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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Oh man, I want that first CT out of the new lot of pictures! :D
  2. Sweet, my dad and I have a couple of lyretail silver Mollies, funny little fish those things. We can't do anything in the tank without them coming up to nibble on our hands. Thanks, he's a lavender Butterfly, and pretty heavily photoshopped in that picture in terms of colour lol Here is another picture of him for comparison.
  3. A second picture of Little Lavender, 'cause she is such a cutie. I didn't edit her at all, just desaturated and blurred the background. Bad picture of my peppered Cory pair, I can never get photos of these guys. That's all for tonight. Going to harass them again with the camera tomorrow lol
  4. Welcome to AusAqua. What kind of mollies have you got?
  5. Thanks. It's a Japanese proverb literally meaning stumbling seven times and recovering eight, it's my username on DeviantArt.com
  6. All had a little photoshopping done. Mostly just sharpening, colour fixing and getting rid of marks on the glass. xD The only photo I've ever managed to take of this girl, and it's pretty bad. Not the best photo, but I think it's my favourite as it has the two fish who are ALWAYS blurred in photos in it, relatively clearly. Still more to come!
  7. Give him some more time to settle in, it's usually taken a few days before my boys established the tank as their 'territory' and saw fit to defend it through big, scary flaring. :lol:
  8. I had air curtains too but they were cheap and the caps fell off them and rendered them useless. If you get one, get a decent quality one. lol My advice would be, go natural! Honestly, live plants are easy as long as you go for the easy plants! Java fern, Ambulia, Green Rotala and Banana Lily are all doing fantastic under one light, no C02, no fertilizer, etc. If you're still against live plants, I'd try toning down the colours in the tank. Dark or natural gravel, non-fluro/bright coloured plants. Add some smaller fern-ish plants near the front and put the taller plants up back. Let the fish be the feature, not the bright plants. By the way, totally jealous of your ship wreak. lol
  9. Yanagi


    Wow! That's quite a collection you have going on there. Welcome to the forum! :)
  10. In the time I've spent lurking on various Betta forums I've read a lot of conflicting information, many 'DO NOT's and the like. I'm curious to know what you have successfully and unsuccessfully kept in a community tank, along side Betta. Obviously this also depends on the personality of fish, availability of hiding places, et cetera, so what works for one person may not work for another but I'm hoping to see some trends arise here, that and a good discussion! I have a 40lt with one CT male, 4 Corydora and 3 Cardinal Tetra (The reason for just 3 is a long and complicated story .) I have a 75lt with one HM male, 4 Corydora and 10 White Cloud Minnows. I've also gave my VT male to my father who after the death of our last remaining Silver Shark (old age) downsized from a hideous monstrosity of a 6ft to a beautiful 4ft display tank which now houses way too many Bristlenose (55!!!) about 10-15 Cardinal Tetra, 1 Clown Loach (we had more, they long ago died of old age, we're thinking of declaring this guy immortal as we believe he was the first and oldest of all), 4 Corydora, 4 Red Platys and 4 Red Swordtails. Note, I'm aware his tank is over stocked, he is a very hard man to deal with and very set in his ways. I'm working on convincing him to sell at least half of the BN. It's a miracle he is now acknowledging that there is a problem. The only slight problem I've ever had with any of these set ups is the VT has a thing with one of the Platys, he will flare at and chase it, but only one of them, none of the others. Aside from that, everyone gets along great. I'd post photos but the USB cable for the new camera has mysterious disappeared. Feel free to share you own photos though. :)
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