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Everything posted by Yanagi

  1. Doesn't need to be rough, a rough surface just gives it more to 'grip'.
  2. Not one of my fish will build a bubblenest.. Haters :(

    1. Sarah


      Awww... :((

      They will, don't worry. Mine is now buliding a nest and I was trying to get them too for over 6 months. They'll get round to it. Why not put one of the females in? Sometimes Bettas spawn without a nest.

    2. Yanagi


      Females were put in a floating trap, then one of them let themselves out with a nest, and then again without a nest (several times) still nothin.

    3. Sarah


      :( Just keep trying. That's all we can do. Isn't it annoying though?

  3. Yeah, steel blues are near impossible to take photos of I've found.. I will pick up a small divided tank from my LFS some time soon so i can take proper photos with proper lighting and maybe find a way to get a decent picture of him. I want to take more pics but my 'helper' is asleep on my shoulder leaving me immobile for fear of waking the noisy little brat. That dark blurry blob there is a cockatiel. The fish don't know what to make of her.
  4. Thanks Shadoh. I have 4 of those guys, all siblings. Well, one is red. 3 Males, 1 female.. the female is in the first pic, still baby looking. Now someone posted I can put more pics. ... Quality steadily going downward Although he doesn't look it in this pic, he is actually a steel blue!
  5. Soo... Since I've gotten my barracks (still not fully set up yet) I have begun hoarding away fishies. Just yesterday I brought home 4 CT females for my community tank. They are all amaaaazing! So anyway, it's too bloody hot to mess around with tanks too much so I decided I'd simply stand there and take photos which is no where near as stressful as hauling water, tanks, sumps and pumps... Hah. Yeah right. Pics are in no particular order.
  6. Ah ok, I missed that. With a bacterial infection I would of expected to hear about visible symptoms, rather than just gasping though. Hope they get better soon.
  7. Medication for what? Have you found out what the problem is?
  8. Low oxygen/high heat will make fish gasp, so can poor water quality. Fish on deaths door tend to do this as well.
  9. Red Dragons in the spawn tank, female keeps jumping out of her floating tank, regardless of whether or not there is a bubblenest, and gets a bit more beaten up each time. I think she's a bit dumb, but gorgeous!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sarah


      Maybe she should just stay in there. I had a Betta pair in together before a nest was even built, and I got about 300 fry - minimum damage to both parents. Then they were VT, not PK.

    3. Yanagi


      She's been out with him all day now, still no nest. Might have to have another boy become his neighbour for a little while! Doesn't look like much more damage. It's just a bunch of tears anyway, thankfully no fins ripped out.

    4. Sarah


      Hmmm... too bad. At least no ripped out fins!

  10. My 3 pairs come tomorrow!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Yay! Did she have any spare females?

    3. Yanagi
    4. Sarah


      Awww... maybe next time. :(

  11. Finally picked up my tanks today. Lids aren't done yet, I'll get my dad to help me with that. I now will have to drain a 100lt divided tank and find a spot for 6 fish so the tank and stand can be moved and my new shelves and tanks go in. I'll just save the old water and run them on sponge filters until I get all my plumbing, sump, pump, etc sorted. We can't decide exactly which pump to use at the moment because the water movement in these tanks is going to be quite limited. Pics will hopefully be up later. Depends what I can get done today.:D
  12. Bought 3 pairs from someone, waiting to hear back about any 'single and avaliable' Plakat girls. So excited!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yanagi


      White golds, Red dragons and Lavender butterflies. xD

    3. Sarah


      Nice. Hopefully you'll get some females too. :)

    4. paul


      So what's the go Yan... How are the new fish? Are you gunna be a betta mum again soon? Pics?

  13. Well, my tanks are finally 99% done. A bulkhead was drilled into the end chamber of each. Dividers cut and siliconed in with a small (about 2mm) gap in the front. It took a lot more glass than either of us had expected, my bank account is sobbing quietly. We decided we'll cut the lids into strips to sit over each chamber, interestingly enough a marble is going to be the handle. Saves on fiddling around with cutting scrap glass. I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to pick them up but it should be soon. Then I just need to buy a pump, a bit more filter media and.. hoses for the plumbing lol
  14. Anyone selling CRS or CBS? low grades are perfectly alright with me..

  15. It's not old fashioned, I find it works a lot better than the one you have at the moment. The screw part controls the air flow. Unscrew it very loose, you get full blast, tighten it up and it's reduced. The last pic is a plug, it's the exact same thing already plugged into the clear control valve, they can be pulled out. It will fit into in the empty 'slot' on the one above the check valve picture.
  16. Having owned 4 Pakistani loaches (lost during/after the velvet battle) I can safely say they will mow down any snails like me blindly marching my way to the kitchen for my first-thing-in-the-morning tea. They've been gone about a week / week and a half now and I've still yet to see a snail. I never thought it was actually possible but I think they really did manage to get every last one! Now if only they didn't eat my ghost shrimp... I can vouch for the usefulness of copper though, too. Next best thing if you don't like loaches or they're too big for the tank.
  17. someone's White Gold Dragons are miiine.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sarah


      Love that pair.. had to go to someone's You-Tube Channel to watch that video AGAIN.. watched it like twice. ;P

    3. Yanagi


      lol haven't got 'em yet, just paid for them though. When they get here they will go straight in the spawn tank but with my luck all they'll do is flare and beat the snot out of each other.

    4. Sarah


      Well good luck then.. sounds as if you need it. ;P

  18. They are in general but I would still be iffy about putting them with cherry shrimp, even the most peaceful fish will try to take them on, even if it's only the babies. I have ghost shrimp and true SAE in my community tank and they seem alright but my SAE's are still tiny and ghost shrimp are huge compared to RCS. Suppose you could try it? Also depends if you have true SAE. I doubt algae pellets would have enough calcium, I just use it because I do have a rather large population of shrimp. Best off getting a food designed for shrimp, like Hikari or some other brand.
  19. They like a lot of cover like moss and stuff to climb on like driftwood and rocks. They'll eat anything, some people don't feed them at all. Idealy you should get a food that will give them the calcium they need. I feed them Hikari shrimp cuisine once a week, otherwise they get any scraps the Betta happens to miss. I sometimes give them a small bit of algae pellet or flake food. I would not trust a Siamese algae eater with shrimp. Pretty much the only shrimp safe fish are dwarf rasbora. You can add in other small tetra/rasbora once your population is steady, you will likely lose a few here and there though. The shrimp are out a lot more when there's no fish around and at feeding time. At any particular moment I might be able to count 20 shrimp, come feeding time I can usually count up to the 50s. Aside from that, they get no special treatment from me and are doing great.
  20. I think it's got something to do with the black gravel being high in calcium.. Not 100% on 'why' just know that some of it does raise pH.
  21. You have to worry about black gravel raising your pH, make sure it doesn't before you add it in.
  22. Dario Dario MAJOR WANT. I wonder if she ships those to Sydney haha.. Do you know the price? Oh man I wish I could go to QLD just to see this shop.
  23. One of my Rutilans is showing aggressive behaviour to the other Rutilan. I wonder what's brought on this sudden change...

    1. fishbites


      maybe ready to spawn and the other isn't? wishful thinking :)

    2. Yanagi


      Wishful thinking indeed lol

  24. I have a problem. I want to plant and 'play' but I've run out of tanks and room for tanks. :( I also think I have a sinus infection.. yayme.

  25. The answer is... N/A. You cannot have two male fighters in together. I got away with 2 sibling juvenile males in a 4ft for several months, then the submissive one started getting damage and I removed him. For other fish with fighters, depends on the fishes personality. Some will kill their tankmates, others couldn't care less. Also depends on their finnage. Long fins tend to get fins eaten by tetra, rasbora, barbs, etc. I keep a Plakat male with dwarf gouramis of various species, yoyo loaches, tetra (ember and serpae), Blue Rams, Cories, etc. Aim for peaceful tankmates and slower moving, calm fish for tankmates.
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