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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Sell them as feeders, give them to unsuspecting friends and family.. or buy an oscar. *lol*
  2. Two names for the same fish. Odessa is the far more common name IME. As for those two bottom pics Goody, I believe you may have found a super rare Hairy Cat-fish, and a Hairy Dog-fish. You must keep these rare treasures and obey their every command.
  3. First one is an Odessa Barb. CT girl look so TINY! Nice pics
  4. I've kept pretty much all my males with tetra. Never had an issue, except when feeding bloodworms and I caught one bite Mercury's tail instead of the worm. Halfmoons, a Crowntail but mostly Plakats. The strong majority of my fishies are short fins so I don't see it being an issue. Part of why I tend to avoid long fins, fussy little things that get eaten or eat their own fins.. Ugh.
  5. Welcome Sarah! Pics of pretty fish and tanks are pretty much a requirement. ;)
  6. Smaller tank?! Never! I went looking around my beloved google and I think it might be Rotala Wallichii. Looks/sounds similar, but the pics on google seem fairly red. The only one that seemed extremely close I couldn't get a decent look at as the website had gone over it's bandwidth limit. Thanks. I'm dying to go plant and driftwood shopping, haha. It's almost as exciting as fish shopping and browsing aquabid with dreams of what might be... *lol*
  7. Been super busy and haven't managed to have it running properly. I ALMOST did, then my 2ft tank cracked and I literally threw everything that was in it into the divided tank that was half full of water.. Once my new 30 inch tank (see 2ft community tank thread) is planted up the way I want it, I'll be working on the divided tank. This is everything from the 2ft tank, now in the 30inch tank. At least I know the tank doesn't have any leaks? For each section I'm planning different arrangements. One will have some tall/branch type driftwood with lots of moss and anubias tied over it and basically just driftwood (with mosses tied on) piled to create lots of hidey holes. My wimpy little black lace will probably go in there and spend his life hiding. He gets stress stripes if I do so much as turn on the light over his tank.. . Another will be done iwagumi style (I hope.. probably won't have enough lighting for a proper carpet in it), the other two I haven't thought too much about. It all depends on what I can get away with in the tank. I'd really like to get a carpet of sorts going in at least once of them. I'd settle for java moss carpet if that'll be the only thing that works.. But anyway, I'd love some ornaments in the other two and give them sort of, themes.. For example, a carpet with scattered rocks and http://www.petsathome.com/wcsstore/ConsumerDirectStorefrontAssetStore/images/products/large/20523.jpg (link to image) somewhere in there too. The other, maybe a cliff type scape.. I really have too many ideas and not enough time, resources, funds, motivation.. LOL Filtration I'm still deciding. I was looking into very, very small canister filters. I think the brand I was looking at was called Eden, can't quite remember now. It's been a while. Either way, it'll have a spray bar that will run the length of the tank, or there abouts. The braces may make that difficult and the spraybar might only just reach into half of the end sections.. Or I might have to cut a slot out of the tops of the dividers and carefully fit a hose/tube into it and not leave enough room for jumping. Lots to consider since my best boys will be going in it. Woah, massive reply. I just go off rambling a lot, don't I? :blush:
  8. Couldn't help myself and started playing around in the tank. I rearranged some plants and the driftwood with the two anubias tied onto it... I reeeeally need (want) more plants, haha. Please excuse the stupid filter arrangement, it's a temp until the parts I need for my canister come in... ('Scuse the quality too, camera batteries are dying, and I'm on a caffeine overload so my hands won't stop shaking) ^ Can anyone ID the plant in the BG? The pinky/red stuff. It's faublous, I loooove it.
  9. lol @ the guppies comment. I'm hoping the bigger fish will eat any babies that may remain once I get the adult guppies out and something decent in. Once my new Betta finishes QT, he'll go in there. I floated his bag in there overnight because I didn't have my QT/hospital tank set up and was too tired to bother with it last night. He seems to really hate guppies and lunged at several that swam past the bag. Perhaps he'll be my one man baby guppy clean up crew. None that are in there have very long tails so hopefully he'll just chase and not nip at them. I'm defintely having a honey dwarf gourami pair in there, and a blue ram pair. The rest I'm still iffy on. I've had a few offers of 'if you get so and so and it breeds, I'll buy the babies from you' which is tempting me in other directions. The possibilities are now 6 Corydora habrosus and 6 Corydora Pygmaeus. I still want some Otos, so I'd say 5 of them. Schoolers, I still want to tear my hair out trying to decide. I still want something fairly small but looking at slightly bigger ones than I was before. Ember Tetra, Dwarf Rasbora, Rasbora Hengeli. I think this will be the last and hardest decision when it comes to this tank, haha. I'll know what I want in there when I see all of the inhabitants in there together. I'm also trying to avoid looking at Apistos.. Some of them are quite tempting, but I don't think it would be a good idea to mix Blue Rams, HD Gouramis and an Apisto pair. (Anyone want to try and sway me otherwise? ;P )
  10. My upgrade from 2ft to '30 inch'.. was advertised as 3ft (and the canister was advertised as in very good condition.. HAH) Sadly, it's in the only place it will fit.. My doorway. I of course underestimated the amount of plants it would take to fill this baby since all the plants I bought were for the 2ft! I will need to buy some more but in the mean time, this is what it looks like. Bag of trashy guppies floating away ready to cycle the tank.. Plants include 3 kinds of Anubias and 1 hybrid (?), several crypts, hairgrass, chain swords, pennywort, bacopa, various other misc. bits and pieces. Cloudiness has since reduced significantly, but I'm too tired/lazy to get up and take a new picture LOL I'll wait until the tank looks more filled out! But I'm going to need more driftwood to tie the hybrid anubias onto and make more caves and hidey spots. I want to fill out the entire back and the empty corner with plants, then have some low lying (maybe carpet) plants in the front left hand corner area as open swimming space.
  11. Could not help myself and came home with an Orange Black Dragon PK. The dragons, they speak to me! 'Buy mee, buy meeee!' they say!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. littleangel


      I am so glad I'm not the only one who animals say that to.... my problem is its ALL animals!

    3. Sarah


      Yep, I get that a lot. ;P

      I am always wanting more and more Betta's. I just can't look after everyone I see, so I must hope they find good homes *sigh*

    4. Sarah


      I also am a sucker for other animals... mice (not allowed), dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc. EVERYTHING! I go to the zoo and see an elephant, and want to take the whole family home. :)

  12. Scratch all this, basically. 2ft tank is now dead. Massive crack with a rapid leak! But, I ended up going with fine (1-3? mm) river gravel and red sea flora base. Stupid me, I wish I had gotten pics before the tank cracked. I had to make a mad dash to drain the water out before the water managed to leak all over my stand/shelving/electricals/floor.. Then I had to do something with the gravel because there was still water within that and a bit was still leaking out. Tossed it all in my divided tank sitting beside the 2ft. It's one gigantic mess. The morning (midday?) after, everything is coated in a layer of grimy dusty dirt from the flora base. Have a laugh at this mess at my expense. XD ^ I love this plant, whatever it is. Time to go tank shopping.. I wanted something slightly bigger anyway. I was worried a gourami pair and ram pair would get a bit.. crowded.
  13. Wash 25kg of gravel, smooth it out all lovely like in my tank.. Plan out my hardscape, aka driftwood. Arrange and plant my plants.. Fill up with water, CRAAACCCCCKKK. Drip. Drip. Drip.. Frantic dash for buckets and siphon ensues, along with frantic cursing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bec


      Ohh no ... do you know what caused the crack?

    3. Yanagi


      There was a very small crack in it to begin with, you couldn't feel it on either side, but it was 'repaired' with silicon and glass on the inside and outside of the tank. I even had the tank full of water for a week before taking it out and doing this. Guess it couldn't handle the weight of the substrate AND the water. :/

    4. gulp


      Damn, thats bad luck yan :(

  14. Wow, they're certainly funny looking, in a cute way. Congrats on your (Brads?) find.
  15. Nah, Amano's is Aqua Design Amano, ADA 'Amazonia'. Comes in a silver bag and in english. The stuff this aquarium is selling is in an entirely black bag with black substrate (maybe some silver highlighting on it, don't remember) and the substrate appears to be rather like dirt or quite fine from the quick glance I had at it. It was also certainly much cheaper than the ADA stuff too!
  16. My mum (aka my driver! ) comes back from visiting relatives tomorrow meaning I can finally go buy my substrate! I have 2 tanks to set up and one to re-do. (24x12, 31x10.5 and 20x10) I'm having trouble deciding what to do though. I'm thinking a very thin layer of API First Layer Pure Laterite on the bottom, about 1.5" of fine plain ol' gravel and on top 1" of Eco Complete (Red). Sound good? Would you bother with the Laterite at all? Would the Eco Complete be better on the bottom or top layer? Do you have experience with Eco Complete? - I'm going to be keeping Cories, it won't damage their barbels will it? The place has another type of plant substrate but the bag is all in chinese, they just call it Aqua soil.. Not sure if I want to play with something when I have no idea what's in it, or what it's proper name is. Comes in two size bags, about 3kg and 9kg. The stuff is black. Does anyone have any idea what it might be? Thanks
  17. I keep finding different fish to consider. Especially when it comes to the uh, 'space fillers'. I've recently discovered the epicness of Blue Rams and been debating about whether the tank would be overstocked or have aggression issues. Now thinking... Dwarf Gourami x 1 Honey Dwarf Gourami x 1 German Blue Ram x 2 Betta female x 1 (To be honest at this point I'm thinking she can just stay where she is - she's fine there but I'd rather her in a nicer display tank, she's a gorgeous Orange Black HMPK. ) Black Neon Tetra x 10 (I really like Ember Tetra or Dwarf Rasbora but I'm guessing they would end up being expensive Ram or Gourami snacks given their size) Panda or Pygmy Corydora or Otos x 6 (My friend insists Panda cories look French, so I must get them and name them all 'monsieur'.) I do want a small schooling fish, but I'm having issues finding something small enough that it won't over power the other fish, and still large enough to not get gobbled up. I'd prefer it to not to have the same colour/s as any of the 'feature' fish or at least not the same shade, if you get what I mean. That or be kind of plain, sort of like the Black neons. Any suggestions? Also taking recommendations on which Cory or Oto to go with. I really want to go 'small' for the non-feature fish.. But at the same time, Otos are more active, busy little fish compared to Cories, but they aren't as cute. I'm so torn! Just in case anyone's wondering, I'm thinking of going with Eco complete as substrate (perhaps a layer of fine gravel underneath - depending on how 'light' my wallet is feeling). Branch type driftwood and a few hollow driftwood pieces for hardscape. For plants I think I'll start off with easier stuff and progress as I get better at keeping them. Ambulia, Anubais Nana, Bacopa, Chain swords, Crypts, Giant Hygro, Hairgrass, Mayaca, Ricca, Blyxa, etc.. I've done a few sketches but I guess it depends on what sort of driftwood I can get my hands on. I really want it to be about the fish, aka them having plenty of hiding spaces (hollow logs) but open space as well. I'm hoping it's not going to be too difficult to get a comfortable set up for all fish involved in a tank of this size.
  18. It looks great! I think I could live in there. :D
  19. I'm trying to decide what I want to do with my now empty 2ft. I definitely want a high-tech planted tank with driftwood and such, but when it comes to fish other than Betta, filtration and such I'm a bit stumped. I definitely want a pair of dwarf gouramis, but I also like honey dwarf gourami. Could I put together a male dwarf gourami and a female honey dwarf? Would they be compatible? What I'm thinking is.. Dwarf Gourami x 2 Female Betta x 1 (possibly more in future) Neon Black Tetra x 10 Panda Cory x 5 Oto x 2 I'm aware there could be problems with the Gouramis and the Betta. The girl I have in mind is a very peaceful little HMPK, but do you see the Gouramis causing problems? If they do, the female can always go back where she was. I do want the main features to be the gouramis and the female betta, and of course the plants. That's why I've chosen the tankmates I have.. They're smaller, 'plain' coloured, etc. Opinions on their compatibility? According to http://aqadvisor.com, this gives me Recommended temperature range: 24 - 27 C. Recommended pH range: 6 - 7.5. Recommended hardness range: 5 - 15 dH. You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity. Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 126%. Recommended water change schedule: 31% per week. Your aquarium stocking level is 93%. Filter is an Eheim 2008 Pickup internal filter, it is discontinued and not an option so I replaced it with an Eheim Aquaball 2208 I would most likely add on an Aqua One Clearview 300. Since this is not an option on that website I exchanged that for an Aquaclear 20, which is slightly larger than the Clearview. Does anyone know of a canister filter that might be suitable for an Aquarium of this size? Must have an adjustable flow rate. I did find the Aquis 500, but are they adjustable? Reading back through I just realized how kind of scattered this post is. Sorry, it's the way my brain works. :D
  20. Great website - full of info. :(
  21. Ohh, you imported some fish? I will be expecting pictures. I did get almost all of them flaring, just not him, the little turd! Black pen tip, point it at them and it's pretty fail-proof. More convenient that a mirror too, haha. I think he was just a little cold. I knew he'd be gone if he was there another weekend, which is why I grabbed him on friday, haha. Everyone should own a dragon. :P
  22. Yours and mine both. Nothing beats a dragon! He is a pretty active fish, especially when shown a mirror or another male, heh. At the moment he's pacing the side of his tank because my ragdoll cat is terrorizing him, by napping beside it. Thanks guys. I couldn't be happier with him.
  23. Thanks! I'm really pleased with him, especially since he would NOT flare for me in store so I was just praying he had nice finnage, haha. Bettasbest, go now, go~ All the good Betta will be gone over the weekend! (Why yes, I am an enabler! )
  24. Hehe, red dragons are pretty much my top 'dream' fishy. I finally got my hands on one. Following my theme of gods, I named him Osiris after the Egyptian god of the underworld, who dresses in all white. Fitting for a dragon, I think. He's very difficult to get flaring pictures of with my slow old camera though, he goes nuts (as seen in the video lol) so most come out blurry.
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