Gouramis!! <- Someone was asking me about them, I totally forgot who it was! I'm sorry! lol Please message me. :P

  23. Watching my Ember Tetra school together in a tight little group. This is better than tv. :)

    1. Sarah


      Yes it is! Sometimes I just sit on the (clean) floor. I just watch the fish swim around and enjoy their life. Daniel said to me once "Sarah, you are SO BORING!" I guess he just doesn't appreciate fish as we do...

  24. Tired of trying to breed my black laces, the female is so aggressive! About ready to give up and get rid of the pair of them.

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    2. Yanagi


      My female just keeps flaring back at him while he keeps doing damage to her.. They were attempting to wrap last night and now he's just beating the snot out of her.. Gah. Will have to separate again.

    3. Sarah


      What I hate is when two Bettas seem to really like each other, then decide they 'just want to be friends'.

    4. paul


      If they were trying to wrap, are you sure they haven't already done the deed? Or maybe just a bit of "practice makes perfect"???

  25. Is in Melbourne typing on an awkward netbook! :P

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