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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. When Sarah leases me some tanks in her fish room obviously... She can do the day to day maintenance and get her pick of the spawn as payment.
  2. someone was selling them a fair while ago, she might still have some left. They were under the name of Eternal Betta if you wanted to shoot her off an email. :)
  3. Haha they go MENTAL over the figurine, it's hilarious but I almost feel bad. Clearly I have a thing for lavenders, until this thread I didn't even realize I have three (two technically - for now). lol No Name lives in my Discus tank, 300 litres. :)
  4. It's a disease. Really. Plakaty He's got pretty eeeyyyyes. And yes, he has velvet. He's being treated. Faulty heater. UglyFe Sorry for the terrible photo, he's in my dads tank. 'Crowntail Plakat'. He's an ugly fellow, hence the name... No Name No Name / Not yet arrived
  5. AUBURN AQUARIUM now stocking Indian Almond Leaf!

    1. Veantire


      The same packaged stuff that I bought that little while ago, or are we talking bigger quantities of it now? At any rate, I might come in tomorrow and have a stickybeak =P

    2. Yanagi


      They're the same as the ones I gave you but smaller sizes (aka more suited for betta tanks). Quantities up to 200 leaf packs.

  6. To hint in on LED lighting for plants; if they're cheap they don't do anything but illuminate, if that. Expect to pay over $100 for a proper, basic LED light. Welcome to the forum.
  7. My blue/white plakaty boy actually has yellow-wash.

  8. Haha, if only. The boss won't accept Discus from anyone under any circumstances. I've seen him do it once, ever, and I ended up taking that pair home after they sat in a quarantine tank out back for about 2 months... lol
  9. I think unless any new info pops up, the transition of diseases/parasites has been covered. The same as every other single fish in the universe, you need to apply proper quarantine and medication practices. I medicate every fish that goes into my discus tank. Yay, sterazin and other waterlife products <3 For me the important part of keeping either angels or discus or angels and discus together is the compatibility and personality side of things. It's incredibly frustrating when a customer asks if they can do it and that's the only answer you can give them. Everyone wants a yes or no answer... Sorry mate, not as simple as that and they just don't get it.
  10. They're fin nippers... Up yo you.
  11. That's all for the pics. :)
  12. Speaking as someone who deals with Discus a lot at work, the 5+ rule holds no ground unless you've got one particular fish who is a jackwagon. Just like Angels, you'll find certain Discus are just nasty, nasty pieces of work who bully anything and everything. It's all about finding a compatible mix. I've never seen one come close to being bullied to death, let alone injury. $45 is about entry level price on majority of Discus. I believe 2LRH was referring to $45 for all three.
  13. Just a wee little guy.. and my red spotted green in front. I think I need to name the red spotted green. She is, after all, Burnie's girlfriend. Tiger Turquoise pair hidden away, guarding their eggs.
  14. This would be my male angel attempting to chase off two of my smaller Discus for being near his eggs. My red spotted green and Burnie (you can just see the top of his dorsal in the BRH corner) quickly came along and put him in his place and peace was restored.. For about 20 minutes.
  15. So I got the unwanted fish out today (minus Pidgy the Discus, I might hang onto him for a while longer) and did a rescape. The super large piece of driftwood is gone, making the tank look much larger (and emptier) giving me a heap more planting space. Majority of the plants were moved, too. I actually managed to cram most of it in one corner. I'm thinking my amazon sword will have to go, as well. As much as I cherish it (my first aquatic plant that survived!! That should tell you something about how long I've had it!) as it's just so big and taking up so much room. Plus the Angels are destroying it by cleaning it for egg laying. Speaking of egg laying, I have to leave a piece of driftwood I didn't want in there because there's currently Discus eggs on it. I also got another Angel spawn even after spending HOURS in the tank ripping everything up, chasing fish around with nets, etc etc... When you're horny, you're horny I guess. Terrible pictures, I'm sorry. More pics to come.. please bump.
  16. Yep, that's my dumbo male. No, they don't ever school. I'd probably need an 8ft tank for that, lol. The plant is green macrandra.
  17. I did my reading and fail to see how this is an issue with appropriate quarantine/medication which is just basic practice (or should be, anyway). I have/had 7+ Discus and 4 angels (down to 2 - the other pair went back to work) together for months with only minor issues. Altums that were terribly skinny when I got them put on weight after worming treatments. I don't even think the altums and discus knew each other existed. They didn't mingle, fuss or fight at all. Now my small pair of Angels will have all my Discus up the other end of the tank when they are in breeding mode and they're half the size of my 'boss/dominant/biggest' Discus. If I didn't have a breeding pair, it would not be a problem at all. Discus are more passive, slower moving, calmer fish. When I had a group of Angels, they were constantly in each others faces reminding each other who was boss, etc but never really challenged the Discus as they would hold their own ground very, very easily being much larger. Discus prefer to graze off the bottom while the Angels prefer to eat from the surface so my easy fix is feeding a pellet that both sinks and floats through an auto feeder set to go off four times a day with two rotations and regularly give them a huge amount of bloodworms so everybody can graze for 5-10 minutes and nobody misses out. Yep, they're all FAT as hell. Now if I could just find something to stop my Angel pair breeding, it would be paradise in there all the time...
  18. Can Matt please link me to the article which describes said pathogens and parasites that angels carry but only affect discus?
  19. Ugh! So I wanted to start taking fish back to work today... Instead I got called IN to work, no one else avalibale. Boooooooo. :/ Luckily my clothes were halfway through a wash cycle and then had to go into the dryer so I had time to catch my big ol' Altums. They went back to work with me this morning. Tank already looks better without them. Tomorrow the rest goes back. I've decided to axe the NPT method on this tank. It's just going to be too hard to cram my discus into big tubs for a couple of days while I do it all, especially because of school holidays I've gotten an extra day at work plus get called in randomly, lol. I got some hygrophila pinnatifida cuttings this arvo too, going to attempt to grow it up the background of the tank. It's just an amazing plant, I love it. Looking for more cuttings/stems as well if anyone can source a fair few for me. It's a big tank... Might take some pictures of it a bit later, the glass needs a clean and I need some dinner before I can do much more.
  20. One of my breeding pairs of Discus has eggs.. on the piece of driftwood I want to remove.. Argh!

    1. zhong89


      hahaha... lol they always do that don't they? I always seems to get spawns when I'm about to move house

    2. zhong89


      hahaha... lol they always do that don't they? I always seems to get spawns when I'm about to move house

    3. little_troppo


      I always get spawns when I am about to buy a pair of angels.

  21. Definitely don't add more ghost knives, they will usually fight. You can keep them with just about anything that won't fit in his mouth.
  22. I'm sure if I whinged enough someone would go get me some... :P
  23. Yeah thanks, I'll pass on that. I work in a bloody fish room. LOL
  24. Oh weird! I couldn't really see the butterfly pattern on the darker one at work. They almost looked the same colour. I like the lighter one. :)
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