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Status Replies posted by Yanagi

  1. Seriously, must not go into LFS when travelling. 2 new guys, 4 bags of sand and a sump tank later....the car was full

  2. My orange dragon female just died, no symptoms before she died and if she was still moving she would look absolutly normal, 3rd death this way in 2 days. I've never had problems like this with any other fish I have kept, perhaps I should get into something else? Or only buy localy bread stock. I don't think I will be breeding anymore now, these were some of my most imortant fish in terms of what I wanted to produce :(

  3. OK. Too boring on here today - nobody posting. Back to the wii.... (sorry Busman. LOL)

  4. OK. Too boring on here today - nobody posting. Back to the wii.... (sorry Busman. LOL)

    1. Yanagi


      Oh I know! We need a AAQ community tank photo sharing thread

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  5. OK. Too boring on here today - nobody posting. Back to the wii.... (sorry Busman. LOL)

    1. Yanagi


      Reading this chain of comments is REALLY amusing. Quiet times on here is perfect time for pic spams, whose (who's?) turn is it?

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  6. Anyone got tips for taking pics of fast moving endlers? We got some real nice ones but geeeez they move.

  7. Barracks up....fish in....now to buy MORE!

  8. A lovely thought - if my bedroom were a giant fishtank, it would hold 4517L. Oh what I could fit in that!

    1. Yanagi


      Plenty of people in the US and some in the UK have turned their basements into massive tanks.. And usually put THE lamest fish in them lol

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. A lovely thought - if my bedroom were a giant fishtank, it would hold 4517L. Oh what I could fit in that!

  10. Yeah, I dunno, my fish food is kind of salty

  11. Getting stabbed under the finger nail by a dried up and gone hard suction cap.. not cool. Bleeding like crazy, also not cool.

  12. Can someone tell my male Angelfish that he's had pellets, worms AND flake in the last half hour, he should not still be hungry!

  13. Can someone tell my male Angelfish that he's had pellets, worms AND flake in the last half hour, he should not still be hungry!

  14. omg BUSY day at work.. only just slowed down enough to have lunch

  15. Bought 5 $1.50 something digital thermometers.. They're all relatively accurate! WOW! Suction caps are FAIL though.

  16. Got 3 of my last bettas at work hoping a customer will take them - then just one left that i'm waiting for a lady to pick up! I haven't had this few bettas since i started

  17. !@#$%^&^$%^@#$!@#$!@# Anenome went through the power head.. arrrrgggghhhhhhh nooooo!!!!

  18. !@#$%^&^$%^@#$!@#$!@# Anenome went through the power head.. arrrrgggghhhhhhh nooooo!!!!

  19. Estimated cost for my new marine system.. 2 grand. Anyone hiring? I think I need a second job.. lol

  20. Estimated cost for my new marine system.. 2 grand. Anyone hiring? I think I need a second job.. lol

  21. Dear customers, please don't come into the store intoxicated and 'ask' for fish. Thanks, The staff.

  22. Dear customers, please don't come into the store intoxicated and 'ask' for fish. Thanks, The staff.

  23. Leaving to pick up my new 4ft marine tank! Can't set it up until I rehome the bettas though

  24. Leaving to pick up my new 4ft marine tank! Can't set it up until I rehome the bettas though

  25. Angelfish eggs, round 2. We have wriggling eggs with tails!

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