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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Big ol' 'oscar' pellets.. Big cichlid food, lol. Either crush it up or use it as live culture food, grindals etc will eat it. I'm so jealous. :P
  2. Okay, here we go again... It's time for a make over... And we're going NPT! Or rather, attempting. For now though, I need a break so I'm trying to decide on what stays and what goes. Discus: All staying except for Pidgy, the ugly thing that grabs EVERY non-fishy persons attention first. As opposed to, y'know, Burnie the awesome discus who is wiggling around in their face trying to get their attention. UGH. I actually aquired a new Discus from work, funny story that. He just turned up in our planted (sales) tank on a thursday night two, maybe three weeks ago now. No one knows where she came from. She's not one of ours because the pattern differs. Weird, no? She settled in without much fuss. Angels: Altums. They're boring. The small breeding pair will be going off to Sarah when she's ready for them. Gouramis: All of them. I want to start again with a trio of small pearl gouramis, and I don't really want the dwarf gouramis any more. No particular reason, they're just not really needed or wanted. Now the hard part... The busy fish. Current cories: Longfin Panda Corydora Why they'll be going: They're cute... But getting that big, bulky ugly look to them and haven't bred for me. I've lost interest. New cories: Undecided. Likely it will be between Sterbai, Julii or one of the dwarves ie Habrosus, Hastatus or Pygmaeus. Depends on pricing and availability. Current Tetras/Rasbora: Red Phantom Tetra and Black Phantom Tetra are the main groups. I have like 3-4 Rasbora Espei and Rasbora Hengeli left (the Hengeli was a mistake - fish had just come in so were dull and someone got the espei and the hengeli switched). Why they'll be going: I love the red phantom tetras but I find myself wanting something smaller, and less attention grabbing. I want the focus on the discus, not the busy fish. Also, they aren't uniform. Some have different markings on their dorsal fins (doesn't appear to be gender specific - it seems more like a different species!) and I don't like that. Rasbora Espei, I'm honestly bored of them. Rasbora Hengeli are gross and I didn't mean to buy those ones, lol. New Tetras/Rasbora: ?? I can't decide. I like Rummynose but I fear they'll be too attention grabbing as well. I'm thinking a huge school of one of the tiny Rasboras. Like 30 odd of them. Probably Rasbora Maculata because they're fairly cheap in comparison to the rest. I'd LOVE boraras brigittae/ Red Chili Rasbora but from memory, they are hard to get a hold of and expensive. (My Discus have no history of snacking on little fishies). Other assorted fish: Apistogramma Viejita Red Neck 'GOLD'. I think I only have one left of these #@$!y fish. I think a few of you will remember the story... Horribly thin things that dropped dead one after the other. They suck, and that's why I'm getting rid of them. Bristlenose: Possibly the big albino bristlenose. Siamese Flying Fox: Big, ugly and useless. New fish to be acquired: Royal Whiptail x 2. I think mine died. I haven't seen it in months. They're very cute, and interesting looking. Pearl Gourami x 3. Small. Nannacara Anomala x 2 females. I have a single boy. He's very pretty and would like some company. Peppermint Bristlenose x 3. Possibly. Depending on cost and availability. I'd only get the tiny babies though. A trio or pair of some variety of Apistogramma. Possibly Viejita Red Necks (NOT! GOLDS!) but we'll see depending on price and availability. More Dwarf Chain Loaches. I should have 4 or so now, but they're not doing their job. I can see snails starting to pop back up around the tank. I'll wait until these pop up cheap at the wholesaler, even on sale they're bloody expensive!
  3. Found one of my grooming comp fry sticking out the mouth of another grooming comp fry... uhhhh... oops.

    1. Zui
    2. paul


      Well that's one way to ensure a protein rich diet for some of the fry. Good job Yan!

      And if he makes a habit of it... he can just eat the competitors on the day you guys have to judge a winner.

    3. Yanagi


      lmao Paul, if only I could train him to do it on command

  4. *fail* Ok.. mid september, I might be able to swing that. :P
  5. I might be interested, mainly for the social side of it and a mini holiday. I might grab a hold of a few fish just to show for fun. When is this being held? Don't need a specific date really, just a month.. And basically all of Les' questions. :D
  6. As it has been stated, they require completely different water conditions and this alone is reason not to place them together.
  7. Yep, she and the other female were both black laces. Wholesalers don't know what they're talking about... :)
  8. Goldfish have been known to eat smaller fish, just like every other big fish. They have totally different water chemistry requirements aside from the obvious one being tropical and one being cold water. Neon males will display to each other to 'win breeding rights', or to show dominance, etc. Nearly all fish do this.
  9. I might see you tomorrow then, MrPlakat. We're short staffed so I'm on staff tomorrow. Feel free to introduce yourself, I should be the only female working, lol. I can tell you we've got some super nice pairs in right now, some of the single ladies are quite nice too.
  10. Feel like getting a job with the wholesalers so I can tell them what their bettas ACTUALLY are...

  11. I think all the marbles that were left were the CTs. They were from a customer as well... the delta/hms come from bayfish.
  12. Nope she came in with the HM/Delta batch.
  13. I've made a few emoticons over the years, the face ones were meant to be for a SIM game I worked on a while ago, never happened though.I also just modded some of my previous pixel work... Feel free to use these around THIS forum only.. or upload them for use here. Up to you guys. http://s470.photobuc...alls/Emoticons/ ETA; I used to do custom work for a few bucks each... you can PM me if interested..
  14. Making things like that is super fun I did all the ones in my signature... Nice job. Love the HM. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sarah


      Is this the guy that made you carry the bag of gravel? You could have been all like "oops, dropped it..." on his feet or something. Weellll maybbeee you could have carried it? Geez!

    3. Yanagi


      Nope, a different guy... It was one of those days.

    4. Sarah


      Well tomorrow is a new day!

  16. Love me some Cories, I've got a shoal of LF Panda Cories in my Discus tank (I had to specifically order them for myself and got the last 8 they had available at the time). I think if/when I do redo this tank I'll be switching over to Sterbai (I have one called Blind Freddy, she got mauled by the Discus at work, they took both her eyes!). We have a huge range of cories at work and if I could get away with it I'd probably just stand there throwing food at 'em all day as I love watching them sift through the gravel and play around. I'll have to mention the Duplicareus next time we're stocking back up on the rarer Cories. I've never really looked at them before but wow!
  17. Yep no worries, I planned on bringing along some spare floating plants for everyone and some IAL for you as well. :)

  18. We'll corrupt you soon enough. I'm surprised you've lasted this long.
  19. Nevermind the knob and wood mentions, what about the mention of weed as well?! Your meetings sure do sound pretty interesting.
  20. You're better off buying a microworm culture, mine did best on that.
  21. I'll have to keep that in mind for next summer, my nano is only 45lt or so. Thanks. And sorry to hear about the cherries Jarrod.
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