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Status Updates posted by Yanagi

  1. *cries* We have a tank full of TEENY TINY Koi angels at work and I want to take them ALL home!!

  2. It's times like these I miss my betta barracks

    1. shadoh


      It's times like this that I wish mine wasn't full... There are some beauties up for sale right now :)

    2. melbournebetta
  3. PVO is now in place, stalker comes near me he gets arrested on the spot.

  4. Anyone got tips for taking pics of fast moving endlers? We got some real nice ones but geeeez they move.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yanagi


      Don't have time to take hundreds at work lol :(

    3. GoldenGirl13


      take video and take stills from that

    4. Matt_95


      Hmmm, mine slow done a little when I have fed them and if I keep them cool. Otherwise just wait until one stops, take the picture only to find it moved at the last minute and keep trying lol

  5. Getting stabbed under the finger nail by a dried up and gone hard suction cap.. not cool. Bleeding like crazy, also not cool.

    1. les


      if you put pepper on it it will stop bleeding as it is an astringent

    2. Yanagi


      Oh really? I'll have to try that next time!

  6. Gone through my 2nd box of tissues in 3 days. Yan doesn't do 'sick' well.

    1. GoldenGirl13


      Sending mental hugs and chicken noodle soup xxxx

    2. Sarah


      Nawww, get well soon Yan! x

    3. Abby


      AWWW hope your getting better Yah

  7. Can someone tell my male Angelfish that he's had pellets, worms AND flake in the last half hour, he should not still be hungry!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Did you say he?

      Mmm... there's your problem (woops did I say that aloud?). :P

    3. Yanagi


      hahaha, breeding pair Sarah. It is the boy who is a fat little (not so little..) begger! Because of where the tank is, they can see be at the 'back' of the tank sitting at my desk so he will sit there watching me and wiggling at me when he's hungry...

    4. Yanagi


      see me* bah, typos.

  8. omg BUSY day at work.. only just slowed down enough to have lunch

  9. My barracks is now devoid of fish.. getting there, slowly.

  10. Bought 5 $1.50 something digital thermometers.. They're all relatively accurate! WOW! Suction caps are FAIL though.

    1. forever_and_a_day


      lol. almost all of the suction caps in my fish area are fail >_> the heaters just dangle there and thermometers sink/float

    2. Yanagi


      I expect old suction caps to die but these are new, I have 5 hanging out of my marine tank and 3 just keep falling off and hitting the cabinet lol.. What do you expect for under $2ea though. I'm happy enough. And apparently my heater isn't doing much, again!!

  11. Got 3 of my last bettas at work hoping a customer will take them - then just one left that i'm waiting for a lady to pick up! I haven't had this few bettas since i started

    1. Yanagi


      customer didn't show up.. nice.

  12. !@#$%^&^$%^@#$!@#$!@# Anenome went through the power head.. arrrrgggghhhhhhh nooooo!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yanagi


      Thankfully with a dose of amguard and over-skimming the tank has cleared up over night. I think I caught it soon enough but probably won't know the full extent for a couple of days.

    3. Matt_95


      I hate that, never happened to me but a mate went away and it happened to him. Lost pretty much everything. I hope you don't loose anything and nothing gets sick.

    4. Yanagi


      Actually looks like everyone is ok. I had to move/rearrange everything to pick out all the tentacles so no one ate them.. Much happier with how it looks but still not satisfied.

  13. I'm having a lazy day, but doing stuff anyway.. My water holding tank needs to be refilled...

  14. Woke up at 4pm... Oops. I think I slept in a bit? haha.. Not feeling too well. :(

    1. Sarah


      Aw, hope you are feeling better soon Yan. :)

      4pm... nice.. but if you aren't feeling well you have a perfect excuse!

    2. GoldenGirl13


      Hope you feel a bit better today xxx

    3. GoldenGirl13


      Hope you feel a bit better today xxx

  15. Estimated cost for my new marine system.. 2 grand. Anyone hiring? I think I need a second job.. lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. paul


      feel like doing some water changes??? LOL!

    3. Yanagi


      Do me a favour and imagine me glaring at you.. LOL

    4. ads


      farout!! thats alot of money!

  16. Dear customers, please don't come into the store intoxicated and 'ask' for fish. Thanks, The staff.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Neffy


      did you refuse sale D=

    3. Yanagi


      Couldn't. Guy who was buying them was, well, more sober than his buddy. He seemed to know what he was talking about though, he could at least ID the tropical fish which is more than I can say for a lot of our customers...

    4. Neffy


      haha poor fish

  17. Leaving to pick up my new 4ft marine tank! Can't set it up until I rehome the bettas though

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yanagi


      For sure, I am definitely getting one. They are way too much fun.

    3. GoldenGirl13


      Just watch your fingers!!

    4. GoldenGirl13


      Just watch your fingers!!

  18. Angelfish eggs, round 2. We have wriggling eggs with tails!

    1. Yanagi


      Wriggling eggs still here in the morning!

    2. shadoh


      !YAY! I love baby angels...

    3. Yanagi


      No survivors. I'll remove the eggs next time.

  19. What a bunch of conflicting emotions. Barracks up for sale, found (what appears to be) a perfect marine tank in the exact size I was after, awaiting a reply!

    1. Yanagi


      Argh! Tank fell through, someone put in a deposit.. :(

  20. I need help with a stalker. :(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rhysmachine101


      Seriously, though- look out for yourself, its sad that you have to, but perhaps a self-defence course?

      If you don't already practise a martial art, that is. Please be careful. My only parting advice would be to go for the groin-and dont be afraid to follow up with a few knees or kicks to the head- better him than you :)

    3. Yanagi


      Actually martial arts is something I've wanted to get into for a LONG time.. But yeah at the moment the guy isn't dangerous.. just seriously can't take no for an answer. Persistent doesn't even cover it.

    4. Fletch


      Yan. Please be careful. Look into a Chinese Kung Fu. Wing Chung, Tong Long ect. These are true self defense, not a sport. I believe that within 3 mths, anyone can learn enough to get out of most situations. These arts are very full on and Wing Chun is designed by a woman and doesn't rely on strength. Was given a hiding by a kid that was 10. I was twenty and an learning instructor.

  21. Finally figured out who the agressor is in my community/sorority. Off she goes to the barracks!

  22. Angelfish spawned, got new coral and a hair cut. Awesome day.

    1. RocRus01


      Wicked, two thumbs up

    2. shadoh


      Congrats on the angels spawning! What kind do you have?

    3. Yanagi


      Female is a koi and the male I guess is a marble. :P

  23. Common sense, it's really not common.

    1. GoldenGirl13


      uncommon, under-valued and under-used!

    2. GoldenGirl13


      uncommon, under-valued and under-used!

    3. Yanagi


      And often abused!

  24. I just remembered I have the PERFECT tank to use for a seahorse tank + somewhere to put my fire fish so that I can get an eel.. Now I just need to convince my parents it would be a great idea to set up a salt water seahorse + fish tank in the lounge room/hallway somewhere. Hum.

  25. Finally cleaned the secondary filter in my community tank, now everybody is playing in the current.

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