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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. I may be a complete idiot but is there a way to send a mass message to a group of people in one hit on this forum? Most forums you can select the people you want to send to or just type in all the usernames with a comma between them but yeah, not sure how it works on this one. :blush:
  2. Oops, haven't been on the forum much and missed this. A belated happy birthday. :)
  3. Wishes I had room for a 6 x 2 for my Discus

  4. My croaking gouramis are awesome, been croaking for ages! I can't believe people say they've never heard it!

  5. Don't mean to offend. I just deal with a lot of Rams and most will get fat as ticks after that treatment.
  6. Rams look like they could do with a treatment of sterazin and some levamisole treated food. Looks good, my angels are destroying my amazon sword too. :(
  7. I'm not Briztoon but in my own experience they are aggressive towards each other but given a lot of cover they tend to just flare and then get on with their day. In a sparse tank, boys got beaten up by the dominant one and females hid themselves away. This goes for both species.
  8. That appears to be a Synodontis multipunctatus.
  9. What the.. I was sure I replied to this. Maybe forgot to press post. I'll re-type my 2c later.
  10. Zui, Indy flew into my room this morning with a beak full of cat fur... Oops... I had to do a water change so I collected the last amount of fry into a fry saver. They'll probably last a day or two, they always die in there. No idea why. Don't care. Stupid Angels were chasing everything around even after lights out and kept me awake for half the night. :devil:
  11. That is breeding behaviour but I wouldn't bother worrying about it, it's a community tank. You've got about a 1 in 1000 chance of anything surviving.
  12. But that requires effort like getting a bucket, a hose that will reach into the tall tank and over standard height cabinet while still reaching a bucket, potentially getting water on me and the floor, etc, etc... ;P
  13. Not really, I just want to kill them right now as they've knocked a few scales loose on Burnie who won't back down from them. As soon as somebody eats these fry, they'll be back to good citizens.
  14. Sweet! So which tank are my Angels going into? You still want them right? *shoves them at you mercilessly* They've managed to keep their fry longer than ever before right now which means they're being real to, well, everything.
  15. Regetting not getting bigger shoals of barbs. They're totally scattered all over the tank. :(

    1. gulp


      How many do you have?

    2. gulp


      How many do you have?

    3. Yanagi


      10 Cherry Barbs and oh geez I can't remember now.. 6 or 8 Odessa Barbs.

  16. We sell mature/breeding pairs at $80.
  17. Sooo.. Ummm... I'm bringing home a few things today... 2 female plakats, a female halfmoon and two halfmoon boys... They've all sat here for WEEKS and the boys are starting to look crappy, though the girls are still fine. No one wants girls. Or plakats. Just gonna jar them in a foam box, lmao. Plakat girls will be conditioned to spawn while the girly will go into my Discus tank.
  18. He doesn't work sundays or tuesdays and his name is Budi, but the vast majority of staff here can help.
  19. OMG FOOD MOAR FOODZ Just Chillin Finally spotted one of my Whiptails, first time seeing it since the two of them went into the tank months ago. Other one remains unsighted. So I still haven't gotten my busy fish... Going with Cherry Barbs (20 or so) and Odessa Barbs (probably 8). Might get them friday if we've got enough. I know we've got barely any Cherries but plenty of Odessas.
  20. 1d12ca1fdd6d9174f2f5be6d3bd045c0
  21. I've got two Dumbos currently, had more previously, all short fins or females though, the big pectorals don't seem to cause any hindrance in swimming ability. Pretty boy. :)
  22. Yanagi


    2ft tanks are not appropriate for clown loaches.
  23. If anyone wants to hook me up with a doubletail PK female of any colour but blue, I'd be happy to toss them in a spawn tank in a few weeks... I just literally have no surface space (nor floor space) to place any more tanks at this stage. And Sarah, how about I pay you with unrivaled advice and free plant trimmings? LOL
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