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Status Replies posted by Yanagi

  1. Angelfish eggs, round 2. We have wriggling eggs with tails!

  2. What a bunch of conflicting emotions. Barracks up for sale, found (what appears to be) a perfect marine tank in the exact size I was after, awaiting a reply!

  3. My cat, Sylvester died tonight. RIP little man...

  4. I need help with a stalker. :(

    1. Yanagi


      Actually martial arts is something I've wanted to get into for a LONG time.. But yeah at the moment the guy isn't dangerous.. just seriously can't take no for an answer. Persistent doesn't even cover it.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. I need help with a stalker. :(

    1. Yanagi


      A shotgun under the counter, now that would be a brilliant idea lol

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. I need help with a stalker. :(

    1. Yanagi


      Yeah, pretty much everyone knows now that if he comes into the shop again he WILL be run off and banned. Sad thing is this is twice now that I've had to deal with a creeper. It's enough to make me want a desk job. Ugh.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  7. Managed to leave my phone, ipod and wallet on the train. may not be online for a while... :( But don't worry, I will still rub my new bettas in :P Just incase you were worried :P

  8. I need help with a stalker. :(

    1. Yanagi


      Thanks shadoh. I thought it was over and done with.. apparently someone can't take 'NO!!!!!!! NOT INTERESTED' for an answer though.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  9. I need help with a stalker. :(

    1. Yanagi


      Yeah he didn't try to follow me to 'give me a lift to the train station' like I thought he would. Next time he comes around he's going to get chased out of the shop.. Spent my lunch break hiding in the back room!! :/

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. Sister says "Too many fish Sarah!" Hmmm.. nah.

  11. Angelfish spawned, got new coral and a hair cut. Awesome day.

  12. Common sense, it's really not common.

  13. I have a diagnosis! Patello-Femoral Syndrome! My knee caps don't track properly, gotta see a physio

  14. I have a diagnosis! Patello-Femoral Syndrome! My knee caps don't track properly, gotta see a physio

  15. I have a diagnosis! Patello-Femoral Syndrome! My knee caps don't track properly, gotta see a physio

  16. 1 New coral, 1 new Firefish (plus the barnicle ornament she refused to get out of even when held out of water... LOL) and 6 of Paul's girls.. Everyone still settling in. Missing my camera. :(

  17. 1 New coral, 1 new Firefish (plus the barnicle ornament she refused to get out of even when held out of water... LOL) and 6 of Paul's girls.. Everyone still settling in. Missing my camera. :(

  18. Baby cockatiels running around the desk during lunch at work. I love baby animals. XD

  19. Got a new moonlight LED bar for my marine tank. It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Looks great. :) I want one for all my displays now.. lol

  20. Really happy to have youngster Bettas again. :D

  21. Really happy to have youngster Bettas again. :D

  22. F1 copper spawn is underway... eggs laid yesterday, fingers crossed everything keeps going to plan. Also... officially shipping to selected places on the Eastern coastline now.

  23. So. HOT. Chiller keeping marine tank cool. Tanks on either side of it are HOT though..

  24. So. HOT. Chiller keeping marine tank cool. Tanks on either side of it are HOT though..

  25. I think Blaze has finmelt! I noticed the edges if his rays were getting a little darker but I thought he was just develpoing because he is tiny. Now the edges are starting to get darker and starting to curl like when you burn hair from one end X ( I have been using Malifix even when I do water changes just in case...what should I do?

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