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Status Replies posted by Yanagi

  1. So.. I have Splendens. Again.

    1. Yanagi


      I just need to resist the urge to have one of every colour and I should be alright.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  2. Found my female albi floating. Don't know what happened. Now I'm just hoping at least one fry is female.

  3. It has begun!

    1. Yanagi


      I've been taking photos as I've been doing it so that I can do one big update post when I can find that thread I started forever ago, hahaha.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. THE SIMS 3 PETS IS OUT! So long forum.. I might be back in a few months.. LOL

  5. Got an infected thumb from something (coral mucus most likely) in my marine tank. not cool.

  6. Got an infected thumb from something (coral mucus most likely) in my marine tank. not cool.

  7. Gotta pay for my tank AND for kitty to go back to the vet after he caught something there.. my bank account is crying. I'm close to it.

  8. Here's another hold for my tank.. Kitty has to go for vet for suspected urine infection. :(

  9. Guess what I've got.. :D I'll give you a hint, it holds 330lts!!



  12. I am going to put a.. DISCUS.. on hold today.. HELP ME!

  13. Just pondering...In a few months we may be unemployed.....we are looking for an income that we enjoy doing..Do you reckon it is possible to make money from fish??

  14. Purple firefish comes out, takes one look at the new butterfly and dives behind the rock. OMG SCARY FIEEESSSHHH!!!!!1!!1!1!1!1!

  15. My Imbellis look like hybrids to my eyes... :(

  16. It seems Rummy Nose Tetras have TWO dorsals... never noticed the smaller one at the back before, saw it on one, then noticed they all had it - thought it was some sort of 'lump' disease, and I was going to lose them all! What a relief to find it was a fin. Phew. GEE fish, please don't try and give me a heartattack!

  17. Stay tuned for an update of stock @ Auburn Aquarium.. Some niiice fish!

  18. Stay tuned for an update of stock @ Auburn Aquarium.. Some niiice fish!

  19. Stay tuned for an update of stock @ Auburn Aquarium.. Some niiice fish!

  20. 3 Weeks until my new tank and furniture gets here.. OMG. Busting with excitement.

  21. Is there such a thing as a double tail crown tail? Never seen one...

    1. Yanagi


      I just had a look.. He has got a bit of web reduction on the top but he's just a standard veiltail double tail. VTDT.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. Is there such a thing as a double tail crown tail? Never seen one...

    1. Yanagi


      There are plenty of DTPKs, and one who did look like DTCTPK but it was more of a combtail than a crowntail. I don't think you can really get a DTHMPK because of the awkwardness of having two tails..

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. Internal Filter suggestions for 60 lt tank? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

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