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Posts posted by Yanagi

  1. Zui, Indy flew into my room this morning with a beak full of cat fur... :rofl: Oops...

    I had to do a water change so I collected the last amount of fry into a fry saver. They'll probably last a day or two, they always die in there. No idea why. Don't care. Stupid Angels were chasing everything around even after lights out and kept me awake for half the night. :devil:

  2. Keep in mind, we have no idea how these fry were treated. I would guesstimate they were at least a month old before being brought into the shop and they sat in an unheated, HOB-filtered tank for a week or three before I started taking them and splitting them. All I can say for sure is they were never fed properly until I got my hands on them.

    I'm more keen to believe the transsexual fish/genetic factor in all female spawns rather than environmental but I don't think there's a way to test that unless someone manages a second spawn from parents of a previous all female spawn.

    Can Andrew and Paige jump in and let us know what they think their fry are?

    This is going to make for some very interesting judging...

  3. Sooo.. Ummm... I'm bringing home a few things today... 2 female plakats, a female halfmoon and two halfmoon boys... They've all sat here for WEEKS and the boys are starting to look crappy, though the girls are still fine. No one wants girls. Or plakats. Just gonna jar them in a foam box, lmao. Plakat girls will be conditioned to spawn while the girly will go into my Discus tank.

  4. 544730_3651036791143_1131185180_3326848_





    Just Chillin


    Finally spotted one of my Whiptails, first time seeing it since the two of them went into the tank months ago. Other one remains unsighted.

    So I still haven't gotten my busy fish... Going with Cherry Barbs (20 or so) and Odessa Barbs (probably 8). Might get them friday if we've got enough. I know we've got barely any Cherries but plenty of Odessas.

  5. Weren't you constantly going off about people using colour enhancers on cichlids a while ago, Matt...?

    Make no mistake, hormone based colour enhancers are definitely in this country.

    I feed my Discus tank on TetraColour Granules alone, it's a natural colour enhancer. I'm happy with it's performance, but that said, that's all these fish have ever gotten and they refuse to eat any other dry food so I'd be up fish poo creek without a paddle if I went and blew my money on some other food like I did last week. NLS Discus food for sale.. lmao.

  6. I wouldn't put a long fin male Betta in a community tank without extreme caution re; filters and tank mates. In fact, I wouldn't do it at all. I have absolutely zero issue with female bettas or a plakat male in a community tank. The smallest size tank I keep mine is roughly 5lt swimming space to themselves (it's a divided tank with a filter section in back).

  7. That photo basically looks like most of mine right now. I have a runt or two, though. The dominant one is probably a bit bigger than the one pictured.

    I'm now doubting they're crowntails at all. I think they're just VTs! All of mine are always barred up, flaring at each other, etc. I'm beginning to hoard bottles so I can jar them soon.

    My dominant one looks like a cute little female, all blue body and fins but bright red ventrals. Adorable!

  8. If anyone wants to hook me up with a doubletail PK female of any colour but blue, I'd be happy to toss them in a spawn tank in a few weeks... I just literally have no surface space (nor floor space) to place any more tanks at this stage. ;)

    And Sarah, how about I pay you with unrivaled advice and free plant trimmings? LOL

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