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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. No kidding Paul lol So long as it does what it's supposed to without causing any harm to my fish, it'll be good. And hopefully look presentable, too.
  2. Welcome Nicole! We have a Sydney Betta Meeting coming up on the 1st of May, details here. Pics of tanks and fish are always enjoyed. :)
  3. I brought up all of these points to my dad just now and he dismissed them all. :/ Thanks for trying though! He's gonna slap on the silicon thick around the edges of the canvas/mesh so there shouldn't be anywhere for fins to get caught and won't bother with frames.
  4. Thanks. We used plastic book binder/spine things from Officeworks. Had to buy a plastic cover thing with it as well but they were only $2.50 each I think. They were siliconed in place and then used the dremel drill to file them down so that there was enough width to slot the dividers in. It's still a tight fit though. He also rejected the frames around the mesh idea...
  5. There's no arguing with my dad lol.. I could print out 5 A4 pages of people worshipping UG filters and he would just call them all idiots. Hmm, I hope we have enough perspex left to make frames. I have no problem with them seeing each other, all of them have either lived with other Betta or had neighbours before so they'll probably be over it within a day. :dontknow:
  6. I bought a custom built 'wall' tank to divide up for 4 of my Betta boys with my dads help. He's too lazy to drill holes in the perspex (for water flow/heat distribution, etc) and won't let me handle power tools (not that I blame him ), so I came up with the idea to use plastic mesh/canvas stuff and cut a 'window' in the perspex and silicon the mesh onto it. However before we go cutting huge holes in the perspex I wanted to ask if there's any reason this wouldn't work. Does anyone see any problems with this? (Obviously aside from disease spreading, and I don't see that being an issue). The perspex will be sand blasted to stop clear view of each other but they will be able to see each other pretty clearly through the mesh. The mesh section will basically be the entire middle section of the perspex. Picture of the WIP tank. Also if anyone has any suggestions on (inexpensive) filtration, I'm all ears! Right now we're considering using an internal filter in one end with a hose acting as a spray bar into the other 3 sections. I originally wanted undergravel filters as well but 'They're useless and a stupid idea.' so that's a no go.
  7. LOL! Now the real question here.. How to politely suggest the banana lily take a trip the waxing salon... :dontknow:
  8. What the title says. It's growing in just one of my tanks, and wrapping it's self around my banana lily and also appears to be growing out of an ornament.
  9. Shesh, seems much bigger in the video, haha. Good luck finding a female. I know I'd be interested in fry from him. Aw, that poor boy, I hope his fins heal up for you.
  10. Ah, there's my problem. I usually don't look over where the tanks are. Sounds like a good set up though. How much water does it hold? Any plans to spawn the orange boy as well? There's something I really like about him lol
  11. He's so pretty, looks like your tank is a beauty as well!
  12. Hi Meghan! Here's a link to the tail type guide. The other guys have already said it all, otherwise. Welcome to AusAqua!
  13. I use a single power-glo tube 18in 15w, 10 hours a day, no fertilizers or CO2. Grows well in my 18 inch tank but not too quickly in my 2ft tank (24in 20w) with the same brand tube. Everything grows well in the 18in, but I do believe I need a second tube on my 2ft tank as my rotala is growing funny. I've also got a spare 2ft light over one of my small (10lt or so) tanks, an 18w Aqua Sky tube, it only gets about 6-8 hours. My java fern is going nuts in there too and I've only had the light on it for a week. http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2754094 ETA - Link to the site I order the Power-Glo tubes from. Some more info on there and customer reviews. :D
  14. Mine grows like a weed when kept under semi-decent lighting, in my experience it's not a slow growing plant at all.
  15. 'Fraid I'm no use to you there, my rosetail HM boy's fins never healed even with salt and IAL. His tail hasn't fully grown back from when he chewed it in late Jan. either.. Maybe his fins are just lousy. But a split I imagine should heal up fine.
  16. Hehe, sorry. If I spent another second in there mum was gonna drag me out by my ankle. Nope, didn't see any Giants. Last time I was there they had Giants up in the tanks above the plants and Betta area, two turquoise Plakats I think? I'm too short to really see anything up there LOL Giants have been bred with normal sized Betta and they call them King Betta, at least that's what I read on an American forum. I think they breed the Giants pretty young so they aren't too big. I agree that it just looks like damage, not genetic.
  17. Oh gosh, you should have said hi! Yeah, I was there. My dad's tank has come down with white spot and I was picking up some BBS eggs, then had to rush off to pick up some hideous piece of furniture with my mum, I let her pay while I took a couple of seconds to eye the new selection of Betta. I was so oogling that first boy, he is lovely! I didn't even see that second boy, he is a beauty too! I'm jealous! Oh and sorry you lost your fish. :(
  18. Love the setup! Want to trade dads for a while? I could use some shelving. lol
  19. Love the photos. Genki is such a pretty boy.
  20. My personal list of favourite/relatively easy plants; Java fern, Java moss, Banana lily, Hornwort, Anubias nana, Ambulia, Green Rotala and Pennywort. Some of these need more lighting than others, others will pretty much grow in the dark.
  21. Yanagi


    I find mirrors to have a laxative effect on my fish, as strange as it sounds. I've always assumed it to be normal. And welcome to the forum!
  22. Thanks guys. I kept meaning to take more pictures but I keep getting distracted....
  23. Yanagi


    Welcome! I've recently become a huge fan of Plakats, but have at least one of pretty much every tail type, and I have White Clouds too. Hope to see you around the forum!
  24. Thanks. The boy in the 2nd pic is a pain to take photos of. His personality reminds me of a dog, "Hey whatcha got? Can I see? Can I have it?".. Most photos end up just being his blurred little self fussing around in front of the camera.
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